Showing posts with label French Blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label French Blogs. Show all posts

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Au Revoir, DRZZ: a Great French Blog Discontinues Operations

UPDATE: is saved!  Three French conservatives have agreed to take over operation of the site so that it will continue!

The French conservative blog DRZZ has announced it will cease operations on April 2nd.  That makes me sad, as DRZZ is a great blog, a great defender of liberty and freedom.

Most of the DRZZ writers will be continuing their efforts on other blogs and venues, so I will post new links as soon as I have them.

DRZZ, mes copains, au revoir, à bientôt, until we see you again.

My translation of their announcement is below.
Today we are announcing sad news concerning the publication of Drzz.ino. will disappear April 2nd, due to new plans and directions.  Actually, it is the blog itself that will disappear, as several of our authors have already decided to continue writing on other sites.
They will tell you about it themselves in the posts they will publish up until the termination date.  Stay in touch until next Friday to learn where and how you can continue reading the posts and analyses by the best authors of this site.
Since August of 2006, has covered national and international issues with 50,000 visitors each month, 500 subscribers and 120,000 pages read each month.  5.000 articles have been published in little more than three years.  Interviews with uncommon personalities allowed us to be noticed in several countries, and to gain access to notable people. has been an uncommon adventure, a novel site in the French blogosphere.  It will continue -- in another form certainly -- but it will continue.
We warmly thank you for your interest and support of  We invite you to take note of the links that our authors will post, and to follow them in their new battles for liberty.
The seeds that were planted by have borne magnificent fruit.  Our articles have allowed us to define the civilizational struggles of our generation, for democracy and the rights of individuals; for Divine and universal principles that unite under our common banner, that of the Israeli patriot and the Iraqui voter, of the divine power dear to Pascal, that has inspired us to oppose green totalitarianism.
Nothing will be lost when disappears from search engines on April 2nd.  On the contrary, thousands of readers from throughout the world have been inspired by its arguments and have carried the fight forward.   New sites have been created and the debate carried forward, and allies convinced by what was written, defended and analyzed on this site.  This is the best compliment that has been paid to the intriguing concept known as Drzz, created one 5th of August, 2006.
With our warmest thanks,
The publishers of

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Thoughts on a Young French Soldier Killed in Afghanistan


This article, which I have translated, was taken from the French blog "La Pensee Neoconservatrice." It is about a young French soldier who was recently killed in Afghanistan; the author criticizes the pacifist attitudes of his countrymen, while explaining just what it is that the soldier died for.

The article is titled "Mort Pour La France?" This phrase "Mort Pour La France" (Died for France) is usually engraved on the tombstones of French soldiers who have fallen in battle.

Did He Die for France? (by David Martin of La Pensee Neoconservatrice)

Once again a French soldier has been killed in Afghanistan. Once more the parade of cowards and appeasers has flooded the media with this question: "did he die for France?" The point of the question is to immediately imply the Politically Correct response: No. For the pacifist media, this corporal of 22 years of age died for nothing, in a country far away, for people who didn't want him there.

One finds in these statements all of the contempt of the French middle class for the people liberated since 2001, and the latent racism in the statement "they do not want democracy." It is an easy thing to say when you are living in a democracy.

This is also an easy excuse for those who want nothing to change. Let the Afghanis deal with the Taliban. After all, they must find their own solution, right? This is a sickening attitude on the part of most of the French people, illustrating so well a people who so easily accepted the collaboration with Germany, who so quickly yielded up their Jews to the Nazis. Nothing has changed in the "Country for the Rights of Man."

Did he die then for France? No!! He died for liberty, died for a people able to hope for something other than Islamic barbarism, died for the idea that to live with such opinions is not a crime.

He died only for a small minority in France: those who refused Vichy, those who fought against Communism, those who have dared to state that the intervention in Iraq was just. He did not die for the scum who wallow in the putrid swamps of collaboration and surrender.

May he rest in peace.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

A Great French Blog: Serum de Liberte

I like to read French blogs to improve my understanding of the French language. I even have a special section in the left sidebar, "Favorite French Blogs." I would like to bring one of them to your attention today, Serum de Liberte [pronounced "Say-rum de Liber-tay"] ("liberty medicine").

Note: Serum can also mean the blood fluid in which the red blood cells are suspended; for purposes of my illustration, I have assumed the medicine metaphor.

