Showing posts with label Gravy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gravy. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Final Lunch for this blog!

Hello everyone. Well, the time has finally come. Today is the last day of my project!


Now, I'm sure that many people out there have negative memories associated with the ritual of "The Sunday Lunch". I've read Toast, I've seen Eat Drink Man Woman, and I've read lots of articles in culinary and trashy magazines on this subject. However, I think the negative connotations surrounding the Sunday Lunch are more about familial pressures and obligations, rather than the food itself. (Although having read Nigel Slater's wonderful descriptions of not-so-wonderful food in Toast, this is not always the case). And thankfully, I was not brought up with the idea that it was a Good Thing to have the family sitting around the table at a regular time every week, regardless of inclination or hunger. I admit that I am extremely lucky in that, more often than not, eating day-to-day meals together with my family was a natural, enjoyable, and desirable experience. It was especially great that we could have the entire family (Dad, Mum, Daniel and myself) home today to eat this special lunch.

393. The Roast Beef
394. The Gravy
395. The Yorkshire Pudding

I served it with roast potatoes (they don't count as a recipe, as I've made them heaps of times before), and baby beans (from a freezer packet).

In the book, Nigella writes out a Sunday Lunch timetable - for a meal like this, with so many elements that require precision timing, you really have to plan everything out like a "military operation". However, by this stage in the project, I've made over 350 recipes, dozens of dinner parties and lots of lunches. It may be immodest of me to say, but I was confident that I could just wing it, and everything would be fine.

This is our beef, check it out. It's an aged piece of rib-eye, about 2.45 kg. Mum bought it at Rendinas (where else!), and the butcher assured her it was a lovely, lovely piece of meat.

I cooked it at 210C for 90 minutes in total. Whilst it was in the oven, I boiled the potatoes, and made our dessert. I've actually already made all the desserts in How to Eat, so I decided to revisit one of my favourites, the rhubarb meringue pie. As I've made it before, I won't tell you how it was made. (Click on the above link if you're interested, as you should be - it's an amazing pie). One thing I do want to show you though, is Nigella's amazing pastry. Her freezer-processor method is a very valuable tip that I've learnt from this book, which almost always results in a fabulously easy to roll pastry.

This the the excess pastry - just look how elastic and pliable it is!

I cooked the rhubarb meringue pie in our microwave convection oven in the pantry, to leave the big oven free for all the hardcore meat and potatoes cooking.

Next was the gravy. You start off by cooking a thinly sliced onion until soft, then adding sugar and Marsala, and letting it cook slowly until caramelized and very, very soft. (Note: I'd recommend using a large onion, and doubling, or perhaps even tripling quantities. Gravy is good.) Then you add some flour, and then beef stock, stirring it well, and letting it simmer for about 20 minutes. At this point, you can push it through a sieve or put it in a processor, and then leave it on the stove until it's time to eat.

Once the beef was cooked, I took it out of the oven, and let it rest, covered in foil, on Mum's big carving board. Then, I put the potatoes in the oven, made the yorkshire pudding (same method as the sweet yorkshire pudding, but with added salt and pepper), and added it to the oven for the last 20 minutes of cooking time. Whilst they were cooking, I boiled my beans and added the pan juices to the gravy.

And then it was time to eat!!!

Check out that lunch! I'd describe all the dishes, but I think the photos speak for themselves. Mmm... everything was delicious. Nigella's gravy recipe is fantastic, as is her roast potato one.

We sat around the table talking, laughing and eating. We only got through about half of that food, but considering that I'm in study mode and not going to be cooking for a while, this is a good thing.

While Mum, Dad and Daniel were cleaning up the kitchen, I finished off the pie.

Here's what it looks like baked. I really, really wanted to decorate it with some words, so as it was cooling, I melted a bar of dark chocolate, scraped it into a zip-lock glad bag, snipped off the corner and piped out some free-form words onto parchment paper (not very neatly, I'm afraid). I let them set in the fridge, and then arranged them haphazardly on top of the cooled pie to form a kinda Louis Vuitton graffiti pie. (Yes, I'm sticking to the "Louis Vuitton graffiti" description, and not, for instance, "a hyperactive 2-year old's art project").

Again, I don't really need to describe the pie. Y'all know I love pie, and the rhubarb meringue pie is my favourite pie out of the whole book. I'm sure you can deduce that I loved eating it. I should just add that rhubarb and dark chocolate is a winning combination.

