Showing posts with label How To Work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How To Work. Show all posts

How to post a Tweet in Java using Twitter REST API and Twitter4J Library

In this post, I will demonstrate how you can post a Tweet in Java  using the Twitter REST API and an open source third party twitter integration library in java called Twitter4J.
To start with you need to have an active Twitter account.

  • Log into Twitter Developer Site using your Twitter credentials.
  • Go to My Applications section and click on “Create a new application”.
  • Fill out the mandatory fields – Name, Description and Website. Accept the Terms. Fill Captcha and Submit.

twitter developer apps new application
  • Once your application is created successfully, you will be redirected to the My Applications page.
  • Click on the application you’ve just created.
  • Under the “Details” tab and “OAuth Settings”, you will find the “Consumer Key” and “Consumer Secret”. 

IMPORTANT – You should never share Consumer Key and Consumer Secret with any one.
twitter developer apps details oauth settings
  • For this example, you need a minimum of Read and Write “Access level”.
  • Click on the “Settings” tab and under “Application Type”, select the radio button option “Read and Write” or “Read, Write and Access direct messages”; which ever you like and click on the “Update this Twitter application’s settings” button at the bottom.
  • Now, go back to “Details” tab, notice that your newly set “Access level” is now reflected under the “OAuth Settings”.
  • Finally, generate your Access Token (if not already generated) by clicking the button at the bottom of “Details” tab. Do note that the “Access level” shown under the “Your access token” should match the one shown under “OAuth Settings”. Should you change your “Access level” anytime in future, you can re-generate your Access Token by clicking the button “Recreate my access token”.

So now you are all set for the coding part. You have:
  1. Consumer Key
  2. Consumer Secret
  3. Access Token
  4. Access Token Secret
For this particular example we will use Twitter REST API v1.1 and while, we can build up the necessary structure from scratch to do OAuth authentication, access token and making the raw RESTful calls all by ourselves, but we prefer to not to do this and would rather the principle of not re-inventing the wheel again. We will use a very good and easy to use Twitter Library written in Java to do the heavy lifting and save us a lot of precious time and effort.
Twitter4J is an unofficial Java library for the Twitter API. With Twitter4J, you can easily integrate your Java application with the Twitter service.
Twitter4J is:
  • 100% Pure Java - works on any Java Platform version 5 or later
  • Android platform and Google App Engine ready
  • Zero dependency : No additional jars required
  • Built-in OAuth support
  • Out-of-the-box gzip support
  • 100% Twitter API 1.1 compatible
Download Twitter4J from its official website. Unzip the downloaded folder at some location on your machine. For this example you only need the code JAR available in the lib folder.
import twitter4j.*;
import twitter4j.auth.AccessToken;   import; import; import java.util.Arrays;   /** * This class demonstrate how you can post a Tweet in Java using the Twitter REST API and an open source third party * twitter integration library in java called Twitter4J * * User: smhumayun * Date: 7/20/13 * Time: 9:26 AM */public class TweetUsingTwitter4jExample {   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, TwitterException {   //Your Twitter App's Consumer Key String consumerKey = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";   //Your Twitter App's Consumer Secret String consumerSecret = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";   //Your Twitter Access Token String accessToken = "XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";   //Your Twitter Access Token Secret String accessTokenSecret = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";   //Instantiate a re-usable and thread-safe factory TwitterFactory twitterFactory = new TwitterFactory();   //Instantiate a new Twitter instance Twitter twitter = twitterFactory.getInstance();   //setup OAuth Consumer Credentials twitter.setOAuthConsumer(consumerKey, consumerSecret);   //setup OAuth Access Token twitter.setOAuthAccessToken(new AccessToken(accessToken, accessTokenSecret));   //Instantiate and initialize a new twitter status update StatusUpdate statusUpdate = new StatusUpdate( //your tweet or status message "S2PTech | Java Developer | Harrison, NY | 2 Years" + " -"); //attach any media, if you want to statusUpdate.setMedia( //title of media "" , new URL("").openStream());   //tweet or update status Status status = twitter.updateStatus(statusUpdate);   //response from twitter server System.out.println("status.toString() = " + status.toString()); System.out.println("status.getInReplyToScreenName() = " + status.getInReplyToScreenName()); System.out.println("status.getSource() = " + status.getSource()); System.out.println("status.getText() = " + status.getText()); System.out.println("status.getContributors() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getContributors())); System.out.println("status.getCreatedAt() = " + status.getCreatedAt()); System.out.println("status.getCurrentUserRetweetId() = " + status.getCurrentUserRetweetId()); System.out.println("status.getGeoLocation() = " + status.getGeoLocation()); System.out.println("status.getId() = " + status.getId()); System.out.println("status.getInReplyToStatusId() = " + status.getInReplyToStatusId()); System.out.println("status.getInReplyToUserId() = " + status.getInReplyToUserId()); System.out.println("status.getPlace() = " + status.getPlace()); System.out.println("status.getRetweetCount() = " + status.getRetweetCount()); System.out.println("status.getRetweetedStatus() = " + status.getRetweetedStatus()); System.out.println("status.getUser() = " + status.getUser()); System.out.println("status.getAccessLevel() = " + status.getAccessLevel()); System.out.println("status.getHashtagEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getHashtagEntities())); System.out.println("status.getMediaEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getMediaEntities())); if(status.getRateLimitStatus() != null) { System.out.println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getLimit() = " + status.getRateLimitStatus().getLimit()); System.out.println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining() = " + status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining()); System.out.println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getResetTimeInSeconds() = " + status.getRateLimitStatus().getResetTimeInSeconds()); System.out.println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getSecondsUntilReset() = " + status.getRateLimitStatus().getSecondsUntilReset()); System.out.println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemainingHits() = " + status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemainingHits()); } System.out.println("status.getURLEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getURLEntities())); System.out.println("status.getUserMentionEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getUserMentionEntities())); }   }
Once you run the above example, you will notice an output similar to this one on your console:
status.toString() = StatusJSONImpl{createdAt=Sat Jul 20 11:47:10 EDT 2013...} status.getInReplyToScreenName() = null status.getSource() = <a href="" rel="nofollow">SMH's Integration App</a> status.getText() = S2PTech | Java Developer | Harrison, NY | 2 Years - status.getContributors() = [] status.getCreatedAt() = Sat Jul 20 11:47:10 EDT 2013 status.getCurrentUserRetweetId() = -1 status.getGeoLocation() = null status.getId() = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX status.getInReplyToStatusId() = -1 status.getInReplyToUserId() = -1 status.getPlace() = null status.getRetweetCount() = 0 status.getRetweetedStatus() = null status.getUser() = UserJSONImpl{id=XXXXXXXX, name='S M Humayun', screenName='smhumayun'...} status.getAccessLevel() = 3 status.getHashtagEntities() = [] status.getMediaEntities() = [MediaEntityJSONImpl{...}] status.getURLEntities() = [URLEntityJSONImpl{url='', expandedURL='', displayURL=''}] status.getUserMentionEntities() = []
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How to retrieve data from feed using php

