Showing posts with label wizard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wizard. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Finished! Sequitors!

Mace wielding, power crystal having, very serious devotees of Sigmar. My army is growing steadily, I'm trying to add a unit each month. Currently building some cavalry but for now, here's the beef. Two units of Sequitors and again, I can see the value of having double the amount in my army as I play larger games. Where first there were 10, now there are 20. 20-40 Feral hogs and the only way to stop them is with more Sequitors on watch.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Finished! Evocators

Evocators are ready!
 Now to do it again, as my army grows I realize the value of a second unit down the line. But so far my fledgling force has reached 1,000 points and I took the time to photograph them. Next post I'll have some Sequitors to share.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

WIP: The Painting Wizard

A quick personal project, which is a gift for a friend. The Painting Wizard. How does he do it? Magic of course, but I'm getting ahead of myself. First we'll see how it came together. The model is a slightly modified shaman from the Bloodrage boxed game.

Here he is in the bare state.

In a flurry the colors were a flying. A quick memento for my Brush Bro.

Alone on his island stands the Wizard.
