Wednesday, April 23, 2008
It may have been 22 months since my last post, but I haven't forgotten my little How to Eat blog. I'm not sure how many people (if any!) read this any more, but I do have a couple of friends who still look through this blog for How To Eat references, or reminders when they're cooking. I know I do!
So, in order to help me and anyone else who may still be reading (Notably Clarice!! - HI!), I've reorganised a bit. I've gotten rid of that old index of mine, and labelled my posts - all 318 of them! This should make things easier. There's a list of labels on the sidebar to the right, underneath the blog archive. I've categorised the posts according to chapters and ingredients. If you can't find what you're looking for through there, then simply use the search box on the top left hand side of the page.
Ciao for now!
xox Sarah
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Where to from here?
Now that The Project is well and truly over, you may (or may not) have been wondering what I'm up to. I'm currently on holiday in England (aka the sunny land of Nigella), taking a much-needed break, and will be away from home until the end of July. As of yet, there are no plans for a new cooking project, but I am open to suggestions.
In the meantime, check out my Sarah Cooks blog for some overseas cooking and eating action, which has been updated, and which I will endeavour to keep updated while I am overseas. I also have links to other cooking blogs at Sarah Cooks, all of which are worth checking out, in my opinion.
For other cooking project blogs, there is the lovely Ilana, with her When Ilana met Pantry project, which is still going strong. There's also The Next Nigella, a Melbourne lady who is cooking a selection from all of Nigella's books. You should definitely check this one out if you've been missing reading about Nigella cooking!
xox Sarah
Monday, June 12, 2006
Thank-you, arigatou, merci, danke, gracias, terimah kasih, obrigado
Yes, my project is over, and I would like to take the opportunity to thank some people who helped me out along the way.
Firstly, of course, is Nigella - for writing a wonderful book, full of great recipes and engaging prose. It was definitely worth it for me to devote a year of my life to cooking out of this book.
I have to give a special mention to the good folks at Rendinas butchery - the best beef in Balwyn!
I would also like to thank all my friends who have sampled my cooking throughout the year - especially Markii, Uncle Mike & Aunty Helen, Frances, Georgina, Adriana, An, Bonnie and Liam.
And of course there is everyone who has been keeping up with my blog and leaving me messages of encouragement - including, but not limited to Ilana, Lisa, Annauk, Randi, Niki, Gemma, Lotta, Julie, Meg, Snowdrop, Spot, Kirstendk, Rachelak, Foodcrazee, and Ange.
I'd like to especially thank my good friend DG, for hours of culinary discussion, encouragement, advice and general late night chats and e-mails to help me throughout this project.
Most importantly, I have to say thank-you to my family - Mum, Dad and Daniel - who have always supported and encouraged me, and without whom there would be no reason to cook.
Thank-you and goodnight!
