Friday, September 25, 2009


What am I???????
This is my first attempt at sewing an animal. :)
please leave your guess in comments.

my attempt at a bunny
although james says it is a squirrel.
I messed up the ears, but overall I think it turned out pretty dang cute.
Here is the patter I used:

Monday, September 21, 2009

You may remember...

THIS from a few months ago.

I just wanted to give a little progress report: 17 months!

Q. 1. why does it take me a lifetime to exit the house with the baby?
A. Wow! This one has really improved. June now walks herself to the car. Although sometimes I still have to carry her like a sack of potatoes past the hose, aka. wonder water play center, while she screams "hooose, hooose, hoose"

Q.2. why am i still wearing a nursing bra when i am no longer nursing?
A. SOLVED. little trip to victoria secret really took care of this one. Man, two for two. I'm really scoring big. I've even started taking dance classes again. I remember being more flexible and remembering patterns easier growing up dancing...ahh well, at least I have a reason to wear Jazz Pants again.
note: not me. working on that waist line :)

Q. 3. why do i find myself swearing more frequently, especially in my head?
A. So I can report that I am swearing less. Although I do have to admit that there are a few words I don't really count as "swear" words...more just fun to say words. Although I am sure that my definition wouldn't fly for everyone :)

Q4. how is it possible that changing a diaper with a crawling 9 month old could ever be so difficult? she knows some serious wrestling moves!
A. At 17 months June really does fine most of the time. She is still squirmy, but if I give her a prized possession to hold, aka. a colored pencil, salad tongs, or the baby thermometer we are good.
and finally...

5. how could i not love that face?
This face is worth it more than ever... but really...these moves are just incredible. A child after my own heart.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Coming to you LIVE from Seattle WA.....

I now present....

June Charlotte McDonald on keyboards tonight!

love it.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Yesterday I took Juniper to the beach. My mom called me and at one point in the conversation she said...

Mom: "I"ve been thinking lately about James. I feel so blessed that my daughter married such a great and kind man. He is a wonderful husband and amazing father. I just feel so lucky. "


Mom knows best. It is true I am one million % lucky. James is so funny, I laugh about 80% of my time spent with him. He is so smart and disciplined. Often in the last few years of med school I will hear him talk about something and think "how did I end up with such a knowledgeable cat?"
He is so good with juniper. He can make her laugh like no one else. He is so supportive of me and my music career. He is a true outdoorsman and not only buys me the best gear like my new zero degree 800 fill sleepingbag, but he can fly fish, tie fancy knots, climb almost any mountain (including rainier this year), cook, play electric guitar, stitch someone up, quote any "office" character any episode, AND he is a great dancer. I am truly a blessed lady.

(This picture was at our campsite in the Wind Rivers...pretty amazing!)