If you want to get data from feed and show on your website. There are few steps to follow.



  1. Localhost (Xampp/Wamp) or Online host
  2. Feed url something like . It may be different
  3. Basic knowledge php
  4. Some time (30 Mins)

  • If you have fulfill all requirement. Then lets try to make a feed parser. I am taking example of retrieving BBC news from feed.
  • If you are running localhost. Then start xampp or wamp.
  • I have a BBC new feed like When you open this link. You will not see its data in xml format. You can see it by view source.
  • Click Ctrl+u on keyboard. You can see its xml.
  • Now you are ready to start. Follow these steps

  1. Create a folder in htdocs. You can give any name. For example s2pfeed.
  2. Create a page index.php . I write php codes in this page.
  3. We are retrieving data from other websites or feeds. So i am using curl. This is the best way to carry data from other websites. We can use php inbuilt class SimpleXmlElement to extract xml data.
  4. Flow chart: FeedUrl ----- Curl data ---- Data array

$ch = curl_init("");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
$data = curl_exec($ch);
$doc = new SimpleXmlElement($data, LIBXML_NOCDATA);
catch(Exception $e)
  echo 'Invalid Feed';
Before move to next step. Check carefully source code of feedurl. You will see something like following
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet title="XSL_formatting" type="text/xsl" href="/shared/bsp/xsl/rss/nolsol.xsl"?>
<rss xmlns:media="" xmlns:atom="" version="2.0">
<title>BBC News - Home</title>
<description>The latest stories from the Home section of the BBC News web site.</description>
<lastBuildDate>Wed, 19 Feb 2014 20:57:35 GMT</lastBuildDate>
<copyright>Copyright: (C) British Broadcasting Corporation, see for terms and conditions of reuse.</copyright>
<title>BBC News - Home</title>
<atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/>
<title>Blair 'advised Brooks before arrest'</title>
<description>Former Prime Minister Tony Blair gave advice to News International boss Rebekah Brooks on handling the developing phone-hacking scandal days before her arrest, a court hears.</description>
<guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
<pubDate>Wed, 19 Feb 2014 16:24:51 GMT</pubDate>
<media:thumbnail width="66" height="49" url=""/>
<media:thumbnail width="144" height="81" url=""/>
<item><title>Ukraine president sacks army chief</title>
<description>Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych sacks the head of the armed forces, amid protests that have turned Kiev into a battle zone.</description>
<guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
<pubDate>Wed, 19 Feb 2014 20:09:37 GMT</pubDate>
<media:thumbnail width="66" height="49" url=""/> 
<media:thumbnail width="144" height="81" url=""/>
<item> ... </item>
 This is making chain like
          guid --- isPermaLink
          media --- thumbnail
  Item node represents individual post on feed.  Now come back to php coding.  Check above mentioned curl script.
$doc = new SimpleXmlElement($data, LIBXML_NOCDATA);  
Here $doc is an instance carrying all data of xml.

