I realize I am far behind on blogging (our move, new house, trip to Tenn/Miss, BYU game.... to name just a few). But since my evenings are precious "get unpacked" time (yes, still), I'll just mention a few things while I can.
~ The Sunday before BYU's first game I was in the kitchen finishing making dinner and I heard some rap song along the sounds of Eminem coming from the laptop Ryan was looking at. I asked Ryan why he was listening to Eminem and if what he was watching was Sunday appropriate (hello nag, but I said it teasingly). His immediate response: "It's actually TJ Fredette. And yes it is Sunday appropriate. It's a BYU football video and BYU football helps spread the Gospel. Last I checked, missionary work was an appropriate Sunday activity." This caught me off guard, but you'd think by now it wouldn't. I should have known. :)
~ Probably one of the worst parts about pregnancy for me is the lack of bladder control. I think we may have stopped at just about every gas station between Memphis and Columbus on our drive last week. Also, I got warning from my doctor about not drinking enough water (even though I already feel like I chug it), and was sent home with a huge hospital water bottle and told to drink about 3 of them a day. I went to the bathroom every 15-20 minutes at work yesterday and had to sprint there each time in order to make it. I told this story to Ryan at dinner last night. Then this morning as we were getting ready for work (and after my 3rd bathroom trip since we got up), he said in all seriousness, "you know, Britt, maybe you should take an extra pair of pants with you to work.... just in case." Ha! Yep, it's that bad... although I have yet to actually need that change of pants, thankfully.
~ This next one is not a funny Ryan story, but I'm saying it anyway. I am avoiding birth stories like the plague these days. Most are fine, but sometimes you run into a horror story that makes you never ever want kids. Well, I accidentally stumbled upon one of those horror stories yesterday and was reading it before I knew what it was. Now I am convinced that I am going to die when I have this baby. Not just of pain, but literally. Someone please tell me I am not going to die.
Logan 2 months
7 years ago