Treasures You Forgot You Had Part II and Moving Update:
About 8 months ago Avery lost the only pair of tweezers I've ever had that I liked. The result was pure tragedy for my eyebrows. But I'm happy to report they were found during the loading of the truck (thanks to those who helped! So sorry that the one day it rains in San Diego was the day we moved....) and my brows have been returned to their original state from glory days past.
Chad and my brother-in-law Daniel (who helped drive our second car, yeah Daniel!!!) have arrived safely in Austin. The girls and I fly out bright and early tomorrow morning. I don't know if I'll sleep at all tonight. I go from excitement to terror in under 30 seconds. Plus I have little people (or "li-ttle pee-pul" as Avery says when she wants to watch a Fisher Price Little People DVD) waking me up every two hours.
Okay, I hope to have more interesting posts about all the crazy Texans I might in the next few weeks. Wish me luck on my flight alone with the "li-ttle pee-pul."
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I got tagged, so I'd better hurry and do this before Chad finds out I'm blogging instead of packing.... (I guess I just told him.)
My Husband:
What is his name? Chad
How long have you been together? 6 years
How long did you date? 7 months before we got married, but good friends for a year and half before that--so I already knew all his tricks
How old is he? 29. He has a few grey hairs, but hides them well
Who eats more? When we first got married, Chad. I remember getting in trouble on our honeymoon because I couldn't finish any of my meals and we were so poor... But I keep up now.
Who said I love you first? I honestly don't remember, but knowing me, it was me
Who is taller? Chad
Who sings better? I like to think I do, but Chad does a mean version of "Against the Wind"
Who is smarter? At things science at math: Chad at English and things important: Me
Whose temper is worse? Mine. I get grouchy when I clean. Something about those dirty socks and clothes that inexplicably end up in the livingroom gets me in a bad mood...
Who does the laundry? I don't think Chad knows where the laundry room is, that's why the clothes are in the livingroom. It's UPSTAIRS, honey! At the end of the hall! The door's open!!!Who does the dishes? ME! Unless I ask him to, which I probably have only done outright a handful of times in our marriage. I gotta start asking! (In his defense, he does put his dirty disher into the dishwasher right away. Most of the time).
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Chad
Who pays the bills? Me
Who mows the lawn? Chad. But not very well :). The first time he accidentally spilled a bunch of gasoline for the mower on the grass and burned a big hole into it. We're really hard on things. This is why we should never be allowed to own a home. Oh! But Chad and I were on Grounds Crew at BYU one spring and I mowed then! Although, I could never get it started, guys walking by would always feel sorry for me and start it. I was really hot in my Grounds Crew work clothes...
Who cooks dinner? Me and PeiWei
Who drives when you are together? Chad hates my driving. He says: "I don't feel like you're in control when you drive."
Who is more stubborn? Chad
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Usually Chad
Whose parents do you see the most? Mine, because they only live 15 minutes away
Who kissed who first? Once Chad saw me in my Grounds Crew outfit he couldn't resist
Who asked who out? Chad. I believe the exact phrase was: "What would you say if I asked you out?" and I said, after a long pause: "Um, I would probably say yes." Classy.
Who proposed? Chad, on BOTH knees. Was he begging?
Who is more sensitive? That would be me. I've still never seen Chad cry and I've known him 8 years. To all you who grew up with him: does my husband have tear ducts?
Who has more friends? Mine are BETTER...
Who wears the pants in the family? We like to take turns
My Husband:
What is his name? Chad
How long have you been together? 6 years
How long did you date? 7 months before we got married, but good friends for a year and half before that--so I already knew all his tricks
How old is he? 29. He has a few grey hairs, but hides them well
Who eats more? When we first got married, Chad. I remember getting in trouble on our honeymoon because I couldn't finish any of my meals and we were so poor... But I keep up now.
Who said I love you first? I honestly don't remember, but knowing me, it was me
Who is taller? Chad
Who sings better? I like to think I do, but Chad does a mean version of "Against the Wind"
Who is smarter? At things science at math: Chad at English and things important: Me
Whose temper is worse? Mine. I get grouchy when I clean. Something about those dirty socks and clothes that inexplicably end up in the livingroom gets me in a bad mood...
Who does the laundry? I don't think Chad knows where the laundry room is, that's why the clothes are in the livingroom. It's UPSTAIRS, honey! At the end of the hall! The door's open!!!Who does the dishes? ME! Unless I ask him to, which I probably have only done outright a handful of times in our marriage. I gotta start asking! (In his defense, he does put his dirty disher into the dishwasher right away. Most of the time).
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Chad
Who pays the bills? Me
Who mows the lawn? Chad. But not very well :). The first time he accidentally spilled a bunch of gasoline for the mower on the grass and burned a big hole into it. We're really hard on things. This is why we should never be allowed to own a home. Oh! But Chad and I were on Grounds Crew at BYU one spring and I mowed then! Although, I could never get it started, guys walking by would always feel sorry for me and start it. I was really hot in my Grounds Crew work clothes...
Who cooks dinner? Me and PeiWei
Who drives when you are together? Chad hates my driving. He says: "I don't feel like you're in control when you drive."
Who is more stubborn? Chad
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Usually Chad
Whose parents do you see the most? Mine, because they only live 15 minutes away
Who kissed who first? Once Chad saw me in my Grounds Crew outfit he couldn't resist
Who asked who out? Chad. I believe the exact phrase was: "What would you say if I asked you out?" and I said, after a long pause: "Um, I would probably say yes." Classy.
Who proposed? Chad, on BOTH knees. Was he begging?
Who is more sensitive? That would be me. I've still never seen Chad cry and I've known him 8 years. To all you who grew up with him: does my husband have tear ducts?
Who has more friends? Mine are BETTER...
Who wears the pants in the family? We like to take turns
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Time is going by too quickly and I don't have time to post events on the actual days they happen. Here is a synopsis of things past:
Rylee had her first day of preschool. She loves it! Nevertheless, everyday as we get ready to go she tells me she doesn't want to go to school today.
Avery turned 2!
No, not a black eye, just Avery getting into my mascara. She doesn't have Ethan's application skills.
This is what happens if Izzy is ever on the floor.
Izzy smiles! And I think I have the most beautiful girls in the world.
Friday, September 07, 2007
You discover amazing treasures you forgot you had when packing. Take these for example:
These beauties have moved with us 4 times already. And never get used. But Chad refuses to part with them. I've tried "forgetting" to pack them. I think I've even left them in the trashcan before, but somehow they always end up in our new location....Chad insists that even though he's had them since he was 11, he'd still pick out the exact same ones today if given the choice. Today I told him that they probably don't fit him anymore, so he WD-40ed them and took them for a test drive. Unfortunately they do still fit, and thanks to WD-40, still work. So I think I'm going to have to pack them for a 5th time...unless I can think of a clever way to forget them. At least they got used once at this house.

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