Showing posts with label Dylusions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dylusions. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Smitten with Stamping

Hi Sweetie Peeps!  Hope this middle of the week is bringing you joy.  In my world we're experiencing chilly temps, bouts of sunshine in between some cloudy days, and pretty much falling back in to the schedule of school/sports/etc..  There is much work to do getting stuff done around here but I was inspired by Ronda Palazzari, through Instagram, and by the new release of foam stamps by ScrapFX to make time for myself and create something every day.

As this close up says - do something.... no matter how much or how little.  Just do something.  It isn't easy to get in this habit but I'm trying my best.  I can think of a zillion other things I could/should be doing but when it comes down to it after I create I'm a better person.  I'm calmer, more grounded, and ready to tackle those zillion things.  So I guess I'm taking the time to say I'm worth it and allowing myself the sanity.  What about you?  Have you noticed this about yourself after creating?  Do you think you're worth it?  I do.  The housework will always be there, but your state of mind and being is something to care for peeps.  Real talk. 
Some days I just play and art journal.  These are the new foam ScrapFX Feather Stamps - can we say smitten?  I think so.  All I did on this day was stamp, stamp, and prep a journal background.  No clue what I was going to do - just playing - and it was FUN! 

And from my playtime spurs ideas - this is what I'm finding so neat - because I'm not pushing myself so hard to come up with the next big thing my brain is freely open.  I'll be honest in sharing its been a bit since I've felt this loose and carefree in my creating.  Its easy to get caught up in what might be eye catching and I felt like I was losing myself - it was almost uncomfortable to create - a struggle!  Am I the only one who has felt this?

You cannot grow without practicing.  Some things will turn out lovely, others not so much, but practicing is key to growth - making time for that practice beyond the DT pages, or challenge entries, or, or, or is even more key.  I've A LOT of disasters in a baggie that I use to hack up in to bits - haha - they are hideous as whole pieces but sometimes when cut down, punched out, they can work. ;)

A huge thing I desire to grow in and am practicing is my lettering.  I adore letters, being a former early childhood teacher and all how could I not, right? and my printing is something I'm proud of.  I worked on perfecting it for years, thanks to my third grade teacher who had the best printing eva'!!  Shout out to Mrs. Vinton wherever you are, thank you for instilling the love of outstanding printing in me.  But when it comes to other fonts and such I lack.  So I bought the book Creative Lettering - it is marvelous - and I dove in to practice.  This piece is totally inspired by Lori Vliegen of Elvie Studio.  I've longed admired her lettering and work so it was a natural draw to try my hand at her way of doing things.  I know as I go along I'll gain more of my own style and spin on things but for now I practice.  What are you wanting to learn/practicing?

Whatever it may be I say let go of your fears & soar!  You have nothing to lose but everything to gain!!

And that my dear readers is my post for you today.  Some of the above closeups are up in full on the ScrapFX blog right now and if you'd like to see them I'd love to have you visit and let me know what you think.

Thanks so very much for stopping by today, take good care!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Summer Haps and a ScrapFX Canvas

Hi There!  Boy oh boy its been hot, hot, hot and you know what??  I'm not complaining one wee bit.  I'll take this heat over being cold any day for real.  

My little chickadee, a.k.a niece, was here for some days along with my nephew, and we had to make a shopping run to get some things for while they were here.  On top of the list were foam water blasters for keeping cool!!! The bean bag in the back was already set to be bought for my daughter's room ;)

Bubbles were a must have as well!!!  And yes my lil' chickadee is wearing mittens in this photo - ha! 

And you know what? Having a big cousin with a job is totally cool because when you hit up the mall (this was on the day we picked them up because there isn't one in our area) he not only gets himself a hat but he gets you one too!!  So proud of my guy.  It was the perfect thing to have for watching the soccer game big cuz' was in later that evening. 

So yeah it was totally fun having these kiddos here with us for just under a week - really bummed to see them go.  My baby girl went with them to help watch the Chickadee while her mama works throughout the rest of July and then they are all moving to South Carolina. :(  Thank goodness we'll see them lots before that time!!  

So it seems appropriate that today I share with my full reveal of the canvas I made recently for ScrapFX using lots of the mini chippies and tons of their alphas.  My niece and nephew are definitely sunshine to my day and having them here was absolutely delightful.

To see more detail on this canvas and the products used you can check out the full reveal here.

Thanks so much for letting me share some pictures and memories of whats been going down around here, along with a scrappy project - how has your summer been??  

I'll see you in a just bit with new things and a re-energized outlook on blogging!!!  I can hardly wait to share all I've been thinking of and I hope you'll be looking forward to it too!!

Take good care sweetie peeps!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Welcoming July with Open Arms!