xox Sarah
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Recipe List
1. Duck with Orange Salsa (Fast Food)
2. Noodles with Spring Onions, Shitake Mushrooms and Mangetouts (Fast Food)
3. Icecream with stem ginger or figs (Fast Food)
4. Squid with Chilli and Clams (Fast Food)
5. Ricotta with Honey and Toasted Pine Nuts (Fast Food)
6. Tagliatelle with Chicken from the Venetian Ghetto (Dinner)
7. Ice-cream with Dark Chocolate (Fast Food)
8. Basic Roast Chicken (Basics Etc.)
9. Plain Salad Dressing (Basics Etc.)
10. Summer fruits and cream or ice-cream (Weekend Lunch)
11. Sunday Night Chicken Noodle (One & Two)
12. Pasta with butter and stock cube juices (One & Two)
13. Dijon Mustard Dressing (Low Fat)
14. Pea Risotto (One & Two)
15. Chicken with Spring Onion, Chilli and Greek Yoghurt (Fast Food)
16. Cherried and Chick Pea’d Couscous (Fast Food)
17. Steak Mirabeau (Fast Food)
18. Lacquered Quail (Low Fat)
19. Japanese Flavoured Sour-Sweet Cabbage (Low Fat)
20. One-Pan Chicken (Dinner)
21. Basic French Dressing (Basics etc.)
22. Pasta with Unpestoed Pesto (One & Two)
23. Spaghetti Carbonara (One & Two)
24. Breadcrumbs (Basics etc.)
25. Anglicised Involtini (Dinner)
26. Chambéry Trout (Fast Food)
27. Salsa Verde (Fast Food)
28. Spinach Soup (Fast Food)
29. Cinnamon-hot rack of lamb (Fast Food)
30. Beef and Beans with Pasta (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
31. Meatballs in Tomato Sauce (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
32. South Beach Black Bean Soup (Cooking in Advance)
33. Mushroom-Steak Sandwich (One & Two)
34. Steak and Kidney Pie (Weekend Lunch)
35. Banana Custard (Weekend Lunch)
36. Lemon Chicken (Weekend Lunch)
37. Sticky Chocolate Pudding (Weekend Lunch)
38. Basic Roast Chicken with roasted garlic and shallots (Basics etc.)
39. Clementine Cake (Basics, etc.)
40. Basic Vanilla Ice-cream (Basics etc.)
41. Fish and Porcini Pie (Weekend Lunch)
42. Chicken & Chick Pea Tagine (Cooking in Advance)
43. Pancakes (Basics etc.)
44. Salmon Fishcakes (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
45. Anna’s Chick Pea and Pasta Soup (Cooking in Advance)
46. Roast Cod with Upmarket Mushy Peas (Fast Food)
47. A Moorish Cake (Basics etc.)
48. Onion Tart (Dinner)
49. Rich Shortcrust (Basics etc.)
50. Pumpkin Purée (Dinner)
51. Mixed mushrooms (Dinner)
52. Pea and Garlic Crostini (Dinner)
53. Roast Pepper with Green Olive Paste Crostini (Dinner)
54. Roast Monkfish (Dinner)
55. Mackerel in Cider (Fast Food)
56. Cabbage with Caraway (Fast Food)
57. Buttered Apples (Fast Food)
58. Scallops with Bitter Oranges (Basics etc.)
59. Canard à l'Orange (Basics etc.)
60. Petits Pois à la Francaise (Cooking in Advance)
61. Seville Orange Curd Tart (Lunch)
62. Shortcrust Pastry (Basics etc.)
63. Victoria Sponge (Basics etc.)
64. Mayonnaise (Basics etc.)
65. Seville Orange Marmalade (Basics etc.)
66. Spaghetti Aglio Olio (One & Two)
67. Oxtail with Mackeson and Marjoram (Cooking in Advance)
68. Rhubarb and Muscat Jelly (Dinner)
69. Chicken with Pesto (Fast Food)
70. Canned Pulses (Fast Food)
71. Rhubarb, Muscat and Mascarpone Trifle (Cooking in Advance)
72. Pasta with Cream and Truffle Oil (Fast Food)
73. Aromatic Chilli Beef Noodle Soup (Low Fat)
74. Braised Dried Shiitake Mushrooms with Soba Noodles (Low-Fat)
75. Steak (Low Fat)
76. Mackerel Teriyaki (Low Fat)
77. Vegetable Curry in Vegetable Sauce (Low Fat)
78. Rhubarb Ice-Cream (Dinner)
79. Braised Pheasant with Mushroom and Bacon (Cooking in Advance)
80. Pig’s Bum (Weekend Lunch)
81. Real Custard (Basics etc.)
82. Salmon marinated in Den Miso (Low Fat)
83. Brown Rice Salad (Low Fat)
84. Seaweed and Noodle Salad (Low Fat)
85. Restrained Mushroom Risotto (Low Fat)
86. Roast Garlic and Lemon Dressing (Low Fat)
87. Mushroom Udon Soup (Low Fat)
88. Beef Braised in Beer (Low Fat)
89. Vegetable Miso Broth (Low Fat)
90. Red Wine, Cumin and Onion Gravy (Weekend Lunch)
91. Seville Orange Cream (Weekend Lunch)
92. Shortbread (Weekend Lunch)
93. Sugar-Spiced Salmon with Chinese Hot Mustard (Low Fat)
94. Vegetables with Ginger and Garlic (Low Fat)
95. Shredded Beetroot Salad with Yogurt (Low Fat)
96. Roast Poussin with Garlic and Shallots (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
97. Beet greens with buckwheat noodles (Low Fat)
