
Self-satisfaction as an enrichment of the sex life

woman masturbationSelf-satisfaction is not a poor substitute for the love of the game with a partner, but an enrichment of the sex life.

And yet is the "Quickie" when masturbating frequently Standard: It quickly get behind him, most do not even take off their clothes and just can not catch it. Time to take the fewest women and men.

Most were in their childhood and youth panic afraid to be discovered: Suddenly, the door opened, and the mother sees herself as one "befummelt" - a nightmare. That is why many people masturbate only with very strong sexual pressure.

But it is also with pleasure: It is a lot of time, make it cozy, maybe with a nice music, pleasant lighting, scented candles, fresh bed linen or a special massage oil - this may be the first step to love playing with himself too, an erotic book to read or view a video, is often staggering.

True Lust encompasses all the senses, the sex therapist to confirm again and again: See, hear, taste, smell - all that has influence on the sensuality and sexuality. Especially for women, the atmosphere plays a big role, especially when they first meet itself.

The voice of the best girlfriend on the answering machine or the family in front of the door can be an absolute pleasure killers. Women - and men - should be a peaceful place and time for self-satisfaction, and choose to create a pleasant trappings.

Orgasm from above

orgasm"Good sex is like Ascension Day": It was a Franciscan brother in Poland are tips for a fulfilling sex life - as long as the couples are married and deeply devout sind.In Knotz Ksawery Poland is now almost a media star. That did not like him, says the bearded Franciscan Father. For a moment, even the smile disappears from his face, when he must comment that he is now the "Kamasutra monk" or "sex-priest" is called. The 43-year-old has written books on love in marriage is written, and he works for the site "chance encounters" (www.szansaspotkania.net), a virtual Sexratgeber for couples, which the Polish Franciscan have. The tips of the priest for a fulfilling sex life prints now a tabloid newspaper, he gives seminars and receives a desperate married couple to couple therapy.

Polish newspapers now often used by its successes, and quote extensively his sheep: "Since we were Ksawery Father, is my wife a gun in the bed", said about one only with first names called engineer. His wife adds: "After 18 years of marriage, I had the first orgasm."

The Father is the market scream unlieb entrepreneurial success stories. People dächten then, there were only about sexual techniques, he says. A foreign magazine even wrote that Knotz seminars on a T-shirt with the words "sex coach" bears - which, of course, was fictitious.

Like many Eastern European countries, Poland since the fall of the Iron Curtain has been flooded with Sexratgebern. At each kiosk at each station, there is Sexpostillen, sex movies and condoms, the private television broadcasts soft. And the careers of politicians it does not harm if they make sexist slogans.

Prudish society is long gone. Only isolated fulminate conservative pastor from the pulpit against sexual excesses, but investigations by the Social Institute of the Catholic Church show that the majority of Poland such warnings are ignored. This is probably one reason why the bishops to grant leave Franciscan: He hears it at least. And the Upper Church is currently looking for a recipe especially against the fact that so many young people turn away from religion.

Thus, Father Ksawery freely answering questions which you previously a priest would have never asked. In his courses and books have love techniques as well as space observations on the anatomy of men and women. This is paradoxical: it is precisely caused the Polish Church, with its opposition to the sex education that this knowledge in schools is too short.

Pray for good sex

The Father presupposes, however, that his seminar participants believed deeply interrelated and are married. From his experience as a pastor he knew that these people are often jammed. So he says to the opening of his courses very directly: "Sexuality is a gift from God!" And: "Good sex is like Ascension."

Because of problems with spouses, he makes the same causes as psychotherapists: a lack of communication and empathy. The blockades of the people he wants to help overcome. One way for him is the internal reflection, "Yes, we may the Lord for good sex please," he says.

Also, too much sex for Knotz no sin. Wrong Sex are. It was not possible that men are not on the needs of women received, he says. Sin, it was also, without any medical reason for an extended period of time the spouse to deny, without using this to talk about. So are his books advertised as Sexfibeln more attempts, the sex lives of humans in the divine creation of each plan.

Knotz even goes so far as to married couples to have sex to motivate: "It is God's will that people be happy." But he advises against the routine in bed fighting for. A romantic atmosphere is important, says the priest, it would be essential oils or incense help. Spouses should be mutually surprised and captivated - like with erotic lingerie. Only on the question of tools such as whips and shackles, and he reacts unwilling replied that both partners have a deep encounter with each other should aspire. These include a long foreplay.

