
Viel Spaß!

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Jenis-Jenis Foreplay

foreplayForeplay adalah perangkat hiburan dari hubungan intim. Artinya, kegiatan ini dapat meningkatkan nafsu seksual yang lebih hebat. Foreplay adalah sebuah persiapan untuk persetubuhan yang panas atau perbuatan lain yang dapat meningkatkan kenikmatan seksual dan jeritan orgasme.

Perbuatan yang nampaknya mudah dan tidak berisiko, seperti membisikkan kata-kata kotor dalam telinga seseorang atau gerakan tangan dapat merupakan foreplay. Kesadaran yang sungguh-sungguh adalah faktor pembatas apakah sebuah perbuatan tergolong foreplay atau tidak.

Jika ada yang illegal dan secara sadar setuju untuk menstimulasi seksual dan siap bergerak lebih dan berbuat seksual yang kotor, kebiasaan seseorang tersebut akan digolongkan sebagai cumbuan erotis atau menjadi merasakan sentuhan.

Foreplay dapat pula perbuatan nonfisik (mental). Contohnya termasuk pujian yang mengandung unsur seksual dan percakapan yang bermuatan seks dan membangkitkan birahi. Bagaimanapun, tipikal foreplay adalah perbuatan fisik, sentuhan, ciuman, kekangan, pijatan, tendangan, pukulan, renggutan, sodokan atau menggosok bagian tubuh tertentu.

Adapun beberapa contoh spesifik yang dapat digolongkan pada kegiatan foreplay adalah menyentuh dan memijat daerah rangsangan seksual dengan berpakaian (rabaan atau petting). Ada pula kegiatan menyentuh penis dan memijat daerah rangsangan seksual dibalik pakaian (petting kelas berat).

Saling menggesek-gesekan tubuh dengan tekanan secara bersamaan di daerah rangsangan seksual dengan berpakaian (dry humping atau grinding), dapat pula menjadi kegiatan yang termasuk pada foreplay. Tak hanya itu saja, kegiatan saling melepaskan pakaian pasangan masing-masing (stripping) pun masuk dalam kategori foreplay.

Beberapa contoh di atas sering dikombinasikan menjadi sebuah sesi. Dari kesemua hal itu dapat disebut petting atau making out. Selain itu, kegiatan manipulasi langsung pada daerah rangsangan yang telanjang hampir selalu dianggap foreplay.Pada wanita, yang termasuk daerah ini adalah klitoris dan bibir labium. Pada pria adalah penis dan testis. Untuk keduanya, termasuk anus dan putting. Rangsangan juga dapat mencapai kesuksesan dengan menggunakan mulut, tangan, mainan seks seperti vibrator atau penis buatan, atau alat-alat rumah tangga yang umum seperti bulu atau kubus es


Help! I need a good plumber ASAP!

Plumbing is not one easy job that everyone can complete, even on nowadays where you can easily search over the internet about step by step plumbing do-it-yourself site, we must aware that in certain area it is better or more precisely to say “leave them to the experts” and plumbing work is for sure under this category.

So, here are some links very useful to those who look for high plumbing services and consistent excellent works, for Atlanta plumber or Atlanta plumbing you may visit atlantaplumber.biz and atlantagaplumbing.org, while for San Diego plumber you can visit sandiegocaplumber.org. Just visit the site to explore more about the services and quality these web offers, and if you are convinced then give them a call to fixed or do any of your plumbing troubles!


How to Enjoy the Fun fantasize Sex

Most couples feel embarrassed to express seksualnya fantasy, or even feel guilty when doing it. However, the experts said, that fantasy 'wild' to be an important element in a healthy sexual relationship.

In fact, sexual fantasy can help you menyulut birahi pair. Through sexual fantasy, you can explore each span with a perfect body.

Despite that, for some people it can not be realized. Some people complain that they 'can not berimajinasi', when kenyatannya not the case.

If you ever think what will eat the menu for lunch, or berfoto-time holiday photos, you can berimajinasi in mourning. You can imagine make in different places, or act like the wild blue movie player, you can pass through the exciting adventure that bedevil sexual fantasy.

If adventure menggebu-gebu with the couple who provide not only beautiful just thought, you can follow several steps that dilansir Health24 following:

Fantasy meet seksnya

Do not just physical appearance is to the course, you should also consider supporting some of the attributes. Thinking about the condition and timely manner, whether done before the night arrived, or done in the open field on the beach.

You can also seduce erotic movements that have not been done before. Sense of self confidence when it will make him excited to the satisfaction of not giving equal time in the event make this.

Find inspiration from many sources

Style make the practice of usually in bed with the pair will add a warm atmosphere. You can take inspiration through books, erotic magazines, and blue movies. With this step, will be guaranteed to make him feel the sexual activity always be expected.

Praktikkan sexual fantasy in the mind

The best place to start is to make through light exercise. Choose the right time if you do not want to be disturbed, and no body can be more relaxed. You can start with a long and interesting breath slowly.