98. Braised Fennel (Low Fat)
99. Poisson au Poivre (Low Fat)
100. Lemon Pie (Weekend Lunch)
101. Foolproof Rice (Weekend Lunch)
102. German Leeks and Wine (Weekend Lunch)
103. Cauliflower with Cumin (Low Fat)
104. Cambodian Hot and Sour Beef Salad (Low Fat)
105. Beetroot Soup (Low Fat)
106. Half Coq-au-vin (Low Fat)
107. Fine Pasta with Crab (Low Fat)
108. Venison in White Wine (Cooking in Advance)
109. Marsala Muscovado Custard (Dinner)
110. Muskily Spiced Prunes (Dinner)
111. Minestrone (Weekend Lunch)
112. Affogato (Fast Food)
113. Stem-Ginger Gingerbread (Cooking in Advance)
114. Mushroom Risotto (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
115. Chicken with Lemon/Oil/Garlic (Fast Food)
116. Thick Miso Dressing for Beans (Low Fat)
117. Warm Spinach with Lemon (Dinner)
118. Spanish Stew (Dinner)
119. The World's Best Chocolate Ice-cream (Basics etc.)
120. Lemon linguine (Weekend Lunch)
121. Irish Tarte Tatin (weekend Lunch)
122. Lentil and Chestnut Soup (Basics etc.)
123. Blakean Fish Pie (Dinner)
124. Rhubarb Crumble with custard, damn straight (Basics etc.)
125. Tarragon French Roast Chicken (Weekend Lunch)
126. Steak au Poivre (One & Two)
127. Tomato and Rice Soup (Fast Food)
128. Pea Soufflé (One & Two)
129. Marinated Chicken Drumsticks (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
130. Macaroni Cheese (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
131. Butternut and Pasta Soup (One & Two)
132. Children's Chocolate Mousse (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
133. Langues de Chat (Basics etc.)
134. Shepherd’s Pie (uncooked meat) (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
135. The Biscuits (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
136. Fairycakes (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
137. Pasta with Anchovy Sauce (One & Two)
138. Pea Orzotto (Weekend Lunch)
139. Roast Leeks (Weekend Lunch)
140. Poached Pistachio-sprinkled apricots stuffed with crème fraiche (Weekend Lunch)
141. Beef Stroganoff (Fast Food)
142. Corner Cut Topside of Beef (Weekend Lunch)
143. New Potatoes with Truffle Oil (Weekend Lunch)
144. Rice Pudding (Weekend Lunch)
145. Special Meatballs (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
146. Shepherd's Pie (Cooked Meat)
147. Moules Marinière (One & Two)
148. Exceptional Salmon (One & Two)
149. Clove-Hot Chilli Con Carne (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
150. Escalopes of salmon with warm balsamic vinaigrette (Fast Food)
151. Quickly-scaled mont blanc (Fast Food)
152. Lamb with Garlicky Tahina (Fast Food)
153. Passionfruit Fool (Fast Food)
154. Lidgate's Chestnut Stuffing (Basics etc.)
155. Chicken with Morels (One & Two)
156. Linguine alle Vongole (One & Two)
157. White Tiramisu (Cooking in Advance)
158. Peter Rabbit in Mr. McGregor’s Salad (One & Two)
159. Pea Soup (Fast Food)
160. Children's Couscous (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
161. Roast shoulder of lamb (Weekend Lunch)
162. Ratatouille (Cooking in Advance)
163. Green salad with green beans (Weekend Lunch)
164. Sweet Pastry (Basics etc.)
165. Translucent apple tart (Weekend Lunch)
166. Apple and Walnut Crumble (One & Two)
167. Scallops and Bacon (One & Two)
168. Roast-Sugar Sprinkled Peaches (Fast Food)
169. The Tenderest Chicken (Dinner)
170. Blini (One & Two)
171. Mascarpone, Rum and Lime Cream (Fast Food)
172. Butterscotch Sauce (Weekend Lunch)
173. Garlic Mushrooms (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
174. Bean and Pasta Soup (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
175. Gigot Boulangère (Weekend Lunch)
176. Frittata (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
177. Chicken with egg and lemon sauce (Dinner)
178. Chicken Pie (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
179. Spinach, Bacon and Raw Mushroom Salad (Weekend Lunch)
180. Baked Sea Bass with Rosemary (Weekend Lunch)
181. Strawberries in Dark Syrup (Dinner)
182. Proust's Madeleines (Dinner)
183. Linguine with Lardons (One & Two)
184. Chicken with Salsa Verde (Fast Food)
185. Miso Mustard Dressing (Low Fat)
186. Almond and Orange-Blossom Cake (Cooking in Advance)
187. Prawns with Garlic and Chilli (One & Two)
188. Onion Mush (Cooking in Advance)
189. Aubergine Moussaka (Cooking in Advance)
190. Cawl (Cooking in Advance)
