Last year, my whole family went to ophthalmologist for our eye check up. My husband’s glasses needed replacing and needed to buy a new pair. Then, I found out that I have a vision problem with my eyes also. My left eye was far sighted and the other one was near sighted while my daughter’s eyes are in good shape. Then, my husband and I had our prescribed eyeglasses made so we can take care of our eyes. It was kind of expensive because each pair of glasses cost $85.00 plus tax. While browsing the net, my attention was caught by an article in the New York Times website titled “Seeing Straight without Breaking the Bank”. It was about how to avail vision care without spending too much money. It was a very interesting topic. In the article, there were suggested websites that gave you tips to shop for affordable frames, lenses, reading glass, contact lenses, cleaning fluids, insurance coverage and a lot more. Surprisingly, there was one site, http://zennioptical.com, who sells eyeglasses for $8.00 only. It’s cheap and affordable compared to the eyeglasses I have. So, I decided to check this website out to see the details of the eyeglasses. I like the Frame#9628 Metal Alloy/Stainless Half-Rim Frame, it was absolutely great. Honestly, it almost has the same quality and style to the eyeglasses I have right now. Perhaps next time if my eyeglasses need replacing, I will definitely shop at this site.