If you want to get data of channel such as title, link, description and etc.

Use following code.
$title = $doc->channel->title;
$link = $doc->channel->link;
$description = $doc->channel->description;

If you want to retrieve single recent item (post) data

Use following code
$title = $doc->channel->item[0]->title;
$description = $doc->channel->item[0]->description;
$link = $doc->channel->item[0]->link;

You can retrieve all data.

But if you want to retrieve multiple recent post data

Use following code
$cnt = count($doc->channel->item); // this variable contains total number of posts showing in this feed
for($i=0; $i<$cnt; $i++)
 $url  = $doc->channel->item[$i]->link;
 $title  = $doc->channel->item[$i]->title;
 $desc = $doc->channel->item[$i]->description;
 $pubDate = $doc->channel->item[$i]->pubDate;
But you cannot retrieve node like
<media:thumbnail width="66" height="49" url=""/>

What can we do? Very simple. Do some tricks.

In this node, you have two things namespace (media) seperated by colon (:) and some attributes.

To retrieve data from namespaces media, Check the second line of feed source code.
<rss xmlns:media="" xmlns:atom="" version="2.0">
Get url from media and url is .

Now your php code:

$media = $doc->channel->item[$i]->children('')->thumbnail;
Is it return any value. Answer is no. Actually values are here in form of attributes.
$thumb = $media->attributes();$thumburl = $thumb['url'];$thumbwidth = $thumb['width'];
Here in this feed there are multiple media. So you can use following code to retrieve media data
$thumbcount = count($media);
    $thumb = $media[$j]->attributes();
    $thumburl = $thumb['url'];
    $thumbwidth = $thumb['width'];
That's it.
Check complete code here:
$ch = curl_init("");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
$data = curl_exec($ch);
$doc = new SimpleXmlElement($data, LIBXML_NOCDATA);
catch(Exception $e)
  echo 'Invalid Feed';
$cnt = count($doc->channel->item); // this variable contains total number of posts showing in this feed
for($i=0; $i<$cnt; $i++)
 $url  = $doc->channel->item[$i]->link;
 $title  = $doc->channel->item[$i]->title;
 $desc = $doc->channel->item[$i]->description;
 $pubDate = $doc->channel->item[$i]->pubDate;
$cnt = count($doc->channel->item); // this variable contains total number of posts showing in this feed
for($i=0; $i<$cnt; $i++)
 $url  = $doc->channel->item[$i]->link;
 $title  = $doc->channel->item[$i]->title;
 $desc = $doc->channel->item[$i]->description;
 $pubDate = $doc->channel->item[$i]->pubDate;
                  $media = $doc->channel->item[$i]->children('')->thumbnail;

$thumbcount = count($media);
    $thumb = $media[$j]->attributes();
    $thumburl = $thumb['url'];
    $thumbwidth = $thumb['width'];


I think, this is a complete feed parser for you.
If you have any query. Please comment. I will try to give response as soon as possible.
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How to make Smartphone Charger Powered By Fire

Hello Friends Now i am teaching you about electricity friendly charger .You can Charge you smartphone just by fire not by Electricity How cool isn't it.
Just follow below step to do that

First of all we know about concept behind it
I´m using a thermoelectic module, also called peltier element, TEC or TEG. You have one hot side and one cold. The temperature difference in the module will start producing electricity. The physical concept when you use it as a generator it's called the Seebeck effect. Thermoelectic modules are mainly used for the opposite effect, the Peltier effect. Then you apply a electric load and it will force a heat transfer from one side to the other. Often used in smaller refrigerators and coolers. 
For more follow below link :
Now go ahead to made them


Step 1: Material Requirement
  • 1x high temperature TEG module: TEP1-1264-1.5
  • 2x voltage step-up 
  • 1x small heat sink. From old PC (BxWxH=60x57x36mm)
  • 1x Aluminum plate: BxWxH=90x90x6mm
  • 1x 5V brushless DC motor with plastic fan (could be hard to find, check this link)
  • Fixation for heat sink: Aluminum bar (6x10x82mm)
  • 2x M3 bolts+2nuts+2x washers for heat sink: 25mm long
  • 2x M3 1mm thick metal washers
  • 4x M4 bolts+8x nuts+4x washers as construction base: 70mm long
  • 4x M4 1mm thick metal washers
  • 4x M4 bolts: 15-20mm long
  • 4x Drywall screw (35mm)
  • 2x heat insulated washers: Constructed from cardboard and old plastic food turner
  • 80x80x2mm corrugated cardboard (Not very good at high temperatures)
  • 2x pull springs: 45mm extended
  • (Optional) Components for a temperature monitor and voltage limiter. 
Step 2: Construction of Base Plate
Now we need to arrange base plate as given figure show you.

