Showing posts with label Michelle Malkin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michelle Malkin. Show all posts

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Michelle Malkin Nails It: "Why They Hate Us"

So many people are clueless when it comes to Islam, its major tenets, its history, and the history of its prophet.  They think it's just another religion, like Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism or What-Have-You-ism.  It's not.  Islam is in a class by itself:  perpetually violent, intractable and eternally hostile.

I have read 18 books on the subject; I understand Islam far better than the average Joe on the street.  So when I say Michelle Malkin "nails it" on why the Muslims hate us, it is a very INFORMED opinion on my part.

She wrote today:
I told you the gobsmackingly obvious at the very outset of these latest pretextual jihadi outbreaks across the Middle East: It’s not about the dumb Internet movie or the marginal Pastor Terry Jones. They hated us before these excuses. They hated us before George W. Bush took office. They hated us before Israel came into existence. They hate us not because of what we might draw, broadcast, burn, wear, or say. They hate us because our very existence as infidels insults Allah. And you know what must happen to those who insult Allah. OFF WITH THEIR HEADS.
Read more here.

She's right, and I make it a major part of my persona to be as insulting as possible to this barbaric excuse for a religion.  Fuck Islam.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Another Chick-Fil-A Vandalized by the "Love" Crowd

Vandalism Is an Act of Hate
Another Chick-Fil-A, this one in Missouri, has been vandalized by the "Gay Love" Crowd.  It reads, "Don't Hate."  Yeah sure, vandalize property and act like the punks and thugs you are, that'll sure convince me of the "power of love."

I am not for men marrying boys either.  Does that mean I hate boys?

I am not for anyone marrying roosters.  Does that mean I hate roosters?

I am not for polygamous marriage either -- do I hate crowds?

The radical gays are very convincing in their methods.  I am convinced.  To never vote for gay marriage.

Radical Logic examples, turn-about:

Oh by the way, if you are for gun control, that must mean you hate gun owners.
If you are for higher taxation, you hate businessmen and women.
If you don't vote for Romney, you must be a reverse racist.

Don't hate, lefties.  You can prove you're not a "hater" by doing everything I like and nothing I don't.

Photo credit:  Michelle Malkin's Facebook Page.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Must Read: the Left's Long Legacy of Hatred and Violence

Leftist Illustration Advocating Violence
Against Sarah Palin
Leftist T Shirt Advocating
Presidential Assassination
Michelle Malkin has documented the most recent examples of the Left's political hatred and advocacy of violence against Republicans and conservatives.  It is a long list and can be viewed here.

So-called "mainstream" newspapers like the New York Times continually impugn conservatives by insinuating conservative beliefs cause violence like the Arizona shootings; however, they offer no proof beyond insinuation and innuendo.  With the left, however, there is no insinuation, just the brazen advocacy of violence and hatred against those on the Right.  Graphic descriptions appear in leftist websites and rallies and are completely ignored by the leftwing "mainstream" press, most notably the New York Times, Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle and Los Angeles Times.

Leftist Poster Advocating Presidential Assassination
Of course, the real reason for making false accusations against conservative politicos is not to arrive at any fair semblance of the truth.  The real goal is to suppress conservative thought and political arguments.  The purveryors of the Left's blood libel are hoping that conservatives will self-censor, refrain from rebutting leftist arguments or making vigorous counter-arguments, for fear of being accused of causing violence.

The transparent hypocrisy of the liberal left is breathtaking in its sheer audacity.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

NY23: Thoughts on Doug Hoffman's Brave Effort

Doug Hoffman's effort to win a congressional seat in New York was hampered by several factors.  He was attacked by the Republican Party itself (in ads) before Scozzafava dropped out.  Scozzafava's departure came only three days before the vote, and then she endorsed the Democrat, even making robo calls for him.  Her name was still on the ballot and drew over 5,000 votes that might have gone to Hoffman.

In other words, Hoffman only emerged as the GOP's champion very late in the campaign, in a confused situation of rapidly changing circumstances.  This was not your usual political campaign.

