Hi Sweetie Peeps! Hope this middle of the week is bringing you joy. In my world we're experiencing chilly temps, bouts of sunshine in between some cloudy days, and pretty much falling back in to the schedule of school/sports/etc.. There is much work to do getting stuff done around here but I was inspired by Ronda Palazzari, through Instagram, and by the new release of foam stamps by ScrapFX to make time for myself and create something every day.
As this close up says - do something.... no matter how much or how little. Just do something. It isn't easy to get in this habit but I'm trying my best. I can think of a zillion other things I could/should be doing but when it comes down to it after I create I'm a better person. I'm calmer, more grounded, and ready to tackle those zillion things. So I guess I'm taking the time to say I'm worth it and allowing myself the sanity. What about you? Have you noticed this about yourself after creating? Do you think you're worth it? I do. The housework will always be there, but your state of mind and being is something to care for peeps. Real talk.
Some days I just play and art journal. These are the new foam ScrapFX Feather Stamps - can we say smitten? I think so. All I did on this day was stamp, stamp, and prep a journal background. No clue what I was going to do - just playing - and it was FUN!
And from my playtime spurs ideas - this is what I'm finding so neat - because I'm not pushing myself so hard to come up with the next big thing my brain is freely open. I'll be honest in sharing its been a bit since I've felt this loose and carefree in my creating. Its easy to get caught up in what might be eye catching and I felt like I was losing myself - it was almost uncomfortable to create - a struggle! Am I the only one who has felt this?
You cannot grow without practicing. Some things will turn out lovely, others not so much, but practicing is key to growth - making time for that practice beyond the DT pages, or challenge entries, or, or, or is even more key. I've A LOT of disasters in a baggie that I use to hack up in to bits - haha - they are hideous as whole pieces but sometimes when cut down, punched out, they can work. ;)
A huge thing I desire to grow in and am practicing is my lettering. I adore letters, being a former early childhood teacher and all how could I not, right? and my printing is something I'm proud of. I worked on perfecting it for years, thanks to my third grade teacher who had the best printing eva'!! Shout out to Mrs. Vinton wherever you are, thank you for instilling the love of outstanding printing in me. But when it comes to other fonts and such I lack. So I bought the book Creative Lettering - it is marvelous - and I dove in to practice. This piece is totally inspired by Lori Vliegen of Elvie Studio. I've longed admired her lettering and work so it was a natural draw to try my hand at her way of doing things. I know as I go along I'll gain more of my own style and spin on things but for now I practice. What are you wanting to learn/practicing?
Whatever it may be I say let go of your fears & soar! You have nothing to lose but everything to gain!!
And that my dear readers is my post for you today. Some of the above closeups are up in full on the ScrapFX blog right now and if you'd like to see them I'd love to have you visit and let me know what you think.
Thanks so very much for stopping by today, take good care!