This will be the "hot side". It will also act as construction base plate to fixate heat sink and some legs.
  1. How you construct this depends on what heat sink you are using and how you want to fixate it.
  2. I started to drill two 2.5mm holes to match my fixation bar. 68mm between them and the position is matched of where I want to put the heat sink. Holes are then threaded as M3.
  3. Drill four 3.3mm holes at the corners (5x5mm from outer edge). Use a M4 tap for threading.
  4. Make some nice looking finishing. I used a rough file, a fine file and two types of sand paper to gradually make it shine! You could also polish it but it would be too sensitive to have outside.
  5. Screw the M4 bolts through the corner holes and lock it with two nuts and one washer per bolt plus the 1mm washer on the top side. Alternative one nut per bolt is enough as long as the holes are threaded. You can also use the short 20mm bolts, depends on what you will use as heat source.
Step 3: Construction of Heat Sink
Most important is to fixate the heat sink on top of the base plate but at the same time isolate the heat. You want to keep the heat sink as cooled as possible. The best solution I could came up with was two layers of heat insulated washers. That will block the heat from reaching the heat sink through the fixating bolts. It need to handle about 200-300ºC. I created my own but it would be better with a plastic bush like this. I could not find any with high temperature limit. The heat sink needs to be under high pressure to maximize the heat transfer through the module. Maybe M4 bolts would be better to handle higher force.

  1. Modified (filed) aluminum bar to fit in the heat sink
  2. Drilled two 5mm holes (should not be in contact with bolts in order to isolate heat)
  3. Cut two washers (8x8x2mm) from old food turner (plastic with max temp of 220ºC)
  4. Cut two washers (8x8mmx0.5mm) from hard cardboard
  5. Drilled 3.3mm hole through plastic washers
  6. Drilled 4.5mm hole through cardboard washers
  7. Glued cardboard washers and plastic washers together (concentric holes)
  8. Glued plastic washers on top of aluminum bar (concentric holes)
  9. Put M3 bolts with metal washers through the holes (will later be screwed on top of aluminum plate)
Step 4: Assembly of Parts
  1. Mount TEG-module on heat sink.
  2. Place cardboard on heat sink and TEG-module is now temporally fixated.
  3. The two M3 bolts go through the aluminum bar and then through the cardboard with nuts on top.
  4. Mount heat sink with TEG and cardboard on base plate with two 1mm thick washers in between to separate cardboard from the "hot" base plate.
  5. The assembly order from top is bolt, washer, plastic washer, cardboard washer, aluminum bar, nut, 2mm cardboard, 1mm metal washer and base plate.
  6. Add 4x 1mm washers on the upper side of base plate to isolate cardboard from contact

Step 5: Electronics Parts
The main idea was to have a regulated output voltage to charge or power different kind of gadgets. Since the TEG-module produce very low voltage (0-5V depending on heat source) I needed a good voltage step-up and regulator.
 I wanted to build everything myself and therefore created a whole different project for this since it turned out to be very useful. The voltage step up is not powerful enough so I built two of them. One will power the 3-5V fan and one will power other electronics.

Top and Bottom Side of PC Board

Step 6: Assembly of Electronics Part
The circuit boards will be placed around the motor and above the heat sink. Hopefully they will not get too warm.
  1. Tape the motor to avoid shortcuts and to get better grip
  2. Glue the cards together so that they fit around the motor
  3. Place them around the motor and add two pull springs to hold it together
  4. Glue the USB connector somewhere (I did not find a good place, had to improvise with melted plastic)
  5. Connect all cards together according to my layout
  6. Connect the PT1000 thermal sensor as close as possible to the TEG-module (cold side). I placed it beneath the upper heat sink between the heat sink and cardboard, very close to the module. Make sure it has good contact! I used super glue that can handle 180ºC.
  7. I advise to test all circuits before connected to the TEG-module and start heating it
You are now good to go!

Step 7: Test and See the Result
It is a bit delicate to get started. One candle for example is not enough to power the fan and soon enough the heat sink will get as warm as the bottom plate. When that happen it will produce nothing. It must be started quickly with for example four candles. 
Then it produce enough power for the fan to start and can start cool off the heat sink. As long as the fan keeps running it will be enough air flow to get even higher output power, even higher fan RPM and even higher output to USB.

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How to Earn Money by pickzup

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Use your credits for products from our Pickzup Shoppe. Get up to 80% discounts.

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5 Expert SEO Tips for 2012

Seo tips
In 2011, there were major changes made to Google’s algorithm that has paved the way for a new emphasis on ‘original’ content. Regardless of the year, content will always reign as king in the SEO world. If you’re wondering about SEO tips for 2012, you’re not alone. There are many entrepreneurs and business owners who are curious about the latest SEO trends. The following are a few tips to help you achieve good results for the upcoming New Year.