191. Roast Pork (Weekend Lunch)
192. Swedish Rhubarb and Horseradish Sauce (Weekend Lunch)
193. Seven-Minute Steamed Chocolate Pudding (Fast Food)
194. Baked Aromatic Spiced Plums (Cooking in Advance)
195. Barbados Cream (Cooking in Advance)
196. Chicken Liver Crostini (Dinner)
197. Grilled Pepper Salad (Dinner)
198. Marinated, Butterflied Leg of Lamb (Dinner)
199. Garlic Potatoes (Dinner)
200. Watercress & Raw Mushroom Salad (Dinner)
201. Poached Peaches (Dinner)
202. Sauternes Custard (Dinner)
203. Tonno e fagioli (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
204. Italian Broth (Cooking in Advance)
205. Gnocchetti di Semolino (Cooking in Advance)
206. Veal, Liver and Bacon Mince Pie (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
207. Cream of Chicken Soup (One & Two)
208. Risotto-Inspired Rice Pudding (One & Two)
209. Consommé (Cooking in Advance)
210. Kafka-esque or Soft and Crispy Duck (Cooking in Advance)
211. Christmas Eve Goose (Basics etc.)
212. Red Cabbage Cooked in the Viennese Fashion (Weekend Lunch)
213. Mini star-topped mince pies (Basics etc.)
214. Frangipane Mince Pies (Basics etc.)
215. Lidgate’s Cranberry and Orange Stuffing (Basics etc.)
216. Turkey (Basics etc.)
217. Gravy (Basics etc.)
218. Roast Potatoes (Basics etc.)
219. Brussels Sprouts and Chestnuts (Basics etc.)
220. Bread Sauce (Basics etc.)
221. Cranberry Sauce (Basics etc.)
222. Brandy Butter (Basics etc.)
223. Iced Rum Sauce (Basics etc.)
224. Bubble & Squeak (Basics etc.)
225. Ed Victor's Turkey Hash (Basics etc.)
226. Basil Oil (Weekend Lunch)
227. Tabbouleh (Weekend Lunch)
228. Hummus with seared lamb and toasted pine nuts (Weekend Lunch)
229. Garlic chicken (Weekend Lunch)
230. Aubergine slices with pomegranate juice and mint (Weekend Lunch)
231. Rhubarb meringue pie (Weekend Lunch)
232. Beans wrapped in prosciutto (Dinner)
233. Meringues (Basics etc.)
234. Pasta Sauce with Sausage (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
235. Chicken Patties (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
236. Salmon baked in foil (Weekend Lunch)
237. Pea, avocado and mint salad (Weekend Lunch)
238. Duck Liver Sauce (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
239. Cod with Clams (One & Two)
240. Taramasalata (Weekend Lunch)
241. Crab & Saffron Tart (Weekend Lunch)
242. St. John’s Salad (Weekend Lunch)
243. Baked Caramel Apples (Weekend Lunch)
244. Home carpaccio of beef (One & Two)
245. Golden Root-Vegetable Couscous with Chorizo (Weekend Lunch)
246. Harissa (Weekend Lunch)
247. Great Aunt Myra's Moroccan Orange and Date Salad (Weekend Lunch)
248. Red Slump (Weekend Lunch)
249. Red Mullet with Garlic and Rosemary (Fast Food)
250. Little Gems with Green Goddess Dressing (Dinner)
251. Young Grouse with Mascarpone and Thyme (One & Two)
252. Sweet and Sour Cabbage (Dinner)
253. Pavlova (Dinner)
254. Ham in Coca Cola (Weekend Lunch)
255. Cherry Pie (Weekend Lunch)
256. Lemon Curd (Basics etc.)
257. Braise-roasted lamb with Caper Sauce (Weekend Lunch)
258. A Summer Lemon-Meringue Pie (Weekend Lunch)
259. Bread & Milk (One & Two)
260. Ham & Turkey Meatballs (Feeding Babies & Small Children)
261. Liver with Sweet Onions (One & Two)
262. Gooey Chocolate Puddings (Fast Food)
263. Baked Semolina (One & Two)
264. Baked Sauternes Custard (Weekend Lunch)
265. Chicken Stew with Couscous (Weekend Lunch)
266. Coconut Crème Caramel (Weekend Lunch)
267. Lamb & Bean Braise (One & Two)
268. Apple Crumble (Basics etc.)
269. Zabaione (One & Two)
270. Garlic Fried Potatoes (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
271. Fried Prawn Cakes (One & Two)
272. Christmas Queen of Puddings (Basics etc.)
273. Duck with Pomegranate (One & Two)
274. Greek Lamb Stew (Cooking in Advance)
275. Birthday Cake (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
276. Cheese Stars (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
277. Bakewell Tart with Fresh Raspberries (Weekend Lunch)
278. Periwinkles (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
279. Kale with Chorizo and Poached Egg (One & Two)
280. Chick Peas with Sorrel (One & Two)
281. Macaroons (Basics etc.)
282. Hollandaise (Basics etc.)
283. Hollandaise with Saffron (Basics etc.)
284. Flattened, Marinated Quail (One & Two)