Father Ksawery is often asked where his creative knowledge, as he himself indeed the celibacy compliance. He then tells of his experience as a couple therapist. Also you should not do everything on his own intuition to know: "Even a heart surgeon has survived a heart attack so do not have to do the job well."


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Apakah Perbedaan diantara Libido Wanita dibandingkan dengan Pria?

Libido Wanita dibandingkan dengan PriaBerdasarkan penelitian, hanya kurang dari separuh wanita berusia 30 tahun yang menginginkan seks secara reguler. Sementara itu, libido laki-laki tak terpengaruh oleh lamanya relationship, termasuk dalam pernikahan.

Demikian menurut sebuah jurnal kesehatan yang menyebutkan bahwa perbedaan ini merupakan bagian dari bagaimana manusia mengalami evoluasi. Seorang lelaki memiliki libido yang stabil bisa jadi disebabkan oleh persaingan sifat dengan sesama lelaki untuk sama-sama melindungi perempuan.

Para peneliti dari Rumah Sakit Universitas Hamburg Eppendorf telah mewawancarai 530 pria dan wanita untuk penelitian ini. Hasilnya, 60 persen dari perempuan berusia 30-an tahun menginginkan hubungan seks lebih sering pada awal-awal perkenalan (pernikahan). Tapi dalam masa empat tahun, angka tersebut cenderung menurun hingga di bawah 50 persen.

Lebih lanjut menurut jurnal tersebut, perempuan mengalami evolusi sedemikian rupa sehingga memiliki dorongan seksual tinggi justru ketika mereka baru berkenalan. Mengapa begitu? Ini merupakan tahap awal untuk membentuk apa yang disebut pair bond atau perikatan dengan pasangannya. Nah, ketika hubungan sudah mulai cair, libido perempuan turun. Kemungkinan lain, perempuan membatasi hasrat seksual justru untuk menggoda atau memancing gairah pasangannya.

Home Theater – One way to bring closer your family members!

There are many things couples or families can do together to enhance their relationship and at the same time improve the quality, from the simplest thing like touching and holding, enjoying tea time, watching your family favorite movie together to traveling aboard, so the activities involved can be done directly from your home to anywhere in the world.

Being together is one thing many families in current days are lacking of. Couples and families on these days meet only in the morning before everyone gets busy and again at night when everyone has already been exhausted from the whole day’s activities. What you need is to create an environment where you and your spouse, or family members willing to sit and having fun together. A home theater is one way to bring such environment to the whole family.

These days, even home theater can be very sophisticated, sure you can pick just a very simple system but if you can afford why not bring the most extraordinary, the best quality for the whole family. What you need is to find a home theater Company that can set up the home theater system in your home; this will involve from designing and installing audio, video and controlling the theater system.

Please also make sure that the home theater company you are going to hire for your project is not only showing interest during the installation but also will provide you ongoing support. Doc Greene Sr. is a Houston Home Theater company that have been known as Houston's choice for luxury home theater, whole house audio-video, and home automation. This Company, according to its website has started since 1994, brings years of experience to assist you to build your own home theater system.

Another Company is ProConvergence, a Dallas Home Theater Company; specialize from the simplest to extraordinary home theater, offering a wide variety of applications and budgets. As the whole point of setting up this home theater is to bring closer the family members, you and your loved one, be assured that the end result is an easy to use and reliable home theater system where every member of the family is really enjoying their time there.


Semoga Awet dan Mesra Selalu Berkat Ciuman!

art of kissing, CiumanApa yang paling dibutuhkan saat berciuman? Kemampuan mencium dan chemistry, tentunya. Jika keduanya tidak Anda miliki, ciuman pun akan terasa hambar. Sebelum Anda mulai melancarkan ciuman Anda, pastikan Anda mengetahui empat kesalahan yang sering terjadi saat berciuman.

Ciuman yang kasar, sebuah ciuman seharusnya dilakukan dengan lembut dan penuh perasaan, atau panas dan penuh gairah. Namun, bukan seperti sedang diterkam oleh binatang buas, ini pada umumnya dan tentunya lain cerita jika pasangan anda yang memintanya.

