Yes I realize I’m doing my 24th week Bumpdate a
day before my 25th week Bumpdate. I have a good reason…well I have
someone to blame…Ralph. Just kidding but really it is his fault…my poor lovie
has been sick ALL week!! Like not fun at all sick, we’re talking up all night coughing,
aching, full blown head cold sick, not to mention a lime sized lump on his head
from bashing it against the truck while fixing something. Needless to say he is
a train wreck this week…I of course have been nursing him back to health…actually
Whole Foods has been. *Did I mention I love the hotbar!?! I think he is finally
starting to feel better and the timing couldn’t be more right as we are going
on Vacation tomorrow. I, my friends have the next 18 days off…I am so excited
to take some time to We will be away for a week then home the
following and I will be doing a whole lot of nothing.
How far along: 24 weeks…16 weeks to go!
Feeling: Tired (but I blame Ralph) not being pregnant ;)
Maternity Clothes: YES!
I wasn’t going to do it…I almost thought I was playing this exciting game of
try and be pregnant and NEVER wear maternity clothes. But I talked to a “soon
to be momma” friend whom is also having a baby girl whom is due around the same time!! and she told me about this pretty fabulous store called Destination Maternity and I couldn’t
walk out empty handed…Did I mention they also have a SPA…I booked my first {Signature Mommy To Be} Massage for next weekend and I CANT WAIT! Thanks Jill ;)
Sleep: Sleep has been great; I’m actually falling asleep later. There were a few months that I was out cold by 8p.m. actually for 22 weeks it has been like that…growing a baby is tiring.
Best moment of the week? Showing off my nursery ;) It’s not complete yet but I gave a few lovies a sneak peek. I’m hoping to have it complete in the next few weeks.
Sleep: Sleep has been great; I’m actually falling asleep later. There were a few months that I was out cold by 8p.m. actually for 22 weeks it has been like that…growing a baby is tiring.
Best moment of the week? Showing off my nursery ;) It’s not complete yet but I gave a few lovies a sneak peek. I’m hoping to have it complete in the next few weeks.

Movement: Yes tons…she is spicy. I’m still in awe Every. Single. Time. She moves around, I can feel her pressing on my stomach when she flips around and actually see it against my belly, it gets really hard for a minute. At first I was nervous and thought something was “happening.” It is so surreal and magical at the same time. I think Ralph is shocked every time he feels her kick. I was also able to hear her heartbeat at my dr's appointment and I have to say I love her heart!
Food cravings: None…maybe sweets ;)
Food aversions: Nothing
Belly button in or out? In
Rings off or on?: ON!
I guess I never thought about this aspect…I will be sad the day I have to take
off my big fat diamond. I LOVE my engagement ring…please fingers don’t get “Big”
Goals for Next Week: Organizing
the kitchen, making room for baby goods. I want to have a drawer just for baby
items and a cabinet for the same. Looks like “Sarah’s Baking Goods” label will
be peeled off. *Gosh I love my label maker! And sign up for Prenatal Yoga!
What I miss: My bathing suits and cut off jean shorts. Trying to keep my head in the game and reassure myself that packing on the pounds is so worth it once Sophia is here.
What I'm looking forward to: It is really, really starting to feel REAL and My next UltraSound which I believe is at 30 Weeks, hard to believe that is rapidly approaching then I will be saying 10 weeks to go!! That is what I’m so Looking forward to…oh and did I mention 18 DAYS OF VACATION!!! Starting tomorrow!
Milestones: I think we have finally come to an agreement on Sophia’s middle name, yes I believe middle names are just as important as their first names…so what is it?!? It’s a surprise. ;)
Thoughts: I might be getting ahead of myself…but I’m already thinking about BABY
#2! Yes crazy I know…I’m so obsessed with our growing family; we have even
talked about another dog. Could you imagine…3 dogs, two kids and US! Heaven!
Right now we will put all our focus into little miss…but oh how tempting to
turn the third room into a little boy’s {sailing} nursery ;)
also Joined Top Baby Blogs!! It’s only been a couple of weeks and I'm already on the Homepage and in the TOP 25!!! You all have been so wonderful voting for me! I wish I could thank all
of you personally. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It’s so awesome getting to
be a part of the Top Baby blogs on the net and to be in the top 25 out there is
shockingly amazing! You can vote by clicking the link below and clicking the
first owl. I really appreciate all the love!
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