Tuesday, September 28, 2010

30 before 30

So I realize it has been a while since I have posted anything. Part of the reason has to do with my camera being broken and not having any new pictures to post. Some of the pictures I need to track down from friends cameras. This has been a great summer for me with new opportunities. Two family weddings which were a lot of fun. Wake-boarding, hiking slot canyons, camping, water parks (funny story there perhaps for another time), swim parties, a mud fight, Lake Powell, road trips, new roommates, and my personal favorite: trying to ride an airchair on the lake- which scared me to death! Look it up on youtube if you don't know what that is.
Hopefully in the future I can track down some of those pictures...but for now I decided to blog about a new goal of mine...or should I say 30 new goals. After I moved here I heard about a few friends of mine who have made a 30 before 30 list. Basically a list of 30 things you want to accomplish before you turn 30. I thought that was a terrific idea and started to brainstorm some ideas of what I would put on my list. I have just over three years to accomplish this list and I am pretty stoked about it. I do not have a complete list as of yet...but here are some of the ones that I am sure about:

1. Take a painting class (Which I am starting soon! Yay)
2. Travel to two continents I have never been to
3. Visit as many temples as I can- at least 5 new ones
4. Get the next level of scuba certification and plan a stellar dive trip
5. Take a photography class
6. Do some kind of volunteer work in a foreign country
7. Start a book club
8. Finish reading Jesus the Christ
9. Learn to play a new sport
10. Learn to swim and do flips underwater without plugging my nose (I know...grown woman blah blah blah)
11. Swim with dolphins
12. Create something......cool?
13. Take a cooking class that focuses on the proper use of seasoning and spices
14. Take a Yoga class
15. Hike Havasupai
16. Go White Water Rafting and hit some HUGE rapids
17. Make a quilt
18. Make a sweet video of my next trip to a foreign land
19. Create and live by a budget and invest
20. See Imogen Heap in concert
21. Teach someone else a new skill
22. Find 30 new family names and do all their temple work from start to finish

So obviously my list isn't complete and is subject to change...but I am really excited about it. I also think that by putting this on my blog it makes me more accountable knowing that others know about my goals. Feel free to offer any ideas you may have for the remaining 8 goals!