Thursday, September 13, 2007

Time is going by too quickly and I don't have time to post events on the actual days they happen. Here is a synopsis of things past:Rylee had her first day of preschool. She loves it! Nevertheless, everyday as we get ready to go she tells me she doesn't want to go to school today.

Avery turned 2!No, not a black eye, just Avery getting into my mascara. She doesn't have Ethan's application skills.
This is what happens if Izzy is ever on the floor.

Izzy smiles! And I think I have the most beautiful girls in the world.


emily said...

your girls are so cute! can't believe avery is 2! that went fast. so... do they do buckets instead of backpacks in california???

bethany said...

They are so cute! I was wondering the same thing about Rylee's bucket :)

KatieB said...

just this preschool does buckets...

Shelley said...

Wow - your girls are beautiful. Their sistership looks really fun. I love sisters! I hope Skylar gets some.

Melissa said...

What a bunch of cuties...