Michelle Malkin summarizes the election and its aftermath:
Hoffman may have lost narrowly, but NY-23 is a much broader victory for conservatives who believe the Republican Party should stand for core limited government principles. Scozzafava, who was endorsed by far Left blogger Markos Moulitsas Zuniga and backed by Planned Parenthood, the National Education Association, and card-check-promoting trade unions, was denied the congressional seat because movement conservatives refused to support Arlen Specter in a skirt. This is a victory of principle.
Better a donkey in office that acts like a donkey than a donkey in elephant’s clothing making a complete ass of the GOP.
Moreover, NY-23 is a victory for conservatives who refuse to be marginalized in the public square by either the unhinged left or the establishment right. A humble accountant from upstate New York exposed the hypocrisy of GOP leaders trying to solicit funds from conservatives by lambasting Pelosi and the Dems’ support for high taxes, Big Labor, and bigger government — while using conservatives’ money to subsidize a high-taxing, Big Labor-pandering, bigger government radical. The repercussions will be felt well beyond NY-23’s borders. Conservatives’ disgust with the status quo has been heard and felt. They have been silent too long. They will be silent no more.
And, we will be back to NY23 in one year's time, more prepared and better funded, and hopefully without RINO baggage to dispose of.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Michelle Malkin Features Another Stogie Photoshop

Michelle Malkin has used my most recent Photoshop, the one below of Barack Obama as Julius Caesar. See it on Michelle's blog at this link. The title of her article that features the Photoshop is called "He Cometh; the Money Tree Shaketh."

It took me 15 minutes to create this Photoshop. Funny, some of my easiest to make work has appeared on Michelle Malkin's site. It doesn't always take a lot of effort to produce an effective cartoon.

I'll talk more about this on Blog Talk Radio tomorrow. See previous post for link and time.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Michelle Malkin Uses Another Stogie Photoshop

Michelle Malkin ran my Photoshop of Father Pfleger as "Vanilla Ice." See it here.

I sent it to her a few days ago for use as she saw fit. Michelle was the first person to describe Father Pfleger as "Vanilla Ice" and she gave me the inspiration for the Photoshop. Here's my post explaining the comparison to "Vanilla Ice."

Actually, it was a very easy Photoshop to make.

I'm glad she could use it! It's great to contribute something to the greatest bloggers among us, i.e. Pam Geller and Michelle Malkin.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Fitna the Movie: The Blogosphere Triumphs!!

See the two hotties on the right? The one on the left is Michelle Malkin and the one on the right is Pam Geller. I had some blogosphere interaction with both of them this past week, and it resulted in my best week of blogging ever.

Earlier in the week Michelle Malkin liked my Photoshop of Hillary Clinton in Bosnia wearing an army helmet and sporting an M16, and posted it on her blog. Malkin is big in the blogosphere, a published author, newspaper columnist and a regular TV pundit on Fox News. She's also very darned cute, but that's another story. Anyway, she posted the Photoshop and that was a great source of pride to me, though it didn't give Saber Point any traffic. She just gave the Photoshop credit as "Stogie." That's fine, I wasn't looking for anything more. I was just happy to contribute.

The day before yesterday, I was disturbed at the censorship of "Fitna" the movie on Liveleak, so spent a day researching how to download videos from websites. I finally figured out a way, then made downloads available here at Saber Point. Pam Geller, another very gorgeous lady, gave me a plug at her hugely successful website, Atlas Shrugs. This helped me get more hits than I ever had before, 15 times normal, even more than the time Mark Steyn linked to me when I reviewed his last book, America Alone. Many of the hits also came from the Google search engine. People all over the world were searching for a site where they could download Fitna.

I'm not looking for fame out of this, just savoring the satisfaction -- the satisfaction that, for once, I was useful to the conservative blogosphere, that I contributed something of value. I was more than just a me-too.

Other folks did their part too. put a copy of the video on his website with a download link. Another person, not usually a blogger, was disturbed by the Liveleak event, so got herself a file, uploaded it to her website, then linked to it on her brand new blog, started for one purpose only, to make Fitna available. See Other worthy mentions are Michael at and the website Way to go, guys. It's amazing how fast and effective the blogosphere can be when it needs to be.

