Showing posts with label Occasion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Occasion. Show all posts

Monday, February 22, 2010

Hard Rock Hotel, Penang

Pack with Rush...
Chips ..... check
Drinks.... checkkkk
Tigers..... check check check !!!!

I'm here... at Hard Rock Hotel ~ ^_^

Gets welcome by Fantastic Four !!

Stuck here to wait for my room....
Gets a free juice while waiting...
So nice.....~~ ^_^

Guess this is where da Rock Band appear at night ~

throwing my bag in da corner there...
see see ???

I just cant stop snapping ~
Almost all kinda angle... weeee ~~

Here's my room. 302 302 302 ~
Superstitious me need to knock 3 times b4 entering.
My face under da lighting looks scary =__=

an immediate WOW when we open up da door ^_^

Here's gonna be da crowded corner later >.<

Didn't expect da technology are over my expectation ~
U can hook up with your ipod with da hifi ....
And SOMEONE is smart enough to bring along external hd ;)

and that SOMEONE had start her Bom Bom Pow Corner.
and She's not yet bath !!! yerRRrrr ~~~~~

For me, ofcoz I love this online corner... kEKkeek x}

Here's gonna be another crowded corner too.
And da bathroom, U can see through from here !!!
I'm standing on a Ham-Sap spot , very good Feng-Sui ^^

My gang finally arrive and they just busy stood there peeping
people at da pool side !!!! PervishHhh!!!!!

Fun time not even start and I'm starving...
mUncHhh munChhhh ~~~~
My online corner transform to da kitchen... babi !! T.T

TV de channel also lebih GAYA... wah seh ~

Da rest of da biatCheS arrive and we wave our FLAG up high ~
Warm welcome to my beloved biatCheS at da pool side ~~

We keep forgetting our stuff. Been going up and down with da lift.
Mean while we keep torturing the mirror.... =__=
Don't worry, I've make sure there's no crack before we leave ~~~

we looks so thin... wow ~ !!!
Diet success !!! congratulation ~~~

Never the less... The Siao CaBo in action again lor ~
They believeeee they can fly ma and then pok kai.... =__=

carry on with Titanic... U jump , we don't jump ~

satu kali Jump memang tak cukup .....
There go again U jump U jump U jump ...
We don't jump, We won't jump, We're not going to jump !!

There I saw this big bully conquering da kids zone!
Thanks God, she gets punish by Elephant's pee~~

Then the whole gang joining !
Shame on them. Grow up biatCheS!!!

and now introducing the Mafia...
Miss Shorty from 7 dwarf Village ~

Miss Big Head from Alice in da wonderland !!

Miss Karipop Head from Kalimuthu City =__=||

Miss Big Mouth from Pacific Ocean ... xD ~

Miss Mang-Kee from Botanical Garden !!!

Opss... and myself.
Jeng jeng jeng... Miss Beauti-fool ^_^|||
( weee , wat to do... this is my blog xD )

saw some ugly giant frog resting...
they sounds like a cow.... moo moo ~ scary ~

like Genting theme park... o.O

spy-cam's are everywhere for tight security ^_^

splashing activity finally over.
and they are my biatCheSSss with good behavior ^_^

and some idiot who doesn't know how to behave!!

yup... we didn't miss any corner to left our foot prints!

Every corner... I mean EVERY CORNER !!!

yesss.... EVERY CORNER !!!

View from my room ^_^v

I saw da Giant Frog again....
They are everywhere.... aRghhhh O.O|||

My sista pay us a visit ~~~

There we make noice together ^_^

and we make love together.... O.O|||

Da Partayyyy start again... as usual...
We let our Tigers swimming 1st .....

A Tiger cum Ballerina drinking style....

a gang of pig ~

I caught someone stole da whole sauce from KFC!!!

ngauUmm ngauUmm... hungry ghost festival ~~~

we roll on da floor then goes up to da bed....
guess someone mabuk again....

Light's off and da partayyy 's over ~

what a tiring day...
from dry to wet , wet to dry , dry to full , full to drunk ~

Thanks PBIM for letting us to have so much fun !