It's raining papers and receipts in my home office. Coming into the homestretch in my grueling sessions of getting figures together for our tax accountant. At $10/hour rate, I figure that Uncle Sam owes me $3000 for all this labor. My puny little business requires so much damned paperwork!
Jefferson on Executive Action
Jefferson was ever committed to tripartite governmental powers, comprising
an executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. Each branch, he asserts
to Geo...
1 day ago
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It seems that gods or whatever seem to send us rain whenever the governor declares a drought. Maybe he should do that more often.
Supposed to rain all through the weekend. I heard it could bring us up to 40% of average.
It's raining papers and receipts in my home office. Coming into the homestretch in my grueling sessions of getting figures together for our tax accountant. At $10/hour rate, I figure that Uncle Sam owes me $3000 for all this labor. My puny little business requires so much damned paperwork!
Stars, I was thinking the very same thing.
That would be great!
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