Showing posts with label Democrats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democrats. Show all posts

Monday, March 07, 2022


Ugh.  The Russian invasion of Ukraine continues.  I exult over every Russian tank destroyed, every Russian plane or helicopter that is shot down.  

My far less important issue is the tax season.  I’ll be glad when it’s over.  Five more weeks.  Then maybe I can learn to fly my drone and make videos for YouTube.

Monday, January 04, 2021

The Republican Party Has Got To Go (and be replaced)


I am one of those who identify closely with the Confederacy and the South when it comes to the "Civil War," or as we prefer to call it, the War for Southern Independence.

So which party do we support?  Not the modern Democrats, who stand for everything we despise.  So the great majority of us vote Republican, the party of the tyrant who invaded us and conquered us so many decades ago.  We don't like Abraham Lincoln but for the sake of party unity we generally keep quiet when other Republicans mouth off about the glories of Lincoln and the Grand Old Party and all its mythical values.  It's depressing to see so many people so ignorant of history, as they praise a monster who ran a reign of terror and replaced our voluntary union with an involuntary one.

However, I think that is coming to an end.  More and more conservatives are seeing the Republican Party for the big government cheerleader it really is, and so many Republicans whose only loyalty is to their seat in Congress and all the perks that go with it.  There is more talk of replacing the Republican Party with something better.  I would love a new conservative party that is not tainted with the stink of Abraham Lincoln.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas. I Guess. What's Next?

 Merry Christmas, December 25, 2020!  

What did you get for Christmas?  I got a Wacom tablet to use in making Photoshops and Illustrator projects.  It is a computer mouse in pencil and tablet form.  You can draw with it.  It will take some practice before I can use it efficiently, but I am up to the task.

So we no longer have a country, what's next?  Civil War?  Secession?  Massive civil disobedience? All of the above?  Shall we be smothered in despair and give up all hope?

For me, the current situation is somewhat liberating.  I no longer have to worry about saving our Constitutional Republic -- it is already lost.  My worry has decreased substantially.  The Republican Party is not actively evil like the Democrats, but is useless, feckless, cowardly and easily led by the enemy.  Screw them.  We need a new party, one that the majority of conservatives can easily switch their allegiance to.  Now is the time to clean up the rubble and look to building something better.  

Also, I no longer care about having a wildly successful blog.  I don't care if anyone thinks I'm cool, or wants to invite me into their clique, or floods my site with hits.  I don't care if anyone likes me.  I blog for fun and self-expression.  My feeling about blogging is this:  a blog should be informative, interesting and fun.  FUN should be emphasized, since few of us want to listen to lectures from a scold who imagines he has all the answers.  

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Democrat Candidate Jim Webb: "Dems Have Moved Way Far to the Left --- That's Not My Democratic Party"

Jim Webb, Democrat
Candidate for President
Jim Webb of Virginia may be the best Democratic candidate since JFK.  He is the only candidate in either party to speak with common sense, reverence and truth about Southern heritage.  He has defended the Confederate flag in the past.  I would seriously consider voting for him.  He said:
“To tar the sacrifices of the Confederate soldier as simple acts of racism, and reduce the battle flag under which he fought to nothing more than the symbol of a racist heritage, is one of the great blasphemies of our modern age.”
If the Dems are smart, they will nominate him.  He could be the Democrat to take back the "Solid South" and restore the Democratic Party to the great American institution that it once was.

Read all about it here.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Surrounded by Villains -- Nothing New

Ah, it is a dark and rainy day here in Hollister.  Great weather for reflection.

I see we are again surrounded by villains, and yet it seems so commonplace nowadays, that I can hardly write anything new about them.  Nevertheless, one must try.

Barack Obama, the most lawless president in the past 100 years, is planning to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens tomorrow.  He will do it by decree, rather than a vote of Congress.

The purpose of this is, of course, to further the Democrat project of population replacement.  White people, on the whole, do not vote for socialists.  The Dems seek a permanent majority of voters, so they can complete paving the way to Hell.  That, and the fact that Dems hate white people and wish to punish them, is what motivates the neo-Bolsheviks.