285. American Breakfast Pancakes (Basic etc.)
286. Crepes Parmentier with Smoked Haddock (Weekend Lunch)
287. Poires belle Hélène (Weekend Lunch)
288. Beef Stew with Anchovies and Thyme (Cooking in Advance)
289. Fresh Horseradish Sauce (Weekend Lunch)
290. Treacle Tart (Weekend Lunch)
291. Pink Fish and Beans (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
292. Mashed potatoes, truffle oil and warm Santa Barbara shrimp (Basics etc.)
293. Baked figs (Fast Food)
294. Rosemary-Infused Oil (Weekend Lunch)
295. Cold Roast Fillet of Beef (Weekend Lunch)
296. Rosemary and Anchovy Mayonnaise (Weekend Lunch)
297. Warm Cannellini or Borlotti Beans with Garlic and Sage (Weekend Lunch)
298. Tomato Salad (Weekend Lunch)
299. Yorkshire Pudding with Syrup and Cream (Weekend Lunch)
300. Baked Veal and Ham Pasta (Cooking in Advance)
301. Fancy Cake (Basics etc.)
302. Steak Béarnaise (One & Two)
303. Béarnaise sauce (Basics etc.)
304. Ham cooked in cider with leeks, carrots and potatoes (Weekend Lunch)
305. Yoghurt, honey, passion fruit and cream (Weekend Lunch)
306. The Irish Club's Irish Stew (Dinner)
307. Birthday Cake (Basics etc.)
308. Fillet of Beef with Red Wine, Anchovies, Garlic and Thyme (Dinner)
309. Garlic roast potatoes (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
310. Thai-Flavoured Mussels (Low Fat)
311. Damson Fool (Basics etc.)
312. Béchamel (Basics etc.)
313. Cheese Sauce (Basics etc.)
314. Vegetable Soup (Basics etc.)
315. Parsley Sauce (Basics etc.)
316. Tagliata (Dinner)
317. Pea and Lettuce Soup (Basics etc.)
318. Lamb with Chick Peas (Dinner)
319. Couscous Salad (Dinner)
320. Turkish Delight Figs (Dinner)
321. Pistachio Crescents (Dinner)
322. Parsley and Ham Patties (Basics etc.)
323. Ragoût of wild mushrooms (Weekend Lunch)
324. Oven-cooked polenta (Weekend Lunch)
325. Cheeses with bitter salad (Weekend Lunch)
326. Stewed apples with cinnamon crème fraîche (Weekend Lunch)
327. Duck Meatballs (Feeding babies and small children)
328. Gypsy Toast (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
329. Stock (Basics etc.)
330. Elderflower Cream with Gooseberries (Basics etc.)
331. Guacamole with paprika-toasted potato skins (Dinner)
332. Cod wrapped in ham (Dinner)
333. Sage and onion lentils (Dinner)
334. Digestive biscuits (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
335. Lemon ice-cream (Weekend Lunch)
336. Lemon meringue ice-cream (Weekend Lunch)
337. Duck (Fast Food)
338. Gorgonzola, Marsala and Mascarpone Crostini (Dinner)
339. Choucroute Garnie (Weekend Lunch)
340. Quince Syllabub (Cooking in Advance)
341. Salade Niçoise (One & Two)
342. Thai Clam Pot (Low Fat)
343. Mostarda di Venezia (Basics etc.)
344. Chestnut and pancetta salad (Dinner)
345. Roast venison fillet with apple purée and rosemary sauce (Dinner)
346. Quinces poached in Muscat (Dinner)
347. Proper English Trifle (Cooking in Advance)
348. Hazelnut cake (Dinner)
349. English roast chicken with all the trimmings – plus some (Weekend Lunch)
350. Onion sauce (Weekend Lunch)
351. Chocolate raspberry pudding cake (Dinner)
352. Roast Loin of Pork (Weekend Lunch)
353. Roast Leeks (Weekend Lunch)
354. Clapshot with Burnt Onions (Weekend Lunch)
355. Custard Tart (Weekend Lunch)
356. Lettuce and Lovage Soup (Basics etc.)
357. Chicken strips marinated in yogurt and honey (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
358. Jam Tarts (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
359. Basic White Loaf (Basics etc.)
360. Sole with Chanterelles (Fast Food)
361. Apple Butterscotch Tart (Weekend Lunch)
362. Raspberries and Cream (Fast Food)
363. Pheasant with Gin and IT (Dinner)
364. Tataki of Tuna (Low Fat)
365. Quick Foolproof Custard (Basics etc)
366. Passionfruit Curd (Basics etc.)
367. Egg mayonnaise (Basics etc.)
368. Lentil and black olive crostini (Dinner)
369. Prawn and aubergine crostini (Dinner)
370. Hollandaise sauce with Seville orange juice (Basics etc.)
371. Panchporan Aloo (Basics etc.)
372. Sauternes and Lemon Balm Jelly (Dinner)
373. Good, thick winter pea soup (Weekend Lunch)
374. Char Siu 1 (Low Fat)
375. Char Siu 2 (Low Fat)
376. Latkes (Basics etc.)
377. Potatoes (Basics etc.)
378. Pecorino and Pears (Weekend Lunch)
379. Loin of pork with bay leaves (Dinner)
380. Rhubarb custard (Dinner)
381. Caesar salad (Dinner)
