Friday, January 30, 2009

Just a few questions....


1. why does it take me a lifetime to exit the house with the baby? it feels so much harder to get loaded into the car that I paid $200 for a car-beeper-auto-unlock button so that when i am carrying that 21 pound baby-diaperbag-my purse-etc etc i can at least open the door easier.

2. why am i still wearing a nursing bra when i am no longer nursing? (this question has many sub-questions like "why my body still looks nothing close to the woman pictured here wearing the nursing bra?" and others i will not go into here)

3. why do i find myself swearing more frequently, especially in my head?

4. how is it possible that changing a diaper with a crawling 9 month old could ever be so difficult? she knows some serious wrestling moves!

5. how could i not love that face?


Jane Durham said...

I am in love with this post. First, I have that bra and I love it, even though I can't wait to not have to have it, second, there are days that I'm swearing like a sailor in my head, and third, I love that face too, both of them, actually!

Jane Durham said...

I knew I wanted to say something else, but I couldn't remember: getting out of the house with Peter is as close to I come to a workout. and it's pretty dang close!

Sally said...

I LOVE that pic of you and June. So cute!

Laurel Criddle said...

You're too funny. Keep your chin up because it definitely gets easier to get them out of the house. Its the best when they can walk out themselves and get into their own seat...heck I have Ryan trained now so much that he carries my purse in and out of the house for me. LOVELY! It'll get better. You crack me up!

Ann Marie said...

I totally get the diaper wrestling match!! Babysat a little 7-month old for a couple of days, and getting diaper on and off was quite a task!!

She's sooooo cute!

w and w said...

Ahhhhhh! She is too beautiful!!! it kills me! love the q's. we all know the answer, but man aren't they worth it! every last swear word!

emmy said...

Oh man! Those cheeks ARE delicious. I love the never ending car drama, and glad I am not the only one. I have to plan ahead a half hour to hour for each kid. This is our life, but it is pretty great, right?

natalie said...

Amen-where did you get that nursing bra? Getting out of the house is it's own victory. Atleast you swear in your head cause todd claims I swear more since we've been married-which means outloud! but their little face does make it all worth it :)

Leanne said...

she's darling! it gets worse with the more you add! enjoy one!

Katie said...

Sarah, you are too cute! I could not agree more.

That little June is so cute! Oh that face. She is gorgeous!

Love to you all!

Johnsons said...

This post had me laughing the whole way through, any mother will agree that these questions have run through her head at some point! Not to discourage you, but these questions become even more legit when number 2 comes along...or if it doesn't you are probably smart! Since my number 2 I have yet to be brave enough to dare leave the house with both of them by myself. It is pretty hard to chase after a 2 year old while I am carrying that insanely heavy car seat. And I definintely need to look into that nursing bra, I hate mine. Love ya! I always love reading your posts.

Joel and Natalie said...

It is sooooo true! This post in every sense of the word is sooooo True! The sad thing is I still find myself saying the bad words (but outloud:( ) I am trying to be better though. PS - that really is the cutest picture of June. She is too adorable for words.

Tracy said...

Funny funny! Being a mom is so great. I too need to ditch the nursing bra, I just realize this week it was time, a long time ago, to make the switch back.

Kate said...

love this! u are so much fun. how cool you are taking dance classes!