Obama is a far-left ideologue who is wedded to his dogma and doesn't care who approves and who doesn't.  My disgust with the little man could not be greater than it is.  He should be impeached.  Maybe it wouldn't pass the Senate, but it would be worth the effort in any case.  Obama is a rogue president who is deliberately undermining the nation on several fronts.  He should be stopped, and held to account.

The sub-human scum known as "Palestinians" murdered four rabbis in a Jerusalem synagogue the other day.  Fellow sub-humans then celebrated in the streets, passing out candy, rejoicing in murder.  If I were president, I would try to end all foreign aid to the Palestinians, and would then invite the Israelis to take whatever land they wished, build whatever settlements that wanted, and bulldoze the "Dome of the Rock" mosque off the Temple Mount.  Then, rebuild the Temple in its entirety.

Of course, not all "Palestinians" are sub-human, murdering scum.  Only about 98% are, yet they make a bad name for all the rest.  See my earlier essay on the Palestinians-are-scum here.  Alas, the victims may change, but the basic story remains the same.

Ferguson Anti-White Thugs are busily readying themselves for their next riot, in the event the Ferguson Grand Jury cannot be intimidated into indicting an innocent cop for defending his own life. A lot of low-lifes there are promising to attack whites and white businesses unless Officer Wilson is indicted for murder.  It's time this low-life sub-human residue learn that we whites are not afraid of them, are totally fed up with them, and quite determined to slap them down, hard, as the situation may require.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Catastrophic Effects of Global Warming on Humanity

New Democratic Constituency?
This just in.  Scientists at Harvard University have determined that man-made global warming may result in the dead coming back to life.  The revived dead will then walk about, grunting and groaning and attacking the living, eating them.

The remaining normal humans will dwindle in numbers, forming small survival parties to roam the ruins of civilization, searching for safe havens from the voracious zombies.  The only known way to kill the zombies is to shoot or stab them in the head. Another possible way is to force the zombies to watch endless reruns of the Bill Maher show, where they will then willingly kill themselves.

Democratic Party leaders are seeking to register the Walking Dead to vote, thus becoming yet another Democrat constituency.  Senator Charles Schumer, D-NY, noted that Democrats and the Walking Dead share many common values and beliefs.  Both are smelly, produce nothing of value, and spend all of their time eating the rich living.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Gasoline to Hit $5 a Gallon Soon?

Our years of ignoring our energy needs is leading, quite predictably, to soaring gas prices.  Premium is pushing five dollars a gallon.

High energy costs echo through the economy like cannon fire.  Everything we make or do economically requires energy.  Transportation costs of all goods from manufacture to retail store, from farm to grocers, will increase, and so the prices of everything transported will also increase.  That means more for food, clothing, computers, and (gasp) cigars!

The Democrats, however, want high energy prices.  Why, I am not sure.  Perhaps because one of their major constituencies is the ecology fanatics who want to suppress humanity by suppressing the economy.  Yes, let's make the world safe for squirrels.

Fortunately, squirrels can't vote.  But we can, and November is getting closer every day.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Leftists at "Occupy Atlanta" Display Mindless Group Think in This Shocking Video

Below is a video from the Marxist mob at "Occupy Atlanta" where a shocking demonstration of Group Think is right out of "1984."  Everything the speaker says must be repeated back by the entire crowd; if anyone comments or asks a question, that too much be repeated in mass by a chorus of commies.  Here's a video of the most useless people to take up space, the American left, as they consider (and deny) a request by civil rights hero John Lewis to address the audience, and do so in the most inefficient manner possible.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Barack Obama: an Unfolding Nightmare

The open undersea oil well continues to spew oil in the Gulf of Mexico, creating what is now the greatest environmental disaster in U.S. history.  President Jiveturkey doesn't have a clue what to do about it.  However, we must remember, he was a community organizer, a beneficiary of affirmative action who never held a real job or managed anything before becoming president.

Today we find ourselves in dire circumstances:  deep recession,  historically high deficits, widespread joblessness, war brewing in Korea and continuing in Afghanistan, a tsunami of illegal immigrants overwhelming our social services and welfare agencies, the coming economic meltdown of Europe, and now an environmental disaster that no one is able to stop.  How encouraging that we have a naive, rigidly ideological amateur at the helm of state!