I have been increasingly impressed with the output of this pro-American, French blog. If this blog were all in English, it would soon be a top blog in America -- it's that good. I learn a lot of facts and read a lot of stories that most other blogs miss; the author obviously is very interested in American politics and constantly digs for new information.

If you link to pro-American foreign blogs, please do include Serum de Liberte in your blog roll. And visit it often! It will give you ideas on topics to write about and often posts great cartoons. Encourage our foreign friends by leaving comments to their posts (you can leave them in English).

Not all of Serum de Liberte is in French (if you want to polish your French, it's great for that) -- a lot of it is also in English.

Give this modern Marquis de Lafayette the benefit of your support and your friendship.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Photos of Obama's Mother (?) Nude - from the Blog Sérum de Liberté

Our good friends at the French blog Sérum de Liberté have uncovered some apparent photographs of Obama's white mother in the nude. The photos are pretty tame and the lady in the photos has a nice body and has no cause for shame (at least in that regard).

Serum writes (and I tranlate from the French):

At the end of October 2008, during the presidential campaign, some old photos surfaced alleged to be of Barack Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, in the nude. The photos were taken by Frank Marshall Davis (photo below), a poet and amateur photographer, journalist and activist member of the American Communist Party whom Obama considered his mentor. He has been a considerable influence on Obama. A friend of Obama's grandfather and mother, he is the figure designated as "Frank" in Obama's book, Dreams of My Father.

According to WorldNetDaily, the Marxist Davis, frequently accompanied by the young Barack Obama and his grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham, sold marijuana and cocaine in Waikiki, Hawaii at the beginning of the 1970s. They also consumed these drugs together.

A fan of sadomasochism, pedophilia and other forms of pornography, Frank Marshall Davis is even suspected by the journalist and author from Chicago, Andy Martin, of being the actual father of Barack Obama. This is a rumor that has never been verified.

Here are the photos alleged to be of Barack Obama's mother, Ann Dunham. Their authenticity has never been formally authenticated. However, below (at bottom of page) are authenticated photos of Barack Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, except for the photo outlined in red, which was cropped from the photos above, to be used for purposes of comparison.
Click on the photos to see them full size.
The comparison photos are below. The resemblence is astounding.


Take a look and decide for yourself.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Prominent French Blog Predicts a McCain Victory

Our good friends at Une Vision Neoconervatrice have gone out on a limb and predicted a McCain victory. Their post, Le blog UVN prédit une victoire de John McCain, says "The game isn't over and Obama can still be beaten by John McCain." UVN cites a number of reasons for optimism, e.g. the fact that 11% of the voters are still undecided and will only make their opinions known in the privacy of the voting booth.

I hope they are right. UVN is a great blog. Here's how they describe their philosophy:
Le néoconservatisme, c’est l’amour de la liberté, de la démocratie, le choix d’une économie libérale, le soutien à Israël, la vigilance à l’égard de l’islamisme, l’amitié pour les USA et la conscience que depuis le 11/09/01 nous sommes en guerre.
Translation: Neoconservatism is the love of liberty and democracy, the choice of a free economy, support for Israel, vigilance in the face of militant Islam, friendship for the United States and the knowledge that, since 9/11/01, we are at war.

You gotta love these free French. They are already living in a post-Obama type of country and they have not lost hope nor given up the fight. Neither should we.

Monday, July 07, 2008

2nd French Blog Features Saber Point! Une Vision Neoconservatrice

The French blog Une Vision Neoconservatrice has featured Saber Point today. My circle of French friends is growing and I couldn't be happier. The article is called Le blog de notre ami Stogie : Saber Point.

Right now my wife is watching "An American in Paris," a musical film made some years ago. She is Filipina and for many years I have had to listen to her yak away in another language, unable to understand her. When we were in Paris, I had my first real French conversation with a lovely young woman in a pharmacy, and for the first time, the tables were turned! My wife had to listen to me converse in another tongue without her comprehension. It was delicious!

Thanks to my friends at Une Vision Neoconservatrice -- I am honored.

Here in America we always hear about the French who hate us, but rarely do we hear about the French who love us, and they do exist. There is a French Right, and it is articulate, intelligent, educated and informed. They are our allies. We fight the same battles.

