Saturday, July 4, 2009

Our Blog-o-versary

Happy blog-o-versary to us! Today marks one year since we entered the blogging world. Remember this? It was our very first post. Since that time, we've posted 107 times, or an average of once every 3-3.5 days. Just think...that's 107 glimpses into our lives that you may not have had without this blog. We think it was a wise move to start one, but now we're just waiting for more of our families and friends to start a blog, so we can all stay better connected.

We hope you are all enjoying the 4th of July. It's been a pretty low-key day for us, which is nice. We watched the fireworks last night in our town as they always do them before the 4th and never on the 4th. Don't ask. I don't understand it. We enjoyed a meal with friends today as well.

On a completely different note, it's hay baling time here in town. Look at how beautiful the hay looks in the field with the mountains. I love landscape beauty.

And this was a new sight to us- hay bales Stonehenge style.

Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend!

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