Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Monday, 14 January 2008

Cheap books!

If there was ever an argument for Charity's the books! Some people wont go near Charity Shops and I can see how they might feel, but they are missing out on some very good bargains.

I got a really good deal on Saturday, I was so chuffed!! I got four of the books in Diana Gabaldon's Cross Stitch/Outlander series for £1.90 - I don't think that I have made a better bargain anywhere else!

I read these books years ago, but the copies were Mum's and have since been somewhat battered by the umpteen lendings and readings, not to mention the slight damp in the corner of the room where they are!! So, I am really pleased to get copies of my own, now I just need to watch out for the other books in the series as there are more than four books!

I also managed to find a couple of my Triple Eight Challenge books - Silas Marner and Schindler's Ark and picked up another biography - this one about Alistair Cooke.

Saturday, 12 January 2008

Candle Party

I went to a Candle Party last night! Have you heard of Candle Parties? They're just another variation on the old Tupperware Party!

A friend invites you (and a bunch of other friends of course) to her house for an evening of wine and nibbles so that you can listen to a sales person say how wonderful her products are and of course, you get to see said products in action!

Now, I have to admit that I am addicted to candles, but it is an addiction that I am manging to restrain fairly well - I don't go for all shapes and sizes, but do enjoy having candles all lit up in the lounge.

Anyway, I had a good time last night! There were about eight of us, which actually made for a nice, cosy evening in with friends ensuing in lots of laughter! (particularly over the story of some friends who said that they'd made a promise to go to the health club the morning after they'd done rather too much drinking- they did too - they walked up to the club, had a coffee and walked home again!)

The only trouble with parties like this is that you have to listen to a lot of sales patter as well as the usual spiel about "if you are a hostess you get to have X percent off" - it got a bit irritating really. The funniest thing was that the saleswoman kept saying 'smells' as in "you can choose between these bottles but not these smells" and I was so very tempted to advise her that 'fragrances' would sound so much better!

Despite those niggles, I did think that there were one or two good products! So, I have bought two little round candle holders that match my hurricane lantern, plus a nifty little insert that goes inside said hurricane lantern so that I use three tealights instead of one pillar candle - it looks really nice. Of course, I also had to stock up on more candles!

I am now eagerly awaiting the delivery of my purchases!

Thursday, 8 November 2007


Clearly it is way too early to begin talking about Christmas and I apologise to those who would rather not start thinking about Christmas until Christmas Eve!! ;-)

But, I had to tell you all about my day in London. I have just got back from a rather long day at the Spirit of Christmas fair that is held every year in Olympia. It is quite a nice fair - a real mix of stalls that hold clothes, smellies, toys, decorations, food, etc, etc! I don't go every year because it can get expensive, but I went this year and had a good time just browsing amongst the stalls.

Dad turned up too! He had said that he might come and that we'd try and meet for a cup of tea if he did, but as Dad had left to the last minute, I was not sure that he would arrive. Well, I was standing at a stall buying some candles when my phone buzzed, so I checked it for messages, only to see that Dad was calling...because I don't use the phone as most people might, I thought that Dad had made a mistake and so I cut him off!!! About two minutes later, he was calling again, so I grabbed the nearest nice looking lady and asked her to translate for me!!

To cut a short story shorter, he was in Olympia and looking for me! So, we met, I told him off for calling me, and we went and had a cup of tea! As it turned out, he didn't text me because of the way his phone ask's you to tick a persons name before sending the message, which isn't particularly intuitive, so I let him off!! ;-)

We had a nice day, just wandering around. Unfortunately I did not buy any christmas presents! Which kind of defeats the point of such a day, but I did get a few things for meself! A lovely pair of gorgeously smelling candles, a funky spotty hen doorstop, a purple canvas bag that seems to hold everything, and finally, an advent calendar from Montezuma's - my absolute favourite chocolate shop in Chichester that I was pleased to spot at the fair!! (I have just discovered that they now have a shop in Newbury - a mere half an hour from me!! Guess where I am going the weekend after next!!)

Unfortanately, the end of the day wasn't quite so good. I duly managed to get myself to Paddington in plenty of time to catch the train home, but there were lots of delays and cancellations! The ironic thing is that the electronic display boards now tell you why a train may be late or cancelled. The train that I had a reservation on was cancelled due to a mechanical fault and the train that I eventually caught was delayed because they were waiting for a member of staff!!! Anyway, I did eventually get home and am now about to go to bed!

Friday, 19 October 2007


By now many of you cannot have escaped the fact that I am going to AUSTRALIA in March - yay! ;-)

I decided that I would need some new luggage as all I have at the moment are suitcases that are still good, but they don't have suitable wheels or pull-ability! So, I found a cracking deal on the Debenhams website and have ordered two red Tripp cases, one for the bulk of my luggage and one for my hand luggage. (They arrive in about five days!)

While that is very nice, that is not actually the point of this post. The point is....last night I came across the fact that you can get your luggage sent ahead of you, now, I knew that you could do this if you were moving abroad and simply had to send everything ahead of yourself.

But did you know that you could do this with ordinary luggage, or things like that ski/surf/golf equipment that you just didn't fancy carrying around the airport! So, I had a quick look to see whether it would be worth sending my luggage ahead to Sydney so that I could walk off the 'plane relatively faster than anyone else (would still have to go through all entrance checks and everything!).

Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather!!!! I can indeed send my luggage ahead to Sydney - at the cost of.....wait for it.......£300-odd pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, that very quickly put paid to that idea, I will simply buy a book at the cheap price of £5.99 (or whatever!) and entertain myself whilst waiting in the queue!