382. Roasted garlic and shallots (Dinner)
383. Mint, orange and redcurrant jelly (Weekend Lunch)
384. Ceviche with hot garlic potatoes (Dinner)
385. Sauce Verte (Basics etc.)
386. My mother's white sauce (Basics etc.)
387. Gingered Chicken Salad (Weekend Lunch)
388. Cod & Peas (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
389. Chicory and Mustard Salad (Dinner)
390. Mushroom crostini (Dinner)
391. Duck liver crostini (Dinner)
392. Marmite Sandwiches (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
393. The Roast Beef (Weekend Lunch)
394. The Gravy (Weekend Lunch)
395. The Yorkshire Pudding (Weekend Lunch)
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
The Final Lunch for this blog!
Now, I'm sure that many people out there have negative memories associated with the ritual of "The Sunday Lunch". I've read Toast, I've seen Eat Drink Man Woman, and I've read lots of articles in culinary and trashy magazines on this subject. However, I think the negative connotations surrounding the Sunday Lunch are more about familial pressures and obligations, rather than the food itself. (Although having read Nigel Slater's wonderful descriptions of not-so-wonderful food in Toast, this is not always the case). And thankfully, I was not brought up with the idea that it was a Good Thing to have the family sitting around the table at a regular time every week, regardless of inclination or hunger. I admit that I am extremely lucky in that, more often than not, eating day-to-day meals together with my family was a natural, enjoyable, and desirable experience. It was especially great that we could have the entire family (Dad, Mum, Daniel and myself) home today to eat this special lunch.
393. The Roast Beef
394. The Gravy
395. The Yorkshire Pudding
I served it with roast potatoes (they don't count as a recipe, as I've made them heaps of times before), and baby beans (from a freezer packet).
In the book, Nigella writes out a Sunday Lunch timetable - for a meal like this, with so many elements that require precision timing, you really have to plan everything out like a "military operation". However, by this stage in the project, I've made over 350 recipes, dozens of dinner parties and lots of lunches. It may be immodest of me to say, but I was confident that I could just wing it, and everything would be fine.
This is our beef, check it out. It's an aged piece of rib-eye, about 2.45 kg. Mum bought it at Rendinas (where else!), and the butcher assured her it was a lovely, lovely piece of meat.

I cooked it at 210C for 90 minutes in total. Whilst it was in the oven, I boiled the potatoes, and made our dessert. I've actually already made all the desserts in How to Eat, so I decided to revisit one of my favourites, the rhubarb meringue pie. As I've made it before, I won't tell you how it was made. (Click on the above link if you're interested, as you should be - it's an amazing pie). One thing I do want to show you though, is Nigella's amazing pastry. Her freezer-processor method is a very valuable tip that I've learnt from this book, which almost always results in a fabulously easy to roll pastry.
This the the excess pastry - just look how elastic and pliable it is!

I cooked the rhubarb meringue pie in our microwave convection oven in the pantry, to leave the big oven free for all the hardcore meat and potatoes cooking.
Next was the gravy. You start off by cooking a thinly sliced onion until soft, then adding sugar and Marsala, and letting it cook slowly until caramelized and very, very soft. (Note: I'd recommend using a large onion, and doubling, or perhaps even tripling quantities. Gravy is good.) Then you add some flour, and then beef stock, stirring it well, and letting it simmer for about 20 minutes. At this point, you can push it through a sieve or put it in a processor, and then leave it on the stove until it's time to eat.
Once the beef was cooked, I took it out of the oven, and let it rest, covered in foil, on Mum's big carving board. Then, I put the potatoes in the oven, made the yorkshire pudding (same method as the sweet yorkshire pudding, but with added salt and pepper), and added it to the oven for the last 20 minutes of cooking time. Whilst they were cooking, I boiled my beans and added the pan juices to the gravy.