But even more exciting than pie (and it's not often you'll hear me saying that), I finally opened that big brown mysterious envelope I received last month! And guess what it was! A signed photo of Nigella!!!!!!!!! Omg omg omg Yay yay yay!!!!! It is totally like the most awesomest thing ever!!

And just in case you were wondering what I wrote on top of the pie...

Thank-you everyone!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The 3 Bird Orgy, Part V [Leftovers]

Do you know what, last night at dinner I forgot the bloody gravy! We'd gone to all the trouble of going back and forth from butchers to get the gizzards for it, and in the evening I carefully made it, and left it in the pot, off the heat, with the lid on, to keep warm until dinner. And with all that faffing around getting dinner organised, I totally forgot about the gravy. I only realised that I'd forgotten it when we were clearing up the kitchen.

But I suppose that just goes to show how fab the rest of that meal was, because no-one missed the gravy. Also, the moist-and-mushy (and totally divine) red cabbage acted as a very effective meat-moistener.

Anyway, there were heaps of leftovers, and today for lunch Dad and I started working our way through them.

Leftovers - potato stuffing, gravy, red cabbage, stuffing/goose meat ripped from carcass, bits of duck and goose legs in the plastic bag.

Look how lovely and gelatinous the gravy was! I think it'd be perfect for a pasta with butter and stock cube juices...


I took out a suitable serving, and microwaved it all before pouring some gravy over. It was so lovely, and very strongly flavoured, so you only need a tiny amount.

Lunch - perfect for a 34 degree day! (Not really, but good anyway!)

Friday, August 12, 2005

Bangers and Mash

Guess what was waiting in the mail for me when I woke up this morning? It was a letter from a cinema, informing me that I’d gotten a job there!! (I had an interview on Wednesday). Haha! I’ve only been “unemployed” for two weeks! I have paid induction training tomorrow – which is when I was planning on making this lunch. But news of this new job threw my plans into chaos. See, I’ve got this training thing on Saturday, my brother is working tonight, and my dad’s working all weekend. So when, when, when would we fit in these sausages? Luckily, after a bit of tricky negotiation, we managed to find a bare forty-five minutes when we’d be all free, and all together. Tonight, 6pm on the dot, before Daniel had to leave for work at 6:45. PHEW.

But I still wanted to go shopping in the afternoon!
So I had to get my ass in gear.


90. Red Wine, Cumin and Onion Gravy
91. Seville Orange Cream
92. Shortbread

By the way, I halved quantities for everything except the shortbread. (I love my biscuits, I do).

I started off baking the Seville orange cream (I’d made the mixture a couple of days earlier and left it sitting in the fridge to deepen the flavour), whilst I prepared the shortbread. The Seville orange cream (actually lemon cream, but I substituted oranges) is a mixture of juice, zest, sugar, double cream and eggs, which you mix together. As for the shortbread, in her recipe, Nigella says just to chuck everything in a processor, and then shape it into a log, refrigerate it, and slice it up. I actually found the mixture very difficult to work with, as it was very crumbly. I would have been better off just pressing it into a mould.

Whilst that was happening, I had a shower, and then made the vegetable miso broth for lunch. After we ate it, I took a bus to the city, tried on some outfits at Miss Sixty (gorgeous, but WAY out of my price range), then rushed home and started on the dinner part of dinner.

So, boiled up some potatoes, and shunted the sausages in the oven. I got four plain beef sausages (the thin ones), and four pork, bacon and leek ones (the fat ones). Then I did the gravy. I used a mixture of red and brown onions (because that is what I had), and it was absolutely fantastic! It was thicker than I expected, and looked more like an onion jam, than a gravy. But it was great. I know Nigella quantities are usually quite large, but we could have done with more gravy – double, triple even!

When the sausages were nearly done, I mashed the potatoes with a generous amount of butter and cream, and dinner was done!

Red onion and cumin gravy

Sausages mash and gravy – By the way, I prefer the long and thin (beef) sausages, because the thick (pork, bacon and leek) ones were a bit dry.

Seville Orange Cream, Shortbread

The texture of the orange cream (baked in a bain marie) is lovely – set on the top, and a thicker, softer crème below. I absolutely adore the flavour of Seville oranges, but be warned, they are very tart. I’d have done well to increase the sugar content of this one. (Even though I usually find Nigella’s desserts on the sweet side anyway). I’d definitely want to make this again. My brother especially thought it tasted wonderful.

The shortbread wasn’t fabulous – they smelled great, but were quite dry (which means, I think, I overbaked them). My mum actually said, “I make better shortbread”. Aww!

Mum had a latté with hers, and I had an espresso. Very Euro-chic.