Showing posts with label precious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label precious. Show all posts

Monday, August 3, 2009

hObi bAru~

gmbr kt bwh ni amk mase kt taupo, odw blik dr rotorua.tyme tu brnti mkn+solat jap.. ni la schedule aku for dis sem yg bz mcm nk mati..yg kaler2 +dlm circle tu assessmnt+test on da same day...*sigh* T_T
container kt depn tu aku beli kt 2 dolar shop..murah je+cntik..hehehe..tyme ni ngh gatal2 tgn nk amek gmbr property sndr..bru je blik dr rugby nite+smpai bilik..teros snap gmbr ni..

daa lame daa nk amek gmbr cmni..rase kagum lak bile daa dpt wlaupon amek ngn camera cybershot pink ku yg biase tu...hehehe *gumbira*