And then it was time to eat!!!







Check out that lunch! I'd describe all the dishes, but I think the photos speak for themselves. Mmm... everything was delicious. Nigella's gravy recipe is fantastic, as is her roast potato one.
We sat around the table talking, laughing and eating. We only got through about half of that food, but considering that I'm in study mode and not going to be cooking for a while, this is a good thing.
While Mum, Dad and Daniel were cleaning up the kitchen, I finished off the pie.

Here's what it looks like baked. I really, really wanted to decorate it with some words, so as it was cooling, I melted a bar of dark chocolate, scraped it into a zip-lock glad bag, snipped off the corner and piped out some free-form words onto parchment paper (not very neatly, I'm afraid). I let them set in the fridge, and then arranged them haphazardly on top of the cooled pie to form a kinda Louis Vuitton graffiti pie. (Yes, I'm sticking to the "Louis Vuitton graffiti" description, and not, for instance, "a hyperactive 2-year old's art project").

Again, I don't really need to describe the pie. Y'all know I love pie, and the rhubarb meringue pie is my favourite pie out of the whole book. I'm sure you can deduce that I loved eating it. I should just add that rhubarb and dark chocolate is a winning combination.
But even more exciting than pie (and it's not often you'll hear me saying that), I finally opened that big brown mysterious envelope I received last month! And guess what it was! A signed photo of Nigella!!!!!!!!! Omg omg omg Yay yay yay!!!!! It is totally like the most awesomest thing ever!!

And just in case you were wondering what I wrote on top of the pie...

Thank-you everyone!
"Welcome Back Daniel!" or "I come from the land down under..."
If you have a look at the bottom my last post, you'll see that last night, I was hunkering down for an intense late night essay-writing session. And I didn't get to bed for another 3 and a half hours after writing that post. So naturally, I was tired. But not too tired to whip up some "welcome back to Australia" sandwiches as Daniel unpacked and showed us all the kick-ass Japanese stuff he bought. SUGOI!
392. Marmite Sandwiches (Feeding Babies and Small Children)
These appear in the Party Food section of the Kiddies' chapter, and are so easy to make. The point of the recipe is not the ingredients, (I mean, who needs a recipe for marmite sandwiches?), but Nigella's method. She instructs you to cream butter until soft, and mix it with some marmite (before you ask, I used vegemite, of course).

Mmm... mushy - I made the butter-vegemite mix dark and salty, as I usually don't even have butter with vegemite.
The soft, creamy mixture is then very very spreadable, which is useful when you have to make dozens of sandwiches, quickly and with plastic white bread. (I used Wonder White, in the delightfully comic-book-camp pink packet). You'll need to slice the crusts off and cut them into quarters.

These are GOOD. Even my mum ate one and liked it, despite not having acquired the taste for vegemite during her Malaysian childhood. I'm not exactly sure why, but they taste miles better than normal vegemite-on-toast. After the sandwiches were made (I only ate 1), and Daniel had finished showing us his awesome stuff, I went back to bed. When I woke up, everyone had polished off the remaining sandwiches, which made me very very happy. Ee... oishii sandoichi! SAIKOU!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
I wanted to procrastinate so badly i went to make duck liver crostini
Anyway, about an hour ago I took a study break and made some crostini.
391. Duck liver crostini (Dinner)
The method for these crostini is pretty much the same as the chicken liver crostini. The only difference is that Nigella says to omit the capers and anchovies, add some orange zest, and to use Grand Marnier in place of Marsala. It took about 30 minutes to make, whilst listening to Rod Stewart's Greatest Hits. (Yes, it's still in my CD player, and it still ROCKS).

crostini duck liver
Ok, back to the essay now. Duck liver crostini is totally a normal thing to be eating late at night during essay time.
They're pretty good actually, despite my aversion to liver and my stress-induced lack of appetite. And I guess I should mention here that the mushroom crostini and chicory and mustard salad were really, really good. My parents and I have been picking at them all day, and Dad declared the salad dressing "delicious".
Discuss Jean Rhys' treatment of personal cultural dislocation in a postcolonial context in Wide Sargasso Sea.

chips, coffee, sauce verte
Today, before I get properly stuck into my literature essay (hence the weird title of this post), I got through a couple more recipes.
389. Chicory and Mustard Salad (Dinner)
Chicory is out of season at the moment, so I used witlof. (I always used these 2 terms interchangeably; I didn't realise they were 2 different things, but according to the dude at Leo's, they are).