1. Content Will Still Reign as King in 2012

Seo tips

In 2011, there were major changes made to Google’s algorithm that has paved the way for a new emphasis on ‘original’ content.  Regardless of the year, content will always reign as king in the SEO world.
In 2012, you should have a balance of human friendly content and search engine friendly content.  After all, your potential customers (or contacts) will be the one’s purchasing your products or services.
Gone are the days when website owners used to squeak by with poorly written content from basement content writers.  If you want to get noticed in the search engines, having quality content will be the key to your online success in 2012.
2. Web Content Should be Scannable for Mobile Users
Seo tips image3

Remember, a percentage of your web users will be searching the Web from their iPad and mobile device. If you post content that takes too long to get to the point, people will get bored and move on to your competitor’s website.
Make sure you include a clear Call to Action on each page of your website. Consider hiring a good SEO copywriter to create fresh content for your website, blog and social media sites.  You’ll be one step ahead of the game with a professional SEO copywriter.  SEO copywriters are specialists who are trained to write marketable content that helps in converting readers into paying customers.
3. Is your SEO Consultant Wasting your Time and Money?
Seo tips image4

If the answer is ‘yes’ or ‘not sure’, that’s a sign it may be the perfect time to ditch your SEO consultant.  In 2012, savvy entrepreneurs and business owners are nickel and diming every aspect of their business.  People are investing their money more wisely than ever before. They are less likely to choose an SEO consultant based on price and they are focusing on SEO experts that have proven track records.
If you’re in the market for a new SEO consultant, make sure you ask him or her to provide you with proof.  In other words, ask to see proven results from ‘current’ customers that they have been with for more than just a couple of months. Internet marketing experts suggest that people choose SEO consultants that have a solid client base of at least 1-2 years (or more) old.
4. Add Original Photos & Videos
If you want to make your website more interactive, consider adding original photos and interesting videos to your website.  When Google crawls web pages, they look for content that’s diverse.  Don’t forget to optimize your videos and photos for SEO purposes. Check out our previous article: Using Google Image Search as Fuel for SEO
5. Share Web Content via Facebook, Twitter & Google+
Seo tips image5

If you want to generate more traffic in 2012, share your content with your social media networks.  Make sure you optimize your web pages for social sharing to help attract more traffic. For example, Facebook allows you to make your pages more social media friendly by optimizing your titles and Meta tags by using Facebook Open Graph. When one of your friends shares one of your web pages, this automatically improves the conversion rate of your website.
Lastly, when sharing content through social media, don’t forget to include a back link to your website. Social media provides an excellent opportunity to engage with people who ‘like’ or ‘follow’ you online. Although SEO rules are constantly evolving, the tips above will give you a good head start on the race to online success in 2012.

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Samsung Galaxy Chat Specifications

Samsung Galaxy Chat is the latest Smartphone Announced by Samsung. It is one of the few Touch and Type smartphones announced by Samsung, meaning it features both a Touchscreen and a QWERTY keypad.
It offers both the Style of touch and the Simplicity of type.
Don’t Miss : Latest Android Apps for Samsung Galaxy Phones
So today I am sharing with you Samsung Galaxy Chat Specifications:

Samsung Galaxy Chat Specifications
Body And Dimensions

Samsung Galaxy dimension

 Samsung Galaxy Chat has the dimensions of 1118.9 x 59.3 x 11.7 mm, and weighs 112 g.
Moreover, It also comes with a QWERTY keypad.
Samsung Galaxy Chat has a TFT Capacitive Touchscreen, and supports 256K colors.
The screen size (length) is 3.0 inches, and have a resolution of 240 x 320 pixels, at approximately 133 per pixel density.
Moreover, It also supports Touchwiz UX UI.
Samsung Galaxy Chat supports MP3 ringtones, has a Loudspeaker, and a 3.5 mm Jack.
Memory And RAM
Samsung Galaxy Chat has an Internal Memory of 4 GB. Apart from this, it also supports MicroSD Memory Card, and has an expandable memory of up to 32 GB.
But about the RAM, the RAM size is not known yet.
Samsung Galaxy Chat supports GPRS, EDGE, HSDPA (up to a speed of 7.2 Mbps) and HSUPA  (up to a speed of 7.2 Mbps).
It also supports Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n and can be used as A Wi-Fi Hotspot.
It also supports Bluetooth v3.0 with A2DP support.
Whats more? It also supports MicroUSB v2.0.

