Showing posts with label neon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neon. Show all posts

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Life's Tough

Hey There!  It's been busy, busy around here since Fall weather has decided to make an appearance a tad earlier than normal.  The chill in the air and and just under 40 degree mornings means we've been kicking it in to high gear to make sure the farm is prepared.  It makes for long days and a tired body at night that is for sure.  But I still have managed creative time and have back logged projects to share, so let's get to that shall we?

This page was created for ScrapFX and documents my baby girl's concussion she received playing softball, much to her dismay - ha!  The release of medical stuff from ScrapFX was perfect for my family sadly - yeesh.  We are a bit of an accident waiting to happen with two very active teens, a hubby that works with police dogs, and well you get the idea. ;)

I'm pretty smitten with the newer Ripples Stencil (2014155) and used it here to start off my background with some paste.  I thought it'd give the feeling of being dizzy you know??  Once it was dry I went over it with some paint and then added some stamping with the Spiral Spots Stamps (2014153)  to further the feeling.  The Life's Tough (2014183) wordlet was painted black and then splattered with some colored string gel.  I think it's definitely symbolic of all the chaos we were feeling at the time.  The string gel is also used throughout the page in other spots.

Here you can see one of those medical pieces in action.  This piece is from the ironically titled Ouch Pack (2014165).  I think it's kind of adorable for an ouch piece and would be perfect for little booboos on toddler type pages, etc.  But my big girl deserved it too. ;) 

Another piece from the Ouch pack and lots and lots of stars to compliment the ones on the other ouch piece.  I'm so glad I picked up a bunch of those mini stars ions ago when they were on clearance at Ms.  They're terrific to splatter on a page every now and then, a big mess to do so, but worth it. :D

So yeah life can be tough when you're a teen and catch a concussion playing the sport you love, but you live through it, your mom scraps it, and then you die a thousands deaths because gasp! the whole world is going to see the picture you already posted on FB.  LOL.  Ahh well, what'cha going to do??

I hope you all have beautiful days!  I'm off to do more chores on the farm and delight in the fact that the sun is at least shining.  Take care and remember ScrapFX is still having their DT call!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Skissedilla 230 - A Dad and His Girl

Its a new month and that means a new sketch up at Skissedilla for December.  This month the lovely Laetitia gave us a cool sketch to use, check it out:
Really rather cool and funky, right?
I wasn't quite sure what I'd do with my take at first but once I slapped some paste down through my new Circles and Squares ScrapFX stencil and had my picture it all just kind of came together through some picking over of bits my stash.  

I've been waiting to scrap this photo for a couple years now and I'm so glad its finally done.  This ScrapFX wordlet was perfect for it and adding some Amy Tangerine vellum stickers as a subtitle was a fun addition to lead in to some simple and quick journaling about the day. 

I do hope you take a quick time out from your festivities this month and join us at Skissedilla to play along with the sketch.  You could get some of those Christmas past memories scrapped while you're feeling festive or get a jump start on the present ones being captured - or like me just scrap the everyday.  Regardless I'd love to see you there!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Neon!! + ScrapFX = FUN!!

Hey Friends!  I've been immersed in so many projects - its wonderful!  My table has been messed up and cleaned up numerous times today - so can't keep plowing through a mess - what about you?  Do you clean up after each project? Plow through?  Clean as you go??....gasp! (<---I've tried this one and it doesn't work well for me - I'm a go with the flow, pull everything you own out, kind of girl - yep, that's me!)

One of my favorite projects to work on was for Michelle's Neon Challenge being held on Yvonne Yam's blogMichelle has wonderful posts about her love of neon - you should totally check them out - and I have to say I've got a soft spot in my heart for the stuff as well - I loved getting decked out in all my gear when I was a tween - although I wasn't called a tween - we didn't have that label way back then - as my kids would say - for me, its like yesterday because everywhere I go in stores I see it!

Not entirely pleased with my neon selection I ran to the store - scored some terrifically fun neon gel crayons (Crayola) - colored through circle stencil (Crafter's Workshop) to create first layer - these crayons are COOL! - they glided across the cardstock like butter - left cool chunky rings around the edges - stenciled again using black ink to create arrows - this was cumbersome - worth it - but cumbersome!!! -  the black tag is from ScrapFX - more on those in a different post because I REALLY like them!
My daughter is all all over the neon craze right now - I was informed its very fashionable right now - she about dropped her jaw when I said I used to wear stuff that pretty much looked just like what she wants - oh the horror!!!! - Nah, its all good, baby girl says I look cute in ev'rything - she's the sweetest girl in the world!!!

Do you see that title??!!  Oh how it sparkles and shines - photos just don't do it justice - that's a ScrapFX wordlet chippie!!  Keep your eyes peeled on the ScrapFX blog this month because I'll be posting a quick and easy tutorial on how to create this look - there are even tiny confetti star pieces on it!!  Do you spy the other ScrapFX tag I used?? - the circle edge - love!
It felt good to knock out another LO from our Disney trip in 2006 - the album will be done in true freestyle/eclectic fashion - just the way I like it - ready for the full page?

So while I was at the Do More With Less blog checking out the neon challenge, I read post after post - Yvonne has an amazing amount of tips and beautiful projects to share - one tip I used and will be adding to my arsenal was using bubble wrap as a layer - I use it all the time to stamp - why hadn't I thought about layering it???! - Thanks Yvonne!!  Such a happy person I was - this totally toned down my background enough to let the rest of the layers shine! - And of course thanks Michelle for the super fun challenge!
I'll let you all know when my ScrapFX post with the tutorial goes live - in the meantime go leave my fellow teamies love - they are knockin' it outta the park!!!