This year I bought two pumpkins. Usually, I like to keep the pumpkins through Thanksgiving because they are nice decorations to have all Fall...I REALLY like to spread out that $4.00 I spent on a pumpkin...but this year, Patric and I decided that Josh might appreciate carving pumpkins. I went out and bought one of those pumpkin carving sets that comes with a bunch of patterns. Josh picked out the haunted house and I picked out the owl. Poor Patric didn't get to make a choice, and he got to do most of the work.
First Patric opened up the pumpkins. (Side story--While Patric was on his mission, the first time he encountered a pumpkin, his companion opened the pumpkin and had Patric put his hand inside of it with his eyes closed. He passed that onto Josh.) And then Josh and him scooped out all the pumpkin guts. I had to man the camera...of course...

Josh got pretty bored with it while we were carving them out...and now I remember why I don't really like carving pumpkins! My arms were tired! He did like to play with the guts a bit.

(Side note--my camera has been acting funny lately...the camera won't take pictures in auto focus mode and sometimes in manual focus it doesn't take pictures in focus...ugh! But I was playing with other functions and found a black and white function!)

He is zoned out.

Im sure I stopped his fun...hence the scowl.

Not the greatest picture of my owl, but Patric's house turned out pretty good!
So there is the fun of pumpkin carving for 2010.
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