Yesterday, Russ, young Jordan and I broke away from our "40".
It was the perfect day to pick up our processed pork, an hour south of us.
We had been stalling on the trip, our schedule determined by the flow of sap.
But the maple syrup season has come to a close.
The last drops were made into candy, much to the delight of this child.
No more picnics by the sap pan this year.
Projects such as Jordan's hammock roof were put on hold for a day.
We don't often leave.
But when we do,
I love to travel on M-66 to Lake City, Marion, McBain, Falmouth.
Russ knows, if we didn't live in Mancelona, it would be in this farm country.
Simply put, I love it.
And so do the Amish.
We visited two stores. An Amish-run grocery store.
Notice the horse-drawn vehicle sign...
And an Amish General Store.
We saved many dollars on snaps for our kennel, riding (horse) gloves,
and Jordan was thrilled to find a wooden ax handle.
(I thought he looked cute in an Amish hat...)
I perused Amish school books and purchased Bible study/quiz cards,
which we put to good use on the way home.
Russ knows his Bible!
Next stop Ebels.
We picked up pork. 2 pigs. Pigs we raised from their infancy.
Hams, chops, Maple bacon, Maple sausage, cheesy brats, the list is endless.
Full truck bed.
And a wonderful lunch "to go" from Duane's Restaurant.
Great homemade food, to be devoured on the ride home.
Along with their homemade bread, cinnamon rolls, and such.
Our truck was filled to capacity. But no one minded sharing our space with the goodies.
Not even Zip.
When you leave home, but visit like-minded folks, you come back home refreshed,
knowing you are on target with life.
A simple life.
Last night confirmed it,
as the 3 of us devoured grilled ham, mac and cheese, corn, mellon, and more.
Until tomorrow, God willing.