Note each body part, especially the genital area. Then, slowly, began a sexual fantasy praktikkan during this in mind. And see, how far it will lead you to enjoy the event make no counterpart.

Latest techniques Praktikkan fantasy

Some couples feel comfortable to reveal a fantasy seksualnya one another, to the latest techniques fantasy. If you think it can provide benefits to the relationship that is built, why not do it.

But before the event to enjoy the struggle that is not as always, make sure you both had to try it first.
Be director sexual fantasy

Menyulut passionate couples fantasize with, it will give unforgettable wild experience. For the fantasize, you're free to think, feel and be like anything you like, because there are no consequences when to do so.

But you still have to fantasize positive, because if I only make excessive make uncontrollable event. Because remember, you are the director of the film being played this time.

Right Solutions Ejakulasi anticipate Early

So now you berbangga maximum heart with the ability Mr P satisfying desires sex couples. Be careful-if not in maintenance, a valuable asset loyo and this can not be more of.

Ejakulasi early disfungsi sexual problems is the most common. However, this is very difficult discussion among the men, because this is a disgrace for him and the strike price ketidaksempuraan themselves.

In fact, many studies prove, if only more men who want to discuss this issue, they will be more easily accepted and know that they are not alone. Likewise cited Health24.

The average male takes less than three minutes since Mr P to its entry to the Miss V ejakulasi. According to the technical definition, ejakulasi early early going of the time that he wanted or too quickly during intercourse. Ejakulasi early on is the ability to control the process ejakulasi and releasing when you're ready.

Meanwhile, from the point of view of reproduction, early release is not the main problem. Survive longer in bed for a genetic function is something that must be understood, rather than simply enjoyed. The most important is you understand what's happening in the body when ejakulasi.

Ejakulasi early is not a disease that medicine has not been found. In fact, as much as 80-90 percent of men with early ejakulasi problems can be treated through therapy. The first step to solve the problem you are comfortable with your body. Feel comfortable allowing you to enjoy the sensation to orgasme. Therapy following a few steps further:

Breath rate

Many people do not care about this one thing, but breathe well to help you control ejakulasi. Breathe in and help you calm when rileks inflame tensions and set during ejakulasi. Pull the breath in, rilekskan body, and feel each stream of the entire body.


Communication is another important key to long-lasting sex. Let you know when couples approach ejakulasi, what can and can not you kendalikan. Words such as "Stop", "More," "Come," and so on have sex during akan easy for couples to understand the next action.

Understand each other and comfortable

One of the causes of early ejakulasi are feeling anxiety, fear, and inconvenience to the pair. Ejakulasi early will not be easy going if you and your partner understand each other, feel comfortable with each other, even the contraceptive usage are well discussed.

Cream and condoms

Pain is less sensitive that the sensation felt by men during intercourse and can not survive much longer. We suggest you spread cream on the areas vital for intercourse. The problem is, many men feel cream make intercourse less satisfying because of lack of stimulus.

Tools such as contraception condoms also reduce the quality of the stimulus during the make. Many men find that condoms make them difficult to pass the end of the romance as a result of a lack of stimulus.

Position Missionary

The position also make effect on the ability of men stand in the bed. Style missionary position is not the best man to try to control ejakulasi. However, it does not apply to all men. Some men find, with these positions, they are more difficult to control oneself when couples already are under.

Kegel exercises

Pelvic muscles trained with both allows you to control ejakulasi the better and increase your awareness of the vital organs. Pelvic musculature work out as the entry-urin. Latih with muscle contraction for three seconds, rileks for three seconds, and repeat the movement 10 times. You can do it anytime and anywhere.


Stay as close as you can!

We do aware that they are many type of marketing approaches or tools, all with one purpose which is to introduce, to communicate your product or service to the targeted customers. There are commercials broadcasted through TV, radio and cinema, we receive banners, pamphlet, leaflet, brochure, booklet too, or via global connection such as internet.

These approaches have their own effectiveness to reach your targeted customers, with their own cost; some are costly while others can be very efficient. There is one relatively new marketing tool which is also known as text messaging solution, yes, this marketing tool reaches your customers in form of text messaging, through their cell phones, one thing people will not leave their home without.

So, imagine you are connected with your customers 24/7; reaching billions people out there, and since this tool is relatively new, opportunity is still widely open to communicate your product and (or) service. Many products can be introduced, from meal to House4Cell, yes; house for cell, selling houses now can be marketed via cell phone.

This Real Estate Text Messaging Solution is one efficient and effective solution to reach your targeted market, with right data base, your message will directly arrive at the right hand, as we all are always have our cell phone, one primary need in our days. These days, you can easily find providers that offer this type of services.

Just ensure you are log in to valid company that have years experience in text messaging solution, with simple system to install, and of course cost efficient, you can browse over the internet or just visit Cellit Mobile Marketing for further information. These days we need and must connect to customers as close as we can, to stay as close as you can and one fine tool is to reach them by using cell phone! While your competitors are still not aware of it, grab this opportunity while it is still widely open!