We conservatives warned the public about what would happen if Obama was elected, and our predictions were correct.  Barack Obama is an unfolding nightmare.  The train wreck of his presidency may very well hand control of congress back to the GOP, but it will be a Pyrrhic victory.  While Obama and the Dems are wrecking their chances for continuing rule, they are also wrecking the country that we all must live in, and we will all suffer, regardless of our personal politics.

Cleaning up the Gulf Coast oil spill will be easy compared to cleaning up the wreckage wrought by Barack Obama.  Both disasters will take years to repair.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Jack Murtha, Pennsylvania Congressman, Has Died

Jack Murtha, an outspoken liberal congressman from Pennsylvania, has just died.

Murtha was put into intensive care at a Virginia hospital following gall bladder surgery on February 2nd.  Apparently he has succumbed to complications from that surgery.

Murtha was 77 years of age.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

John Edwards' Love Child and the National Inquirer

Breaking news is that John Edwards (photo left), former Democratic VP candidate during John Kerry's 2004 presidential bid, has admitted to fathering a child with his former mistress, Rielle Hunter.  The child, a little girl, is now two years old.  Edwards impregnated his mistress while cheating on his terminally ill wife and running for president.  This, of course, adds new meaning to the term "multitasking."

Two years ago, Edwards was accused of having a child out of wedlock by the National Inquirer, a scandal supermarket tabloid.  Many people do not take the Inquirer seriously due to its sensationalism and often exaggerated claims, but it appears they were right about Edwards' love child.

Edwards covered up the story while he was running for the presidential nomination against Barack Obama, but now admits to it.

Via New York Times

Via Sphere

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Incredible! Health Care Bill Forbids Any Amendment or Repeal

A section of the health care bill reads:
"It shall not be in order in the Senate or the House of Representatives to consider any bill, resolution, amendment, or conference report that would repeal or otherwise change this subsection."
In other words, the authors of this monstrosity seek to make it illegal to amend it or repeal it.  They want to force it on an unwilling public and make it impossible for them to escape.  Jim DeMint of South Carolina said that he found that "particularly troubling."  He added:
"We will be passing a new law and at the same time creating a Senate rule that makes it out of order to amend or even repeal the law. I'm not even sure that it's constitutional."
Fox News reports that numerous legal challenges to the bill are already being written.  The bill may be dead on arrival as soon as it is passed.  Of course, that assumes the Supreme Court will properly interpret and defend the Constitution, something they don't always do.

If the bill does indeed pass the legal challenges, it will be time to consider radical action, e.g. state nullification of the new law, a mass march on Washington, a general strike, mass civil disobedience, even secession of the red states if necessary.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Chris Dodd is Toast, Pollsters Claim

Senator Chris Dodd of Connecticut is in danger of losing his senate seat in 2010.  Dodd has been a U.S. senator for five terms (at six years each) but probably won't see a sixth.

Strangely enough, CBS says that voters are still outraged about Dodd approving payment of bonuses to AIG executives after AIG received a massive bailout payment.  IMHO, that was an ethical and correct move by Dodd -- those executives were specifically hired to turn AIG around and were not involved in the mortgage swaps that bankrupted the company.  The bonuses were contractual, were most of their pay and their regular salaries were small.  Often, public perception is just plain wrong and unfair.

However, Dodd has done plenty of other mischief that makes me happy that he may be getting a pink slip.  His key role in the subprime mortgage fiasco that caused the "recession from hell" and his support of  the bail-outs, nationalized health care and cap and trade -- all of those sins are enough.

Back in the heyday of Senator Ted Kennedy, Dodd was Kennedy's partner in crime as they boozed and womanized their way through the restaurants and nightclubs of D.C.  But why go into his good points at this stage?  In any case, Chris needs to update his resume or seriously consider retirement.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why People Become Democrats

Were you weaned too soon?

We can help. Contact your local chapter of

the Democratic Party today!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Barack Obama: Naive, Ignorant and Dangerously Incompetent

Barack Obama is the biggest jackass to insult the office of the Presidency since Jimmy Carter. What we said about him in the presidential campaign has proven completely true. He is naive, ignorant, inexperienced, and burdened with a radical left ideology that simply doesn't work in the real world. However, his massive shortcomings are exacerbated by his massive ego, fantasies and delusions. He is every bit the bad news we told you he would be, America; but in your self-delusion, you voted for the asshole anyway.

