Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's No Joke

It's no joke. It looks more like Christmas around here than Easter. We awoke this morning to this sight out our window. Lovely, huh? Maybe for December, but not for April! Happy April Fool's Day to us. What a bad joke.

Keep in mind that our snow had been gone for weeks, our grass had begun to turn green, and our bulbs were starting to come up. That all took a backseat to the snow today. Instead, it was a regular winter wonderland outside. Here's my view walking to work. A whole hillside of snow.

The only good part to all of the snow was that it cleaned off all of the mud from our cars. That story will have to wait for another post.

1 comment:

Aunt said...

Carrie, your Grandma Bert used to wake us up on April 1 and tell us we had a snow worked the first time. We were pretty young at the time.