So Life has been kinda crazy fun the last two weeks. Ryan is doing really well in school and adjusting to his new schedule. That is one thing about school I do not like. Once you get a routine down you have to change it in two months cause of the new semester. But he is handling his time very well. He is still working at the Dentist office on MOnday nights and he LOVES it. He was really afraid he wouldn't but he really likes the Dentist he works for and he respects LDS people a lot. So he gets to have really nice gospel conversations with them. Ryan is also trying to learn the cabinet drawing program at the shop so that he can take over doing bids and drawings for clients. He is catching on really fast for having no experience in it what so ever.
I have been busy with the new Business we are taking over. For those of you who have not been updated, Ryan and I are now part owners in a Flooring Business along with my Father my brother Johnny, and another guy who are also partners. The ultimate goal is to turn it into a Kitchen and Bath Design Store. Kinda a one stop shop for remodels and design. Right now it is a flooring store and does ok but there is SOOOO much competition so we are going to twist things around and try to find a niche. This store has been in business for over 35 years, and has a really nice building and warehouse which are both great bonuses. I am in charge of turning the showroom into a showroom and marketing. I will be acting as an on sight designer and working about 20 hours a week but I get to kinda run my own business and be my own boss which will be nice. Also...I can bring Mav up there with me if I NEED to and can't find a babysitter. We have a lot to do but right now I am just pricing out things that need to happen to the showroom and designing the kitchens and cabinetry that will be going in there. It is going to be pretty sweet. I am working with a fun and energetic team who all have business experience so that relieves some of the pressure from me in that area. But I am learning a lot. I am having to wear a TON of different hats such a my business hat, my designer hat, my marketing and advertising hat, etc. I think the hardest thing to learn is when to change hats as an owner in the company. I have to make sure my designer hat is off when I am talking numbers and that is SUPEr hard to do for a left brained person. But I am learning. =)
I also am still doing play dates which I really enjoy. Some days are a little rougher than others but its SO worth it when I can get 4 hours alone to get things done. I am just ready for the weather to get better so we can play outside a little more with the kids and NOT melt. A cold front came in a week ago and it was so nice. It is amazing how much better of a mood good weather puts me in. Haha. =)My calling is still going really well. Ryan and I got to go chaperon at the Stake Dance and we had a ton of fun goofing off. I think we danced more than the youth. Haha. =) WE have our family reunion coming up in DEc which I am super excited about. I am in charge of decorations and I am having fun coming up with some fun ideas. I am also helping out with the decorations for the ward Halloween Party with my cousin. We have come up with some good stuff. We have a few holiday craft days with all our family coming up in the next couple months. It is seriously so much fun. Just getting together as girls and talking. =) So excited!
Mavrick is doing well. We went to Lake Tejas again for Labor Day for just a few hours. Mavrick enjoyed it alot. There were like 20 people there so it was really peaceful and calm. I forgot to bring the camera down to the water but he had a blast sliding down the slides. He is such a brave little boy. =)
This past Wednesday was probably the scariest night of my life thus far. Mavrick had been running a fever all day and it never went past 103* which he has had hire. He just wanted to snuggle all day which I didn't mind. He is so sweet when he is sick. ryan gets home and his fever is hot again so we give him some medicine and not even25 secs later he starts seizing while I was holding him. All I knew from what people told me was to hold him on his side but other than that I didn't know what to do. Ryan was running around trying to find our dang cell phones and I was yelling at him to give him a quick blessing! It was the longest minute of my life. It didn't last longer than that. He called 911 and the ambulance came like 2 min later. They were really fast. I had layed him on the sofa and he was so out of it. I think the seizure took everything out of him but I didn't want him to go to sleep. I tried to hold my composure as much as I could but it was so scary. So they made me grab him and Mav and I rode in the back of the ambulance while Ryan followed in our car. They put a temperture strip on his head and it said 103.7! What the heck! My thermometer right before said 102! Needless to say we have purchased a good one since then. We get to the hospital and my little boy finally calms down. He got pretty upset in the ambulance while they were fooling with him. At the hospital they checked his temp gave him some tylenol and Mav received his very first rectal temp. I don't know if I will ever be able to do that. But they say its is WAY more accurate. Anyway...long story was a fever seizure. Apparently kids get them when their fever gets to high but it is nothing too serious. It doesn't mean they will always have them or they will have seizures their whole life which was comforting. That would have been nice to know at the hospital when babies are born! Ugh. Out of all that information they couldn't slip that little helpful fact that kids have seizures when their fever gets high?! Anyway....its over. He was fine an hour after it happened and pretty much back to his normal self. Ryan and I stayed up most of the night to keep an eye on him though. So far we have a record of 2 ER visits in 16 months of Mavricks life. Nice.
Here are a few pictures from our fun little adventures in last few days...
Scoping out his plan of attack at the lake...
Eating watermelon like a big boy...
Please excuse the weird smile. I think Mavrick was biting my finger while we were taking the picture. Haha!
Cheetos...I hate that he likes them!
My sweet little boy in the hospital.
He has such sick looking eyes. =(
And this would be him after about 30 min in the hospital...back to his normal self. =) I love this picture!
Swimming and playing in the sprinklers outside during our play group. Sophia and Zoe.
Little Colt swigging on our porch.
I love pictures like these. Cousins playing in the water and sprinklers.
More updates later. =)