And, they have such great taste in American blogs! :)

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Le Blog Drzz Honors Saber Point

Le Blog Drzz, my favorite French blog, has honored Saber Point, or as Miguel Garrote (a writer for Drzz) refers to it, "Le Blog de Stogie," with a post. See it here.

Drzz writes:

Stogie is a friend and faithful reader of le blog drzz, who publishes his blog in English. He participates in our battle by sharing information from le blog drzz with our English-speaking friends. Thank you Stogie!
I replied:

I am honored. You are one of my favorite authors on the internet and I value our growing friendship!
Dang, now this is the fun way to learn French! In practical application. I'm gonna wow 'em next time I'm in France!

The Barking Moonbats of Europe

Yesterday Miguel Garrote of Le Blog Drzz reprinted an article from a Swiss weekly that is published in French. The article was crazy, as in barking moon-bat crazy. It implied that the rooftops of America are swarming with trigger-happy assassins waiting to kill Barack Obama; that American society has its dark and sinister element, the same hidden cabal of conspirators who staged the inside job called 9/11, assassinated President Kennedy, and did who-knows-what-else? Miguel, a responsible journalist, was aghast and found the article totally loony. He reproduced the article on his blog as an illustration of the left's increasingly slippery grasp on reality.

But then he began to hear from the barking moonbats of France, namely, one Eva (Le Blog D'Eva), a French conspiracy peddler with a rose in her hair (Why not her teeth? Why not with castanets?) Eva, who seems to think she is the reincarnation of Eva Peron, said she reprinted the article on her blog too, but with the title, "Hooray for the Swiss!" (for printing such trash).

Eva then went on to explain that the recent military operation by Colombia to free hostages held by the Communist FARC rebels was all staged. She insists that Colombia actually paid FARC many millions of dollars to free the hostages, and all the Colombian military did was go and pick them up.

So now we have a new moonbat theory, to go along with the "controlled demolition" of WTC 7, the moon landings that were actually staged in the Arizona desert, and the Airforce shoot-down of the benevolent aliens in Roswell, New Mexico who were only trying to bring us a cure for cancer while establishing world peace.

The barking moonbats of the Far Left never need worry about their lot in life. They can change their reality at will, inventing a new one in the face of emerging events.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Independence Day: Images of the 4th of July

Some of the best images of July 4th and some of the greatest praise for the USA come from an unexpected source: French blogs.

Of course, I have been seeking out the pro-America, pro-Israel, pro-liberty French resistance for some time, so such sources are not unexpected to me. Here are some of the images. The lady with the star-spangled hat is from Le Blog Drzz, as is the "God Bless America" image to the right.

The images below are from "America, Home of the Brave." The men who man that blog are already better Americans than many who were born here. God blesses America when He blesses her with friends like these.

A painting of Washington observing the first American flag. On the right, a graphic of that flag, with 13 stars.

And finally, the modern flag, gloriously unfurled to the breeze!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Anti-Jihad, Pro-US French Blog Suspended

The Gates of Vienna reports that one of my favorite French blogs, Le Blog Drzz, has been suspended due to an "illegal" comment by one of its readers. Drzz is a popular French blog that is anti-jihad, pro-USA and conservative. I still have them linked in my "Favorite French Blogs" section in the left sidebar. Except now when you click the link you get a message saying the blog does not exist.

The French blog host is called Over-blog. Apparently, Over-blog sent an email to Le Blog Drzz demanding that they remove the offending comment; however, they blocked access to the site so that the Drzz owners could not remove it. Since they didn't remove it, they were then suspended.

I have often quoted Miguel Garroté, a talented writer and reporter, from Le Blog Drzz. I will certainly miss his posts. Le Blog Drzz posted pictures of Ronald Reagan and quoted Thomas Jefferson, "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." Only they quoted it in French.

The purging and censorship of blogs for ridiculous reasons continues apace.

MEANWHILE, you can complain to Over-blog about this injustice. Send them an email in English and tell them to restore Le Blog Drzz TOUT DE SUITE. That's pronounced "Toot Sweet" and it means pronto, pardner. Write to them at

Thursday, May 29, 2008

French Female Blogger Criticizes France, Defends America

One of my favorite French blogs is "Le Blog de Lisa," or Lisa's Blog. That's her on the right. She wrote a great post that I have translated into English. It is posted below.