There's a Chinese saying that an army of ants can kill a snake. The Islamists can't stop the dessimination of videos like Fitna. There are too many of us ants, too many blogs and websites, too many technically-savvy people all over the world ready to contribute to defeating Islam and Islamization. We will devour the snake with ten thousand small bites.

Monday, January 15, 2007

The Leftist Attack on KSFO Talk Radio

As a conservative who lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, I listen daily to conservative talk show KSFO out of San Francisco. In the mornings, on the way to work, I listen to Lee Rodgers, Melanie Morgan and Officer Vic; in the evenings on the way home, I listen to Brian Sussman.

The shows are meant to be humorous and fun-filled and a lot of joking goes on. Occasionally, someone gets hot over some controversy and says something intemperate; so what? Brian Sussman has apologized a couple of times for being "overly harsh" on Islam, but the truth is, he is way too lenient of that false and evil religion, believing as some do, that Islam has "been hijacked" by an extremist minority. In reality, the extremism is a central part of Islam and the foundation of the whole religion.

Some leftard with a blog called "Spocko's Brain" has been attacking KSFO conservative talk radio in the San Francisco Bay Area this week. He has been misrepresenting things said on the talk show and sending them, out of context or in some cases, distorted beyond all reality, to the station's sponsors. He asks the sponsors to discontinue their advertising on KSFO.

Local liberal television station Channel Five out of San Francisco joined the fight on the side of the leftards this week as they too weighed in on KSFO, quoting things out of context and especially disparaging their former weather man, Brian Sussman, who has a show of his own on KSFO in the evenings. Channel Five claimed that advertisers were leaving KSFO "in droves." It was a baldfaced lie.

Channel Five never called any of the KSFO pundits to ask them about the charges nor did they offer any chance to respond. In other words, it was a liberal hit piece on conservative radio with no pretense of fairness.

Yesterday KSFO rebutted Channel Five in a special three hour broadcast. You can listen to it at this link.

The blog Newsbusters also weighed in on the side of KSFO. Alas, Michelle Malkin's blog took the side of the leftards, but it wasn't Michelle who was writing -- she's in Iraq. It was a guest blogger who calls himself See-Dubya of the (supposedly) conservative blog, Junkyard Dog, filling in for Michelle while she's away. But with See-Dubya, you don't need enemies with friends like him.

See-Dubya claims that Lee Rodgers should apologize for a largely satirical rant in which he advocates, jokingly, that a criminal with over 200 arrests should be attached to a car battery, testicles first. See-Dubya, in an orgy of moral exhibitionism, states:

As I understand the controversy, it's the single legitimate peg all the
rest of this trumped-up stuff hangs on. While the sinistropheric poop-storm
is typically overwrought and more than a little dishonest, KSFO ought to
come up with an apology for that remark. Although at 54 minutes
into the audio stream linked above, they say anyone expecting an apology is
"gonna have a loooong wait". I doubt their sponsors and supporters will be
willing to wait that long.
Don't take any bets, See-Dubya. Both supporters and sponsors will stick with KSFO, in spite of you and your pal Spocko. As someone who actually listens to the show daily and who actually knows what he's talking about, Lee Rodgers should NOT apologize for satirical remarks. The gross over-sensitivity that political correctness has foisted on society has for too long oppressed free expression and resulted in rigorous self-censorship of anyone who speaks to the public. Personally, I'm sick of it. If Lee apologizes now he will have to apologize over and over or become another bland purveyor of the status quo. I say, hell no. Lee, don't you dare apologize.

As for you, See-Dubya, censorship of conservative radio is only the first step in the Left's plans to suppress conservative thought. Blogs are next, and plans are already under way to shut us all up. The definition of a liberal is someone who will not take his own side in a fight, and right now that definition seems to fit you nicely. Stand by your own tribe.

I do hope Michelle Malkin shows better judgment in who she appoints to blog in her place the next time she's absent.