Samsung Galaxy Specifications
 Samsung Galaxy Chat has a 2.0 MP camera, with the resolution of 1600×1200 pixels.
It also supports Video Recording at VGA quality@25fps.
However, it does not have a secondary camera.
Software and Hardware Specifications
Samsung Galaxy Chat runs on Android v4.0.4 ICS Ice Cream Sandwich.
Below I have summarized Samsung Galaxy Chat Specifications in tabular form:
[table id=42 /]
Samsung Galaxy Chat comes with a Standard Li-Ion 1200 mAh Battery. It’s Battery Backup are:
Stand-by: Up to 520 h (2G) / Up to 380 h (3G)
Talk-Time: Up to 14 h 40 min (2G) / Up to 5 h (3G)
Samsung Galaxy Chat is a Good Smartphone. As i mentioned before, It is a Touch and Type smartphone, which features both a Touchscreen and a QWERTY keypad. It offers both the Style of touch and the Simplicity of type.
The screen size of this smartphone is a decent 3.0 inches,  and such a screen size will not cause any trouble when using it’s Touch Facility.
          The only negative Aspect about this Smartphone is that It does not have a Secondary Camera.
If you are okay with it you can go for Samsung Galaxy Chat when it is launched at your Place.
Though the RAM, GPU and Chipset are not known yet, Stay tuned to our blog and we will update them as soon as we come to know about them.

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See the 911 Attack on Notepad

Now the attack of World Trade Center can be seen on a simple Notepad file. Let’s begin this trick with the bit of information – The flight number of the respective flight that hits twin tower was Q339.  However,  new notepad versions change it recently. So you have to change 9 to N. 

Now let’s begin this interesting trick:

1. Open a new notepad file.
2. Type Q339

3. Increase the font size to 72

4. Change the font type to “Wingdings” 


I can see your expression. Yes it’s the power of notepad or just a mere coincidence.

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Has Someone Secretly Used Your Pc In Your Absence?

Has someone been snooping around your PC without your knowledge. If your computer contains some confidential or private data. A password is a good option. However, if someone has been granted access to your PC or you don’t have a password, you might need to see if someone accessed your PC.   In that case, you can simply keep a check on the use of computer in your absence. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Type “eventvwr.msc” in “Run” under “Start’

Step2: Now, on the left side, you will see “system”. Click on it.

Step3: Now just search for the date and time when your computer according to you should be off.

Step4: Now click two times on the event that has occurred during the off time and all the details will be displayed.

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Find Out Who Unfriended You on Facebook

You log on Facebook in the evening and you have 252 friends. However, the next morning you wake up and your friend count has dropped to 249. Who are these three mysterious friends that disappeared?

Unfortunately, Facebook does not send a notification when someone unfriends you on the social network site. However, you don’t have to scroll through each friend and try to figure out who’s missing either. Within a few short minutes, you can find out exactly who has deleted you as their friend. The new Timeline design on Facebook has made it much easier to find out who has unfriended you.

1. To begin, log onto Facebook and head on over to your profile page. To the right of the page, you’ll see a list of the years you’ve been on the social network.

2. Click on any previous year listed. A “Friends” menu will pop up on your profile. This will tell you which friends you added during this particular time period.

3. Scroll over the friends and it will tell you whether or not you’re still friends with the person.

4. Install a plugin to identify who has unfriended you. Another option is to use a reliable plug-in to find out who unfriends you. For instance, the Unfriend Finder works on Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Opera and Chrome browsers. Once installed, you’ll receive notifications when someone unfriends you or deletes his or her account.

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Remove duplicate files the easy way

Hacking technologies

    I have always wanted this kind of software. I have thousands of mp3songs packed in various partitions of my hard disk. I have collected these songs from several places and keep them storing, but the problem while augmenting my collection is that I am never sure whether I have copied the set of songs before or not, so I just copy them irrespective of the fact that they may be already present. The consequence is that my limited 40GB hard disk space is almost full leaving me with no more space to store anything else.
That is why I always wanted a software that could compare the contents of two folders and remove the duplicate elements.

File Comparator is a program which compares any files by their contents. This utility allow you to quickly compare contents of any files in specified folders, and allow to show files which contain same data.

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Top 15 Rewards of Blogging

What do you usually notice when you go online? You may have observed that it is quite commercialized, right? It seems as if almost all of the sites are
promoting or selling something.
Then again, this is not always the case. Some people set up their own websites to provide information on various subjects. On the other hand, several
individuals create blog sites to talk about just anything.
How about you, are you interested in letting other readers know about your passion in life? Or, do you want to market your small business? Well,
whether you wish to spread the news or advertise your services, you can do it through blogging.