The dressing is Dijon mustard, crème fraîche, cider vinegar and salt, whisked to a thick emulsified dressing with olive oil.
Then simply toss the dressing through the leaves and you're done.
chicory mustard salad
390. Mushroom crostini (Dinner)
This recipe looks a lot fancier than it really is. The topping for the little crunchy bread rounds simply consists of chopped thyme, garlic and mushrooms, cooked until soft, to which you add grated parmesan. A light sprinkling of chopped parsley completes them. Easy.
mushroom crostini
I'm a bit stressed at the moment with essays, finishing off the project and other not-quite-related antipodean dramas, so don't have much of an appetite (yes, I'm shocked too). However, the mushroom crostini smell really, really good, and I'd be happy to pull them out at a dinner party. The salad looks pretty good too - I'll get my mum to do a taste-test for me later on.
Now I'm back to immerse myself in the world of 1830's Jamaica. Yah man.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Cod & Peas
Kids chapter. Quick meal. You cook peas in butter and a bit of liquid (water & lemon juice, or white wine, or vermouth), then add bite-sized cubes of fish (Nigella says cod or trout; I chose trout) and let it cook for a couple more minutes. That's it.

Trout & Peas
It was really easy and quick to make, so if you expect that your kids will like this kind of stuff, then you should definitely give it a go. Personally, I was nonplussed - I thought it was pretty bland, but chacun à son goût, as the French say.
Goodbye to Basics etc.
8. Basic Roast Chicken
38. Basic Roast Chicken with garlic and shallots
329. Stock
356. Lettuce and Lovage Soup
64. Mayonnaise
375. Sauce Verte
357. Egg Mayonnaise
282. Hollandaise
283. Hollandaise with Saffron
360. Hollandaise sauce with Seville orange juice
303. Béarnaise Sauce
233. Meringues
281. Macaroons
133. Langue de chat
312. Béchamel
313. Cheese sauce
315. Parsley sauce
322. Parsley and ham patties
376. My mother’s white sauce
314. Vegetable Soup
24. Breadcrumbs
9. Plain Salad Dressing
21. Basic French Dressing
63. Victoria Sponge
307. Birthday Cake
301. Fancy Cake
47. Moorish Cake
359. Basic White Loaf
256. Lemon Curd
356. Passionfruit Curd
81. Real Custard
355. Quick Foolproof Custard
40. Basic Vanilla Ice-cream
119. The World’s Best Chocolate Ice-cream
43. Pancakes
285. American Breakfast Pancakes
62. Shortcrust Pastry
49. Rich Shortcrust Pastry
164. Sweet Pastry
268. Plain Apple Crumble
124. Rhubarb Crumble
59. Canard à l’orange
58. Scallops with Bitter Oranges
65. Seville Orange Marmalade
330. Elderflower Cream
311. Damson Fool
343. Mostarda di Venezia
211. Christmas Eve Goose
154. Lidgate’s Chestnut Stuffing
215. Lidgate’s Cranberry and Orange Stuffing
216. Turkey
217. Gravy
218. Potatoes
219. Brussels Sprouts and Chestnuts
220. Bread sauce
221. Cranberry Sauce
222. Brandy Butter
223. Iced Rum Sauce
213. Mini star-topped mince pies
214. Frangipane Mince Pies
224. Bubble and Squeak
225. Ed Victor’s Turkey Hash
367. Potatoes
372. Roasted Garlic and Shallots
366. Latkes
361. Panchphoran Aloo (Potatoes in whole spices)
122. Lentil and Chestnut Soup
272. Christmas Queen of Puddings
39. Clementine Cake
292. Mashed Potatoes, Truffle Oil and Warm Santa Barbara Shrimp
Gingered Chicken Salad
According to Nigella, if you roast a chicken with ginger rubbed into the skin, the leftover meat will lend itself nicely to an Asian-style salad. I didn't want to go to the bother of roasting a whole chicken, so I just rubbed a breast with bottled minced ginger, cooked that in the oven, and let it cool overnight.
For lunch today, I shredded the meat, and tossed it through some mixed lettuce with water chestnuts and a dressing of soy sauce, sesame oil and rice vinegar. I notice now that I forgot to add toasted sesame seeds, and intentionally omitted raw sugar snaps, but it didn't seem to make a huge difference to the salad. It tasted quite lovely as it was. The only thing I noticed was that the breast meat was a bit tough, so I'd probably go for thigh next time. Theoretically, I prefer thigh. However, I acknowledge that circumstance and my ever-changing moods usually dictate what I actually end up eating.

Gingered Chicken Salad