Blue, White but Most Especially, Red

Nearly twenty years after the fall of the Berlin wall and the end of communist dictatorship, the French mentality continues to be suffused in Marxist and communist ideology.

The red flags of the CGT [Confederation Generale de Travail, or General Confederation of Labor] and other labor unions regularly invade our streets. With cries of "It is the struggle," we are again plunged into class warfare; the poor enslaved proletarians confront the bastard shopowners with multiple strikes. The unions, clearly aligned with the left, regularly hold the country hostage. The Internationale floats in the air. The country is paralyzed.

Besancenot, spokesman for the Communist Revolutionary League, attends each strike to encourage the working class. Invited on the popular Michel Drucker TV show "Vivement Dimanche" [loosely, "Looking Forward to Sunday"], he has inflamed the audience. Drucker's red sentiments make those of the French public seem pale by comparison. On many a Sunday afternoon viewers are treated to an insane furor that is anticapitalistic, anti-american, anti-business, but pro Marx and pro Che Guevara. Besancenot has described the latter as "a source of inexhaustible inspiration."

France is Red. Slowly, the French public has been subverted to Marxist thought. In weekend TV variety shows, during prime time, people dance to and applaud the voice of Natalie Cardonne, who sings [in Spanish] "Here rests the bright light of your dear presence, Commandant Che Guevara..." In the street, young people display a tee shirt with the likeness of the revolutionary who massacred thousands in the name of his ideology.

Yes, France is Red, but not only that. It is also cowardly and arrogant. The French are dense and cowardly, starting with Jaques Chirac and Dominique de Villipin. Two individuals who planted a knife in the backs of the Americans, our allies of yesterday. In 2003, Jacques Chirac, President of the Republic, opposed the war in Iraq and placed France in principal opposition to the United States. The America of George Bush needed us, and we shut the door in their faces, with a minister of foreign affairs (De Villipin) who used his veto in opposition before the Security Council of the U.N. Except for a few brave people like Bernard Kouchner and Andre Glucksman, no one in France dared to criticize the French opposition.

The fact that points to our cowardice is that we never took the time to listen, to give them the attention they deserved. We didn't even have the intelligence to question them on the reasons for the war, or the general reasons why America would ever go to war. They fight for liberty and democracy against all dictators. On a certain June 6, 1944, baptized "D-Day," we were quite happy that they came to liberate us from German troops.

During the Cold War, they fought and vanquished a despotism that ravaged the nations of the East: Communism. Today they fight against a murderous tyranny, one of religious fanaticism, (and especially, of power and blood), which menaces freedom and democracy in the 21st century. And it is a cowardice of the worst sort that renounces they who fight those who want to impose their will on the world through violence and death. France is opposed to the war, but has never proposed any alternative. We had a president for twelve years who was a mere puppet, who did nothing in his years at Elysee [the French presidential palace] but puff on his cigars in his armchair while lecturing others.

Anti-american, the French have, for sport, preferred to view the United States with deep contempt and prejudice. People with the strongest opinions tend to be those who never set foot there. The French anti-americans disparage Americans for their petroleum politics. But what hypocrisy! Because we have no need of gasoline in our daily live, perhaps? This petroleum, our access to which is secured by the United States? Unemployment, marginalization, poverty, all the maladies of the earth are attributed solely to the United States by the French. It is easy to forget that we have the same problems, sometimes in worse proportions (an example is unemployment, which is 8% in France, compared with 4% on the other side of the Atlantic.) But the French are only content to preach to others, while never sweeping the dirt in front of their own door.

This cowardice and anti-americanism become most outrageous when, each day, young American soldiers are dying. Even while people call the United States names and attribute to them all earthly defects and after having cowardly abandoned them, fathers of American families are risking their lives, far from their wives and children, to defend our freedom for us, and allow us to continue living in a free world. I saw, on the beach of Santa Monica, near Los Angeles, a memorial dedicated to all the soldiers who died for liberty. I saw on this beach dozens of crosses planted in the sand, and dozens of coffins covered with the American flag, to remind us that America is a country at war. I saw a little girl of 5 or 6 years of age, who placed a little note saying "I love U Dad" on a white cross, where a photo was attached, of her papa who died in combat.