But what is blogging and what do you have to do to start?
If you are not too familiar with the term, it is actually short for Web-logging and it involves creating a website where you (as the blogger) can share
any information through article posts. And, with the right combination of optimization techniques, it can rank well in search engine results.
Now, it is not just for personal purposes as you can use it for dynamic means too, such as starting conversations or engaging in affiliate marketing
(wherein you advertise a seller’s goods or services).
Given the fact that it has plenty of uses, it only goes to show that blogging can be very rewarding. In fact, the following are some
of its top benefits:
1. It lets you share your interests
– It does not matter if you are passionate about the environment or fashion, you can write countless posts to let the world know just how enthusiastic
you are about the subject. You can even share your arguments on current issues or news.
2. It can be your platform
– Through it, you can air your beliefs, share your expertise, and promote your products.
3. It allows you to hone your writing abilities
– You skills get better each time you publish an article on your blog site. You can enhance your language and grammar knowledge.
4. It boosts your knowledge
– The fact that you are blogging makes you a great learner because it lets you increase your insight on many topics, especially if your articles come
with research.
5. It permits you to get out of your comfort zone
– Your blog site can be a magic carpet, which takes you to different places. What is more, it lets you break through your shell and express yourself.
6. It is a fantastic place to test your ideas
– You may think that you have far-fetched thoughts but wait until you post a blog about it. Soon, other readers will agree with you and you will
realize that you do not have such crazy ideas.
7. It provides you with many followers
– Once several people agree with you, they will not hesitate to add you to their network. So, do not forget to sign up on social networking sites and
add your articles with social media buttons.
8. It helps you increase your expertise and credibility
– When plenty of readers realize the worth of your articles, many individuals will consider you an authority because of the knowledge you possess.
9. It allows you to help other people
– You can use your blogs to give answers to questions or solutions to problems. How worthwhile is that, right?
10. It lets you begin conversations
– You can begin your own forum to talk about interesting or hot issues.
11. It is a cost-effective marketing tool
– You can spend as low as twenty dollars a month to obtain a domain name and hosting package. Then, you can start earning through your blogs.
12. It lets you build a good brand image
– If you are blogging for business purposes, most of the advantages mentioned on this page helps you create a credible name for your enterprise.
13. It allows you to make money
– When you combine the activity with the latest search engine optimization (SEO) strategies, it can provide you with considerable earnings.
14. It has a wide reach
– Whether you want to express your ideas or advertise to your target market, you have a bigger chance of reaching a wide audience through the World
Wide Web.
15. It allows you to pursue your dream
– Whatever it is that you want to do in life – publish a book, start a business, or get famous – you can make it possible through blogging because of
the benefits above.
                    So, what do you think? Are you ready to reap these rewards? Find out more about setting up your own blog site and you are good to go.

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Psychology: The Effect of Blogging on the Brain

The following story suggests that it does. Last month, Chris Bowers of the progressive political blog MyDD, underwent a small existential crisis brought on by a ham-fisted report on public television about political blogging that bungled a number of basic facts, including Bowers’ very existence on the MyDD masthead. The result was a rare moment of introspection in an otherwise hyper-extroverted medium:
…I admit that the past three years of blogging have altered me in some rather dramatic ways that do, in fact, begin to call very existence into question. I am not referring to the ways that blogging has caused a career change, granted me political and media access that I still find shocking, almost entirely ended my participation in old social circles and presented me with new ones, allowed me to work from home, or otherwise had an impact on the day to day activities of my life. Instead, I am actually referring to an important way in which blogging has altered my very consciousness. After two and a half years of virtually non-stop blogging, my perception of myself as a distinct individual has dramatically waned. My interior monologue has virtually disappeared. I no longer have aesthetic-based epiphanies, and I almost never concern myself with examining internal passions or emotions anymore. Blogging has not just changed the activities in which I engage–the activities in which I engage in order to be a successful blogger have profoundly altered the way my mind operates and the way I conceptualize my agency in relation to others. In effect, I do not exist in the same way I once existed.
First off, I’m reminded of something Sebastian Mary was saying last month about moving beyond the idea of “authorship” and the economic and political models that undergird it (the print publishing industry, academia etc.) toward genuinely new forms of writing for the electronic landscape. “My hunch,” she says, “is that things are going two ways: writers as orchestrators of mass creativity, or writers as wielders of a new rhetoric.” Little is understood about what the collapse of today’s publishing systems would actually mean or look like, and even less about the actual experience of the new writing — that is, the new states of mind and modes of vision that are only beginning to be cracked open through the exploration of new forms. Bowers, as a spokesman for the new rhetoric (or at least one fledgeling branch of it) shines a small light on this murky area.
This also brings me back to Bob’s recent excursion into Walter Ong territory, talking about the possibility of a shift, through new networked forms of creativity, back toward something resembling the collectivity of oral cultures. Bowers and his blog might suggest the beginnings of a case study. Is this muting of the interior monologue, this waning sense of self as a “distinct individual,” the product of a kind of communication that is at once written and oral — both individualistic and collective?
Ong called the invention of writing the “technologizing of the word,” a process that fundamentally restructures human consciousness. In this history of literacy, the spoken word is something that wells up directly from the human unconscious, whereas written language is expressed through artificial (i.e. human-made) frameworks, systems of “consciously contrived, articulable rules.” These rules (and their runes) create a scaffold for the brain, which, now able to engage with complex ideas in contemplative solitude as opposed to interlocution, begins to conceive of itself as an individual entity rather than as part of a collective. Literate cultures are thus cognitively different than oral ones.
Bowers’ confession suggests that this progression is being, if not reversed, then at least confused.
The kind of communication that he and his fellow rhetoriticians have been orchestrating in recent years in the blogosphere — not to mention parallel developments elsewhere with wikis, message boards, social media, games and other inchoate forms that feel as much like public spaces as documents — has a speed and plasticity that approaches oral communication. A blog post isn’t so much a finished opus as a lump of clay that readers and other bloggers collectively shape through comments and discussion. Are these new technologies of the word (and beyond the word) restructuring consciousness?
Bowers concludes:
We political bloggers have spilled a great deal of ink on analytical, meta-blogosphere commentaries, and on how we would like to se the political process be reformed. I think we can do an equally great service–both to politics and to blogging–by spilling a little more ink on ourselves.