Scott Johnson at Power Line expresses it well in his post today, "Why I Am Depressed." He writes of Barack Obama

I am depressed because the president of the United States is a fool who will immiserate us, render us wards of the state and lose us our life and liberty to those [Iranian Mullas] who understand what they are about.
The president of the United States is a fool says everything that needs to be said. Those who voted for him are fools too, but that's already obvious.
Image courtesy of Totus Blog.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Chuck Norris to Run for President...of Texas

Chuck Norris, in his column at World Net Daily, thinks a "Second American Revolution" may be in the offing in light of Obama's incurring "perpetual debt" and giving aid and recognition to Muslim terrorist groups like Hamas. Norris has stated, not entirely tongue-in-cheek, that he might consider running for office: President of Texas. That would have to be after Texas secedes from the Union.

Norris notes that Texas was once a republic on its own, a nation called Texas before it was a state named Texas. Actually there are two states that can claim that distinction, i.e. of being a stand-alone Republic. California is the other. Norris believes that more than one state might secede from the Union rather than go along with the nation that the United States is becoming.

Norris is wrong about one thing -- it would be the third American revolution; the War Between the States was the second, fought over the question of whether any state had the right to secede from the Union. Abraham Lincoln thought not; in that, he was wrong; but what he didn't have to prove in court he enforced on the battlefield. Many Constitutional scholars still believe that states are sovereign bodies with the right to secede. I believe they are correct yet I hope it will never come to that. I'd rather see a less drastic solution.

Obama and the Democrats ought to proceed with great caution. The proliferating "tea parties" accross the country, Obama's plunging popularity and the growth of movements like the Oath-Keepers portend a revolutionary mood. There will be no "road to socialism"; there will be no abrogation of the Second Amendment and no confiscation of private firearms. It doesn't matter how big of a plurality of votes he won in the last election -- Obama may not suspend the Constitution of the United States. The people will not stand for it.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Election Post-Mortem: Are We All the Fat Guy in "Deliverance"?

Blogging has seemed less urgent since the presidential election has concluded. Now we are just waiting for Obama and the new and bigger majority of Democrats to take power. Once they do, changes will be rapid. Think of the barbarians sacking Rome, breaking into the wine stash, carrying away golden goblets and screaming maidens. Yes, it will be something like that.

There will be a move towards shoring up the auto industry. The auto industry is slowly dying of union-inflicted wounds, namely the outrageously high pension plans and post-retirement benefits for its many workers. These burdens were forced on the auto makers by the unions, when times were good and the auto makers could afford them; but now that the economy is in a nose-dive, those fixed costs are eating GM, Ford and Chrysler alive.

So if the Dems bail out the auto makers, they are actually bailing out their own voting constituents, i.e., over-indulged and overpaid union retirees. Unions. Outrageous benefits. Bankrupted companies. Recessions. Democrats. Beginning to sense a pattern here?

Hmm, come to think of it, my own state of Fruits and Nuts, also known as California, has the same problem: they are largely bankrupt from lavish retirement programs for state employees who are (surprise!) represented by militant unions.

President Bush wants to make our ally Colombia a trading partner with the United States; Obama does not. Why? Because unions aren't as ruthlessly strong in Colombia and some over-harried, overtaxed American companies may want to export jobs there so they can actually make a profit. American unions would rather those companies stay here where they can be more easily fleeced.

The American public is about to get the fat guy-in-Deliverance treatment. If you saw "Deliverance," remember the fat guy who was made to strip and get down on all fours? He was made to squeal like a pig while some homosexual hillbilly violated him.

Squeal piggies, squeal! Wheeeooo! Wheeeooo!

The Dems will tell you they are just making love to you. Oh please! Don't try to make something dirty out of it, it's a beautiful thing. You're not losing your freedoms, you're gaining security...well, security except for entrepreneurs, businessmen and capitalists. But then again, you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs.

If you're one of the eggs, tough luck.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Happy Halloween

This was sent in by Larry Bovshow in Los Angeles. Thanks Larry!