During my time there, the only worry for a young French woman was to know who was going to win the Star Academy, while United States citizens were praying every day for their father or their brother in combat. I felt shame before this memorial, which reminded me that France pukes on the United States, turn their backs on it, but without ever having to endure a day like September 11. It's so easy that way.

The French have thus caused France to become a country off course. Awash in Marxist thought, they are egotistical cowards in meditation upon their navels. As long as they can have their LDA ("Lay Down Always!!), take five week vacations and watch Besancenot on Drucker's show, the rest of the world does not interest them, they are quite able to do without it.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Honoring the Brave on U.S. Armed Forces Day

A French friend of ours has published a tribute to U.S. Armed Forces Day (which is today, May 17, 2008). To show our appreciation, we have reprinted it here in English. See the original in French here, along with some great pictures of American women serving in the U.S. military.

Support American Soldiers blog posts the following:

President Harry S. Truman led the effort to establish a single holiday for citizens to come together and thank our military members for their patriotic service in support of our country. On August 31, 1949, Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson announced the creation of an Armed Forces Day to replace separate Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force Days. The day is celebrated on the third Saturday in May. The single-day celebration stemmed from the unification of the Armed Forces under one department -- the Department of Defense.

On this day of dedication, our blog wishes to recognize and support the American women who serve with courage in the armed forces. They represent 15% overall, and many are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Pro-American French Blogs: Pensée Néoconservatrice

A while back a French friend called Nexus gave me a list of the best French blogs that are conservative and pro-USA. I had some time this week so I began perusing them. One of them is called Pensée Néoconservatrice (Neo-Conservative Thought). It's hosted by Dave "the Sith," and focuses on the US presidential elections, the war in Iraq, Global Warming (réchauffement climatique) and other topics of interest. If you don't speak French, you will nevertheless recognize the photos that adorn the front page -- they are all very pro-American. The blog is also openly pro-Israel.

On an article about John McCain's recent visit to France, a woman named Deborah commented on the author's observation that the French Left would like to see the United States rendered "lower than dirt." She responded:

L'Amérique plus bas que terre? Ils sont tarés! C'est le pays le plus
puissant au monde (je parle de faits reconnus) et l'un des plus beaux
endroits au monde (avis personnel)! Ceux qui traitent les USA de pays
fasciste ont bien vite oublié que lors de la deuxième guerre mondiale, c'est
là que beaucoup de juifs ont trouvé refuge... Si ce n'est pas un pays de
liberté ça, what else? Sur ce, God bless America & McCain

Translation: America lower than dirt? They're crazy! It [America] is the most powerful country in the world (I speak of known facts) and one of the most beautiful (my personal opinion). Those who would label the USA as fascist have quickly forgotten that, during World War II, many Jews found refuge there...If it isn't a country of freedom, what is? For sure, God bless America and McCain, president!

I responded to her post to thank her for kind words and friendship.

Unfortunately, pro-American French citizens are in the minority. Approximately 77% of the French hold hostile views towards the USA.

Update: While browsing French blogs today I came across one called Support American Soldiers. The site is filled with pro-American sentiments and support for our military. It was strange reading in French about American heroism on Mt. Suribachi (on Iwo Jima) in World War II. I didn't know it, but 6,821 US Marines gave their lives to conquer that island off Japan. Almost 7,000 lives to win one battle -- contrast that to the 4,000 lost in five years of war in Iraq. Our notions of sacrifice have certainly changed.
We have friends and allies among the French. I am going to seek them out.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Pro-American French Blogs

I like to read the French blog "No Pasaran," which is linked to the right if you want to check it out. No Pasaran is in English and French, though lately it is using more English than French. Maybe it has good reason, as conservatives from all over the world log in and comment on articles. But for a guy like me who wants to learn French, I prefer more French and less English.

I found another French Right blog, though it has an English title: Five Years Later. Their posts are all in French. As you can see, they have some lovely pictures too! :) The writing is scholarly and intellectual, far above the French I am used to reading in my student texts. I have to refer to the French-English dictionary a lot, but I am learning a lot of new French words, verbs and phrases. I am also making friends with the writers, Major Tom and a guy who calls himself "Oceans 11."

Reading visitors' posts is also a learning experience -- it's great to see how French people actually speak or write. Check them out when you have a chance and leave a howdy message to Major Tom. He also speaks English quite well.