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How to manage your online reputation across different languages

Today, social media stretches to every part of our world. It has opened up channels of communication that have simply never existed before. If you’re a blogger or business, you’ll want to know who is saying what about you and where. So, when language poses a barrier to this, it’s only natural to want to break it down.
Communicating only in English can put you at a disadvantage to those who have embraced globalization and are able to correspond in a variety of languages. So, if you decide to branch out into online conversation in other languages, you’ll need to maintain the same high standards you have in your native tongue and make sure that your reputation doesn’t become tarnished. The implications of not putting the same care and attention across different languages could be disastrous. You’ll have to think globally but at the same time react to local expectations in the different markets.

The following three points are very important when managing your online reputation across different languages:
1. Use the most effective translation option
When you communicate in a foreign language, keeping mistakes to a minimum is a big part of maintaining a positive online reputation. There’s the option of using machine translators and online dictionaries for translation purposes. Google Translate, Bing Translator and Yahoo! Babelfish are some of the options available and a big part of their appeal is that they’re free.
Machine translators can be helpful in translating other people’s tweets or blog posts and can let you communicate back in a foreign language. But even then you’re taking an avoidable risk, because machine translation engines are far from perfect and could leave you at the very least looking unprofessional, as problems such as inverting sentence meaning are not uncommon.
If you came across text online littered with mistakes or perhaps written in the wrong form of English (e.g. using American English when you should be communicating in British English), you would simply avoid communicating with that business, especially on a professional level. As such, you’ll recognize that flawless copy and translation is essential for your online reputation.
Cutting corners will save time and money in the short-term but will lead down a long-term slippery slope to disaster. The best option for your foreign language content is to use a native speaker that lives in the country that you are in communication with; they will make sure you’re using the correct dialect when in conversation and that your translated content is linguistically and culturally correct, particularly when it comes to colloquialisms. A good example of this in the English language is the word ‘humdinger’, which means that something is ‘remarkable’ in every other part of the English speaking world except in Scotland, where it means the exact opposite.
2. Track any mention of your business
Tracking keywords related to your blog or business, such as your brand name, is a great way to keep your eye on the online conversation about your brand. Google Alerts, for example, is a facility that will email you updates whenever your keyword is shown in a Google search. There’s even the handy option of the language setting that will allow you to follow your hits across several languages.
While useful, this is not without its flaws since Google isn’t the main search engine in several countries; for example, in Russia the main search engine is Yandex. Furthermore, your keyword might completely change meaning in a different language and would therefore be rendered useless. For example the word ‘gift’ in English means ‘poison’ in German – this is where using a local translator to check your keywords is handy. In saying that, tracking is still an excellent tool that definitely should be taken advantage of to keep your eye on who’s talking about you worldwide.
For instance, at Lingo24 we use Google Alerts to track mentions of our business, and one major benefit is that we’re alerted when spammers steal our online content and ‘spin’ it for content spamming purposes. Once alerted, we can have the content removed and maintain our online reputation.
3. Make sure you do your research
After having your content professionally translated, and tracking your brand keywords internationally, the final crucial tip for multilingual reputation management is ‘research your networks’.
Keeping an eye on Twitter and Google Alerts is useful, but there are many other social networks and online forums which are popular around the world. For instance, Orkut is the major social network in Brazil, while Mixi dominates in Japan and Qzone in China. If you’re targeting these countries with translated blog content, it will help to set up a presence on the popular social networks in your target country, to keep an eye on mentions of your brand and respond to any queries or criticisms.
Getting set-up as a multilingual blogger can be time consuming, but once you have your translation workflow and your various alerts and keyword tracking tools set-up, you’ll find it’s a fairly simple process to communicate with huge audiences internationally across multiple languages, all while ensuring your reputation stays untarnished worldwide.

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