Hi There!  Its July, can you believe it? Summer is flying by - here in my neck of the woods we're just finally getting the taste of it!! 
Much of June looked this:

Ominous skies looming over head and blowing in quite quickly.  This would happen all throughout the day off and on, day and night.  For the last two throughout June. Boo.
With this to follow:

Sheets of hard rain, along with high winds and hail at times, would come from those skies, lasting in various time frames.  Leaving pools of water and messes everywhere.  Heat and humidity would come after.  Just when you thought it was safe to go and do something - another wave would come in. Sigh.....
To say we've been cooped up would be an understatement.  We've dealt with terrible storms off and on for a couple weeks, horrendous winds, flash flood warnings, and it goes on.  The farm fields around our house did indeed flood - poor farmers, our ceilings sprung leaks, kennels are slop holes - poor dogs, and our basement is flooded as well.  Good thing its really not used since our house is a 100+ year farm house and the floors down there are dirt - yes dirt! - Its a mess. 

But with all messes and yuck - you find the good, right? 

In between storms this happened:

My boy has been holding it down at a new job and really lovin' the fact he is earning his own income.  When we were out strolling around town one day after dropping his sis off at softball practice he surprised me by taking me out for an ice cream!  It was so lovely to spend time with my almost 17 year old on a date. :)

And of course there has been oodles of crafting going on since we haven't been able to get out much!

Lots of ScrapFX chippies were used on this creation along with a stencil on the canvas.  Other than that she is made up of oodles of bits and pieces of found items that had been laying around my space for far too long!
I showed you a sneaky peek of this little Fairy Art Doll creation in my last post and since then the reveal was posted the ScrapFX blog so I can share her here now.  Kind of funky and different - totally fun to create.  To get more details on how she was created you can head on over to the full reveal post by clinking here

She shares a post with this creation: 

I cannot tell you how much I love the mini ScrapFX chipboard pieces!!  They really are so versatile for all sorts of crafty projects.  You should seriously put a bug in your favorite crafty store's ear about carrying ScrapFX products!!  Its really very easy for them to get started!
A mixed media canvas based on one of my favorite songs I used to sing to my kiddos when they were itty bits!!  To see the full reveal of this creation I'd love for you to go here and let me know what you think. 

Well that is all for today, I'll be back again soon as I've so much to share now that our internet is up consistently with sunny skies in the forecast for some days!!  Hooray!  Bring on summer please. :)

Take good care and have wonderful Mondays!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tag You're It!!

Hey Sweet Peeps!  It has been WAY too long since I've been here - my word its a new month and everything!!  Life has been crazy busy and adjusting to all that is going on has left me with little time to blog any haps!  Really need to change that - perhaps blogger mobile is in order??  Anyone use that to actually post blogs?  If you do do you like it?

So I totally loved the game of tag when I was kid - I was a little speed demon in torn tights and black patent leather shoes - oh yeah! Seriously hated those things - but I still do love a good game of tag - these days instead of running it involves all sorts of messy goodness on actual tags!

I was soo super excited to receive my package from Simon Says Stamp the other day because it contained some of the Dylusions Ink Sprays released this past CHA!!!  Eek, I've been wanting these for a LONG time, like since I saw Dyan Reaveley's blog.  I was very much attracted to her use of bright colors and wished she had more of her Dylusions line available in the States - wish come true and this tag shows off how awesome the colors are!!  The oranges and yellows are Dylusions complimented by some VersaColor ink.  I'll be posting some more detailed shots on my Instagram feed soon - I know I should know how to tell you where you can find it, but I don't, LOL!!  So your best bet would be to find me on FB.

When I get new supplies or I'm feeling stuck in a rut I turn to tags for playtime.  Anything goes.  If it works - great - if it turns in to a disaster - great.  I can still use my mistakes later to punch shapes from, cut strips for journaling, or cover it all up with gesso and really start over.

I went a little out of my comfort zone and ordered up the Dear Lizzy Neopolitan 6x6 pad.  The colors of the actual paper are a bit too light for my typical taste but I was smitten over the patterns.  So I decided I'd blend the patterns and colors I love to see what happened.  Taking on a suggestion from a dear friend at SNR I gave watercolors a go for a creative boost.  I dipped my brush in my watercolors (I use the Blick brand liquid watercolors and will never look back!) and then in a bit of PearlEx - oh my color me happy!!!!  I wish you could see the shimmer on this tag!!!  I will definitely be playing with this combo again.  I added gesso through some type of hardware tape.

I think for tonight I'm going to stick with my game of tag - there are plenty of challenges I want to play along and My Sketch World is having the all time member favorite ABC crop (you should go check it out, lots of fun!) - but I need some new techniques/ideas/muse/mojo/whatever you want to call it to meet those challenges.  I've been really comfortable for sometime and am itchin' for some new pick me ups.  I'll keep you posted on any fabulous findings.  

What have you been playing with lately technique or product wise??