Life Insurance for Peace of Mind for the whole family!

When we still alive, when parents are still alive or loved one is still healthy, most of us might not consider question like "how the people we love will continue with their life after we die" is urgent and important! Here, we are focusing on financial support side rather than the emotional side.

For those with huge wealth this question may seem not that important, but not all of us have this kind of privilege. If you are the main income resources within the family then the sooner is the better to figure out how to answer the above question.

There is an insurance product, we might hear them few times but have taken it for granted (or we are currently seeking for it) this insurance type is called life insurance. It is not hard today to find a proper life insurance for ourselves, loved one and family. You can have permanent or term life insurance depends on your needs.

You can easily search over the internet and get life insurance quotes from online providers, just ensure you are getting the quotes from the right resource such as reliaquote.com that claims can provide 10 lowest term life insurance quotes and you can apply online too. Get covered for yourself to make sure you and the rest of your family have the peace of mind every time you leave home!


Kesehatan Organ Intim Wanita dan Susu

Area intim yang sehat dan wangi tak hanya membahagiakan pasangan, namun juga dapat mendongkrak rasa berdiri pribadi yang bersangkutan. Banyak cara dilakukan untuk membuat area intim tetap dalam kondisi prima.

Sebuah temuan terkini, melalui uji klinis yang dilakukan di poliklinik Sitologi RSCM membuktikan manfaat ekstrak susu bagi kesehatan vagina. Susu? Pernahkah hal itu terlintas di benak Anda?

Bagaimana agar mendapatkan ekstrak susu berupa asam laktat dan laktoserum, apakah harus melakukan fermentasi dulu? wah, tak perlu harus seribet itu. Kalau ingin hasil 'jadi' dan tinggal pakai sudah ada Lactacyd yang dijual bebas di pasaran.

Menurut dr. Diana Komara, Medical Advisor Lactacyd, cairan pembersih Lactacyd berbeda dengan pembersih kewanitaan yang selama ini ada, bukan pula antibiotik biasa, sehingga tidak membunuh flora normal vagina, melainkan justru meningkatkan pertumbuhannya karena menyediakan makanan bagi bakteri baik tersebut. Hm.. jadi wangi dan rasa susu deh.


Air dan Gairah Seksual

HANGAT dan panas di ranjang tak hanya melelahkan, tetapi juga membuat Anda haus. Sebaliknya, dengan cukup air di tubuh Anda, aksi lebih dahsyat akan Anda dapatkan saat berhubungan intim.

Beragam penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tercukupinya kebutuhan air menjadi faktor krusial dalam melawan kelelahan sehingga membuat banyak pasangan kehilangan gairahnya saat kadarnya meredup di tubuh dan memilih tidur daripada bercinta.

Air akan membantu mengatur tekanan darah serta meningkatkan kemampuan aliran darah. Dua hal ini penting dalam proses ereksi seorang pria. Katanya, air berguna bagi selaput-selaput mukosa, menolong memperbaiki sistem kardiovaskular, saluran ekncing, dan yang terpenting fungsi seksual. Jadi, mulai sekarang, banyaklah minum air. Tapi jangan sampai kembung ya :)

Don’t get left behind, start your own mobile marketing now!

How to ensure that your promotion or whatever the marketing type of messages you want to deliver to your customers is really being delivered directly to your customers and not ended up in some trashes such things happened when you handed out brochures and leaflets. We are going to talk about one of the approaches many have considered as a very effective marketing tool to reach customers directly. Again, the word “directly” is being used here to emphasize the effectiveness of this marketing tool. So what is this special tool?

It is very popular these days as Mobile Marketing. Imagine the following facts, billions of people are sending text messages every day and this is in United States only, we are not talking about cross continents which many believe will be introduced in near future for introducing global products reaching more and more customers. When billions text messages are being sent, meaning the same tremendous amount of text messages are being received as well.

We make and receive calls, we send, we receive text message, and we bring our cell phone with us almost all the time. Cell phone has become one primary need at this moment so mobile marketing is actually a very powerful marketing tool to deliver your company’s messages. Firstly you can introduce your products, your new company perhaps, for brand imaging, to give special discount, to greet your valuable customers, yes even to maintain relationship with your customers can be done via mobile marketing. When you can’t reach, call them, then you can leave text message as well to maintain relationship.

The main purpose people use mobile marketing these days is mainly to introduce, to promote, to give extra discount and for branding, but in near future people might think of something far and more functional with mobile marketing. Since this approach is relatively new and not all of your competitors have utilized this tool, now is the right time for you to start.

You don’t have to worry where to purchase such system and how it works as now you can find services provider like Cellit Mobile Marketing that will take cares all of your mobile marketing needs, this services are available for various size and type of businesses, all come with easy not complicated system. For larger companies, there is Cellit Mobile Marketing, while for smaller organizations, there are sister companies Cellit Studio and House4Cell with same professionalism to assist your mobile marketing system. Don’t get left behind, start your own mobile marketing now!