Ciuman yang hambar, sebuah ciuman tidak harus "basah", tetapi juga jangan hanya menyentuh bibir begitu saja. Libatkan sedikit lidah Anda. Jika pasangan tampak ragu mengirimkan ciumannya, dan Anda ingin memastikan apakah ia memang berniat mencium Anda, tunjukkan antusiasme Anda.

Ciuman yang bikin ilfil (karena bau mulut, tidak susah menghilangkan bau mulut. Makan permen mint atau permen karet, atau gosoklah gigi Anda. Mendapati cabai yang terselip di gigi juga sama sekali enggak bikin turn on. Bila mungkin, hindari makanan atau minuman yang bisa menimbulkan bau, jika Anda memang akan bertemu si dia.

Ciuman yang salah sasaran, ciuman di pipi atau di kening memang bisa membuat Anda merasa disayangi. Namun, jika memang bermaksud mencium bibir, ciumlah bibirnya, bukan dagu, hidung, atau pipinya, apalagi jika ditambah dengan permainan lidah yang meninggalkan liur di sekujur muka. Jadi sedikit lebih ahli Anda sekarang didalam hal menciumi pasangan, semoga awet dan mesra selalu berkat ciuman!


Mengenali Titik Sensitif Wanita

Titik Sensitif WanitaSikap yang agresif di atas ranjang ditambah ereksi yang sempurna ternyata belum cukup untuk membuat pasangan "mengintip" indahnya surga saat orgasme. Bila Anda ingin membuat gairah si dia lebih terbakar sekaligus cepat mencapai orgasme, kenalilah titik-titik sensitifnya. Dijamin ia akan meminta lagi dan lagi.

Bagian wajah
Bibir, bagian ini kaya akan saraf yang sensitif bila disentuh. Menurut ajaran Tantra, ada saraf yang menghubungkan bibir atas langsung dengan klitoris. Bibir juga bisa dimanfaatkan untuk menjelajah seluruh bagian tubuhnya.

Hidung dan mata
Sama seperti skrotum (kantung buah pelir) bila disentuh dengan lembut kulit kelopak mata juga menghasilkan sensasi yang hampir sama. Usap lembut hidung pasangan dengan hidung Anda, lalu perlahan kecup lembut bibirnya. Lalukan dengan intens dan perlahan.

Area leher memiliki tingkat sensitif yang tak kalah dalam menyulut saraf sensualnya. Bagian belakang leher juga memiliki ujung-ujung saraf yang jumlahnya ribuan.

Payudara dan puting
Entah dengan dihisap, dijilat, diusap, atau diremas lembut, bagian tubuh ini membantu meningkatkan gairah seksual.

Paha bagian dalam
Belai lembut atau basahi dengan lidah Anda untuk membuatnya langsung turn on.

Area antara pusar dan tulang pubik penuh dengan titik-titik kenikmatan. Mengaktifkan titik-titik ini merangsang mengalirnya darah ke seluruh daerah pubik.

Bagian depan bantalan empuk jaringan mons veneris yang terletak sekitar 5 cm di atas klitoris penuh ujung saraf. Menyentuh bagian ini dengan jari tangan dapat membangkitkan sensasi dan meningkatkan orgasme.

Catatan soal Masturbasi

MasturbasiBanyak pria menyalurkan hasrat seksualnya melalui masturbasi. Meski begitu, banyak mitos yang beredar soal masturbasi. Cari tahu mana yang benar.

1. Masturbasi sangat normal
Para pria kerap berpikir telah melakukan cara "aneh" saat beronani, padahal tidak. "Setiap pria punya cara masturbasi. Ada yang pakai tangan, menggosokkan kelamin ke suatu benda, perlu alat bantu seks, memakai pakaian khusus, berfantasi, melihat buku/majalah, bahkan sambil bercermin," kata Martha Cornog, penulis The Big Book of Masturbation.

2. Masturbasi sangat aman, meski tidak seluruhnya
Masturbasi memang tidak menularkan penyakit seksual, tetapi bukan jaminan aman juga. Masturbasi yang kasar, kulit penis bisa iritasi. Kebiasaan masturbasi sambil telungkup, dengan bantal, atau karpet di bawahnya, bisa mencederai saluran kemih. Ini bisa membuat keluarnya urine seperti menyembur dan sulit dikontrol.

