Showing posts with label Wedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wedding. Show all posts

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Wedding Story

Our First Wedding
September 25, 2010
Chris & Renee

Emmy's waiting for the action to start. I told her that the girls were going to be dressed up really fancy like Barbie is and to go see if she could see them.

Aaww We loved your dress Renee!

The Bridesmaid dresses were just gorgeous and I really loved the color. The bouquets were so pretty and they had the exact shade of their dress in roses too! Markos was so handsome in his little tux! I think my girls would have made perfect flower girls..... what's up with that Renee!?! haha The girls were absolute angels throughout the entire ceremony! I had my fingers crossed and was fairly confident that they'd do well, but you never know.... they can always pull out a freak show when you least expect it!!

The only picture I got with her looking directly at me smiling. I was trying to snap one of them together, but the girls were not making it easy!

"They're basically moments in which you're in touch with the meaning of life, when your relationship to the rest of the universe makes sense."

Turning around to ask her sister to come up the path with her.
"Lilah, come on.....come with me."

She was in a great mood, so that isn't a mean face although it looks like it. I caught her at just the right moment saying something. It's such a devilish look though!

I just love how she's holding and looking at the flower.

I didn't set out to only take pictures of Emmy, but Lilah didn't want to walk in the grass and when I tried to get her picture she wasn't interested, so it kind of turned into an Emmy pictorial! haha

"Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the spirit."

Not my favorite picture of us, but it's nice to have at least one where we're all in it. The sun was in our eyes and poor Lilah didn't like that at all! I do like that Daddy's tie matches the girls! How sweet!! After this we said goodbye to everyone and headed out for dinner as we were unable to attend the reception because we couldn't find a sitter and their was a no children policy. I was pretty disappointed I missed out on the party and after seeing the girl's fabulous behavior during the ceremony I think they might have done well for the reception too, but again... you never know. In the end it made for a fun family day. I love getting the girls all dressed up and they really enjoy it to so I think they'll be attending weddings with us from now on *smiles*

When Emmy first went into the field she was saying "whoo hooo fairies, where are you" haha I think it's about time that I get out the fairy ring we made last year and put it back up in the yard and wait and see what special treats they will bring us! I think it will be such a fun tradition to do each spring!!