How Far Along: 26 Weeks…14 Weeks to Go!!!
Feeling: Relaxed!! I love being on Vacation. Being Pregnant and doing Nothing is a
Great Combo!
Maternity Clothes: Yes.
Although I have to be honest…I’m in total casual mode…and by casual I mean
Underwear! I don’t think I’ve gotten dressed all week. Another perk of having
nowhere to be!
Sleep: Sleep has been great…Ralph is finally feeling better, Yippee! So no more coughing throughout the night. Oh and did I mention I’m {BulletProof} I’ve been around him all week and NEVER got sick.
Best moment of the week? Finally getting to Kiss my Ral. I’ve missed those lips! And having Ralph fall asleep feeling Sophia kick...I can’t even put into words the Love he has for his little Girl already. I can’t even write about it without tears streaming down my face. He is going to be the Best Daddy in the Whole World. Sophia is one lucky Girl!!
Sleep: Sleep has been great…Ralph is finally feeling better, Yippee! So no more coughing throughout the night. Oh and did I mention I’m {BulletProof} I’ve been around him all week and NEVER got sick.
Best moment of the week? Finally getting to Kiss my Ral. I’ve missed those lips! And having Ralph fall asleep feeling Sophia kick...I can’t even put into words the Love he has for his little Girl already. I can’t even write about it without tears streaming down my face. He is going to be the Best Daddy in the Whole World. Sophia is one lucky Girl!!

Movement: Always.
Food cravings: Not sure if it was a “craving” or “feeling” I woke up yesterday and it was COLD, like crisp Fall day cold, and I LOVED it. It’s no secret that Autumn is my favorite season, so I immediately thought of apple picking and Thanksgiving. Next thing you know I’m at Whole Foods buying a 20 pound turkey and all the fixings! Ralph came home to an entire Thanksgiving Feast and Apple Crisp! Needless to say he was HAPPY. It definitely got us in the “Fall Spirit” and that being the time Sophia will be here made it even more special. It was a Great Night!
Food cravings: Not sure if it was a “craving” or “feeling” I woke up yesterday and it was COLD, like crisp Fall day cold, and I LOVED it. It’s no secret that Autumn is my favorite season, so I immediately thought of apple picking and Thanksgiving. Next thing you know I’m at Whole Foods buying a 20 pound turkey and all the fixings! Ralph came home to an entire Thanksgiving Feast and Apple Crisp! Needless to say he was HAPPY. It definitely got us in the “Fall Spirit” and that being the time Sophia will be here made it even more special. It was a Great Night!
Food aversions: Nothing
Belly button in or out? In
Rings off or on?: On
Goals for Next Week: I
think I will just focus on my Goal for today…A grocery Delivery from Peapod for
Sunday when we get back home! We have no food in our fridge. I threw it all
out because I didn’t want everything to rot by the time we got back home on Saturday.
What I miss: Nothing this week…So loving being pregnant. Starting to question if this is going to get hard. Dare I say I may be one of those woman who “enjoy” being pregnant. I really don’t want to jinx myself but I have no complaints. I’ve had no major issues…No swelling, cravings, moodiness, aches, pains and everything else associated with being pregnant. Even the heat hasn’t been an issue, maybe because I’m in the central air constantly. I have no idea. Wondering if that day will ever come that I say “get this baby out of me.” SO far so good.
What I'm looking forward to: Holding this baby girl.
Milestones: We Booked our Venue for our Wedding in October of next Year! Super Excited and will be Super motivated to take of this Baby Weight!
Thoughts: LIFE IS GOOD, God is Great and I’m the Happiest I’ve ever been in my
entire life! And for those that know me, I’ve always been happy…so this is some
serious Happiness. So much so that I feel like I could burst.
NOW 98 DAYS!!!!!!
NOW 98 DAYS!!!!!!
also Joined Top Baby Blogs!! It’s only been a couple of weeks and I'm already
on the Homepage and in the TOP 25!!! You all have been so wonderful voting for
me! I wish I could thank all of you personally. Thank you. Thank you. Thank
you. It’s so awesome getting to be a part of the Top Baby blogs on the net and
to be in the top 25 out there is shockingly amazing! You can vote by clicking the
link below and clicking the first owl. I really appreciate all the love!