3. Seks sendiri bisa memberi tenaga super
Melakukan seks sendiri bisa membuat pria lebih mampu merespons rangsangan seksualnya sendiri, apa yang terasa enak dan tidak enak baginya. Dengan begitu, pria akan lebih baik dalam menjelaskan kepada pasangannya bagaimana dia ingin disentuh.

4. Berisiko kanker prostat
Studi tahun 2004 yang dipublikasikan dalam The Journal of the American Medical Association melaporkan bahwa frekuensi ejakulasi tidak terkait dengan meningkatnya risiko kanker prostat. Frekuensi ejakulasi ini meliputi hubungan seksual dan masturbasi.

Hasil penelitian yang dipublikasikan dalam BJU International pada Januari lalu, para periset menjumpai bahwa masturbasi rutin pada pria muda menaikkan risiko kanker prostat. Sebaliknya, masturbasi berulang kali pada pria lebih tua justru menurunkan risiko kanker prostat. Bisa jadi bukan masturbasinya yang meningkatkan risiko kanker prostat pada pria yang sering masturbasi di usia 20 hingga 30-an.


Study: More sex may help damaged sperm

damaged spermFor men with fertility problems, some doctors are prescribing a very conventional way to have a baby: more sex. In a study of 118 Australian men with damaged sperm, doctors found that having sex every day for a week significantly reduced the amount of DNA damage in their patients' sperm. Previous studies have linked better sperm quality to higher pregnancy rates.

The research was announced Tuesday at a meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Amsterdam. Dr. David Greening of Sydney IVF, a private fertility clinic in Australia, and colleagues looked at 118 men who had damaged sperm. Greening and colleagues told the men to have sex every day for a week. After seven days, the doctors found that in 81 percent of the men, there was a 12 percent decrease in the amount of damaged sperm.

Many fertility experts suggest men abstain from sex before their partners have in-vitro fertilization, to try to elevate their sperm counts. Sperm quality can also be improved if men don't smoke, drink moderately, exercise, or get more antioxidants.

Since concluding the study, Greening says he now instructs all couples seeking fertility advice to start by having more sex. "Some of the older men look a little concerned," he said. "But the younger ones seem quite happy about it." Experts think sex helps reduce the DNA damage in sperm by getting it out of the body quickly; if sperm is in the body for too long, it has a higher chance of getting damaged.

Some experts said that while Greening's research is promising, it doesn't prove that daily sex for men with fertility problems will actually produce more babies.


"Membakar" gairah istri anda di pagi hari!

Kebanyakan wanita justru kehilangan mood untuk berintim-intim saat baru membuka mata. Nah, agar istri ikut "terbakar" gairah Anda yang sedang membara, simak tips berikut ini:

Siapkan malam sebelumnya
Supaya Anda siap tempur saat bangun, siapkan segala sesuatunya malam sebelumnya. Tujuannya agar waktu yang tersedia bisa dimanfaatkan untuk menggoda pasangan. Misalnya, menyiapkan penyegar napas di samping tempat tidur agar Anda cukup percaya diri merayunya dengan aroma napas bau mint.

Pasang alarm
Aturlah alarm agar Anda berdua bisa bangun beberapa menit lebih awal dari biasanya sehingga Anda berdua bisa menikmati permainan dengan santai tanpa didesak waktu untuk bersiap-siap kerja. Bila perlu, Anda bisa bangun lebih awal untuk merangsang hasratnya. Ingat, Anda mungkin sudah siap memulai permainan, tetapi wanita butuh pemanasan yang lebih lama.

Buatlah ia merasa seksi
Waktu bercinta di pagi hari saja sudah membuat banyak wanita malas-malasan, apalagi jika Anda tanpa tendeng aling-aling langsung meminta "jatah". Daripada harus to the point dan dapat penolakan, goda saja ia dengan kecupan-kecupan lembut mulai dari wajah, leher, hingga bagian tubuhnya yang lain. Lalu dekaplah ia dengan lembut. Buatlah ia merasa seksi dan dicintai. Digoda dengan jurus ini, siapa wanita yang tak akan luluh?