Don't judge me. Alright, go ahead if you have to. I admit Scarlet watches too may shows!!! Its just too easy to give in, especially since Rosie came along. I think its also harder in the winter. To my defense I really, really try to limit Scarlet to ONE show a day. Sometimes it's two and occasionally on the really tough days...its three. BUT its almost ALWAYS her idea not mine...like those excuses? Well I am the queen of them, just come to me if you are feeling down, I will find some excuses for you too! This may be one of my NYR's (new year resolutions) STOP MAKING EXCUSES, either except something or change it...we'll see how it goes. But excuses are so nice...(grrr) maybe I will pick a different resolution.
I just get a kick out of the girls with nothin' on just hangin' out on the bed together- looks fun to me, i will not judge :)
uh-oh. I didn't think one or two shows a day was that many. Oops! Kaya watches cartoons every morning while I wake up, read scriptures, shower, etc. And then she watches a movie during Sadie's nap time. That's when I clean the house and do Arbinger work. It's our routine - no more, occasionally less than 2 shows a day. I feel good about it. I'm much happier when I have some time to accomplish things and the kids are happier when I'm happy. :) (Like those excuses?)
Thanks Amber, its good to know I am not alone: I need a routine like that while she watches her shows I...nap. New resolution...clean my house sometimes
Is that movies or 30 min. pbs shows? I'm afraid to admit how may pbs shows we watch per day!
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