Showing posts with label DT call 2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DT call 2016. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Sassy Studios DESIGN TEAM CALL!!!!!

It's that time of year again...Design Team Call Out!
So if you want to join in the SSD team we are looking for a few new Sassy Sisters (or brothers) to join our team.

What would be expected...
This will be a 6 month term starting April 1 to Oct. 1, 2016

We will have releases once a month every month usually on the 3rd Saturday of each month that weekend will be release party weekend. You will required to participate in the Release parties to the best of your ability (I say that because I understand we have international fans as well adjust different time zones here in the US so I am understanding to that)

For each release you will receive all of the images being released in return you will have to create 1 project for each image unless otherwise specified (if we have a large release I'll cut the numbers)

On occasion if we have a special bonus release you will also receive all of the images from that release but will only be required to create 1 project for it and if you do more you can earn more free images for it.

You will be required to participate in Challenges each month they will be assigned so you will know in advance as well as our many sponsorships. Our goal is to share the workload and make sure there are samples of all of our images and for all of our challenges and events. They will be assigned as to make sure it is spread out evenly and to give you advance notice of what you are to do, however you are always welcome to go above and beyond and create more projects and participate in more challenges and events if you wish

 You must post on Facebook and your Personal Blog and to start you off you will be provided 5 SSD images of your choosing so everyone on the team has something to start with
You will also get a 30% discount on all images you wish to purchase above and beyond what you are given for free.

So...How do you apply...
Email me at
give me a basic bio on you... Name, Location, How long have you been crafting, Your Design Team Experience, and Why you want to be a part of SSD
and don't forget to include links to your blog and any online galleries
With this email Show me what you've got! Send me images of no more than 6 projects you have done they can be card's scrapbook layouts, digital layouts, 3-D projects etc.... However at least one of the projects must use an SSD image, any SSD image of your choosing.
The Deadline to get your submissions in is MARCH 19, 2016 at Midnight PST.

So good luck Happy crafting, and I can't wait to see what you all come up with!