Sunday, June 17, 2012

Identical yet Individual

During the March collection of "Wipes and Onesies" at the school, one thoughtful Trinity family made special onesies for our boys. They assured us that our boys were sure to be unique individuals, and yet the "copy & paste" idea was just too tempting to resist for identical twins. We loved their creative idea and had great plans for a cute photo shoot. We quickly learned, however, that it is quite difficult to get both boys to pose well simultaneously. The photo shoot ended up being a great source of laughter for us all, culminating in a very wet diaper for Jaden that leaked all over his new shirt. Because the event was such a humorous one, we thought we'd post all the pics so you could see the same humorous expressions that we witnessed. Jaden, as the first-arriving twin, is wearing the "copy" shirt. Thank you, Barrie family, for these adorable shirts!

Because our boys are identical, two regular questions that we have been asked are: "Can you tell them apart?" and "What differences in their personalities have you noticed?" During their 2 short weeks of life outside the womb, here is what we've observed so far...

JADEN: has a longer head/face shape, was born smaller but is presently the larger twin, has a strong grip, is a better feeder, loves to be snuggled with his head at your shoulder, cries mainly because of a specific concern, typically more even-tempered, loves to have his hands by his face

CODY: currently the smaller of the two, has a rounder head, loves to be snuggled tightly and held close to one's chest, often goes into a hyper-alert state with extra-wide eyes, doesn't feed as well because he latches on/off/on/off/etc. as if he's worried that he's going to miss something

We'll be interested to hear thoughts from others about our boys' individual qualities as Jaden and Cody meet more of our family and friends in the coming months. We praise God for our identical, and yet unique, little boys!

1 comment:

  1. My newborn pictures of N2 looked the same as well. Unfortunately it doesn't get much easier from there. One will look good in the photo and the other will have a terrible look on his/her face. When they are swaddled, it's easier to get them in a picture together! I did a LOT of photoshopping to get good pictures of them together to send out. Now I generally manage to get one good one in the midst of many not so good ones!
