Showing posts with label Amish Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amish Church. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Mancy in the Middle

Mid-August.  It’s hard to believe summer is sliding into fall.

Before long, my game of “Mancy in the Middle” will end. 

I live in Mancy.  Mancy is not the correct name.  Mancelona is.  Mancelona was the daughter of the town’s founder, hence the name.  But many folks call it other names.  Man-ce-tucky is one.  Man-ce-tucky describes the “redneck Appalachian ways” of our small town.  One stop light.  Across road on one side, a military tank sits on the lawn.  If you happen to get a red light while heading north or south through the Mitten state, you might see a horse or two at the local Dairy Delight across and up the road from the tank, complete with cannon, next to the post office.  

The town fits us well.  In many ways.  We’re a town where the folks at the local hardware know your name.  Post Office also.  And the local Feed Store.  We’re not fancy.  We’re just Mancy.  You’ll find men with beards and work-stained hands.  They wear their hard work for all to see.  Lumbermen, farmers, ranchers, and roughnecks, etc.. 

Since April, I have been leaving our “40” each week to head north to assist with aging family.  My home town is a beautiful town…always many degrees cooler as I crest the hill at the foot of the bay.

It’s a resort town, on Lake Michigan – Little Traverse Bay.  The town swells each summer with what we refer to as “Fudgies”.  Fudgies are those who buy and consume “fudge” made by many confectioners in the area.  Memorial Day to Labor Day, the Fudgies invade.  Traffic swells – both vehicle/bike and foot.  It has always been this way, and always will be this way.  Cottage living, restaurants, art shows and events are geared for this summer season.  Well-groomed men with pastel shirts and khaki shorts are found in the “organic” section of the various stores.  Chatty starched-white tennis-skirted women and even chattier chic children are to be found.  Topics of tennis and organic this – organic that.  It’s a swirl of people and action and everyone seems to have one thing in common – they seem to adore their hand-held god (little g).  {The cell phone - aka computer -  in the palm of your hand}. 

Until Labor Day, the “Fudgies” blend in with the locals.  After that, life returns to normal.  This is what I grew up with, and it benefited me as I worked in beautiful places “on the water” like Little Harbor Club and Stafford’s Pier Restaurant, just to name a few.  Old money…new money.  But always money.  It’s an amazing place, this northland. 

Summer also finds me more mobile.  I find the truck heading south, sliding into my Old Order Amish community.  Earlier in the month, while sitting in the 3-hour Sunday church service reverently belting out German hymns of persecution (the Loblied in particular), I felt at home.  A “carry in” dinner followed, where each ‘fork full’ was truly heavenly.  But more importantly, the conversations during the dinner and the fellowship that followed filled my soul.  People were connected to each other, with the center of the conversation Godly.  No hand-held gods here.  Only the true God – the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.   

So…from Mancy an hour south to Amish, back to Mancy.  Then Mancy an hour north to my home town on Lake Michigan.  And then back to our secluded piece of land in Mancy.   And so it goes. 

As I walked through the woods this morning, scaring Pats into flight and picking blackberries, I felt the call of Autumn.  Today the woods were still, as our precious family vacationers left for home the evening before.  I can’t imagine a place I would rather be, than in the woods.  Soon, I will be more “in the middle” than not. 

Until then, have a wonderful end of summer.  And I’ll check in soon, Lord willing.


Thursday, July 3, 2014

An Amish Summer

It happened slowly.

My life has gone from simple, to simpler.

In the last year I visited my Amish friend each month, sometimes more.  But then, without planning, I started visiting several times a month.

Now...I visit weekly, sharing my week between my rustic lifestyle on our small farm, and traveling to the Amish community I dearly love.

I have met new friends - friends who care deeply about God, family and community.  And me.

I feel so blessed to be able to live and worship among these new friends, living and visiting in their home(s), sharing their meals, assisting in chores and enjoying their company.  They are such a treasure to me, in guiding my walk with the Lord.

This 4th of July I will be with the Amish.  Traveling to a huge Amish Garage Sale with my dear Amish friends.  Later in the evening, I look forward to falling asleep with the sights and sounds of an Amish fireworks/but the night sky lit by fireflies.  No big bangs/just the whirr of the farm's windmill. The bleat of the sheep, the snort of the content horse as it night grazes.  This is my life.  Farm life.  Amish life.

I'm so fortunate to have a husband who shares me with another world.  It's a world not that different than what we have on our small farm, but the community is strong, and the worship is long and reverent.  I hunger for it - more than food itself.

I've shared so much of their lives.  It's too precious to detail in a public way.

I will continue writing, for now, albeit sparse as I'm not near Internet often.

Until then, find solace in His word.  Jesus loves you.  It's as simple as that...


Tuesday, June 10, 2014


In the last month, I've spent 4 weekends living in an Amish community. Waking to song birds, delicious meals on a wood cook stove, holding a precious 2-day old baby girl surrounded by 7 siblings, singing in German (Loblied), kneeling in prayer on hardwood floors, tears flowing/and hugs from women who love freely as Christ loved, humble men as Ministers, new foals, fresh kittens, straw-hat boys on bikes, shy girls in bonnets and buggies, and horse-drawn everything. God is present and much revered. I'm so blessed to be a part of their life.

I'll check in more, later.  Lord willing.

Until then, Aus Liebe (in love)


Monday, May 12, 2014

My Field of Dreams - Defined

Dear Friends ~

Greetings in His risen name.  Christ Jesus.  May we both feel His presence at this time. 

In my last post, well over a month ago, I had been somewhat "secretive".  I posted the following:

There are changes on the horizon for us.  These plans are based on Scripture.  His Word.  These plans have been talked about, prayed about, wept over and are now being put into place.  I am moving forward to enter my “field of dreams”.  A move closer to a Plain life.  I feel like James Earl Jones in the movie, Field of Dreams, beaming that huge smile of his, as he tentatively sticks his arm in the cornfield.  After doing it several times, he shrugs, lifts his eyebrows and walks in, a smile planted on his face.  I, too, am “sticking my arm in”, beaming as I do so.  I’ve been waiting for the last year for the Lord to lead me.  I believe all the changes up to now have been set in place for such an event.  (The changes actually began nearly 30 years ago.)  Hubby Russ is my biggest encourager.  He feels I need to act.  To see.  To experience.  After much debate and prayer, I decided I will just move forward, and see if the Lord throws up barriers, or opens doors.  So far, so good.  I’ll explain more later…as I/we move forward. 

Truth is, I have been traveling more and more to my favorite Amish community.  Visits, day trips, meals, discussions{many many discussions}with open Bible, snail-mail letters in between, being in their church for sermons and song, and even spending the night with my dear friends.  I was/am trying to line up my life in scripture and in truth.

As you can see by reading above, I said I would "...just move forward, and see if the Lord throws up barriers, or opens doors..."  He has opened doors.  Many doors.

But my heart isn't catching up to these changes.  I feel like Christian in Pilgrim's Progress, going down side paths, not staying on the narrow path.  So right now I'm not sure which road I am on.

I probably have you totally confused by now.  But I'll explain soon. 

Until then, please pray for me/us. 

Psalm 25:4-5

Show me Your ways, O Lord;
Teach me Your paths.
Lead me in Your truth and teach me, 
For You are the God of my salvation;
On You I wait all the day.


P.S.  We still don't have water in the cabin...but I'm actually enjoying it.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

In A Nutshell

If you’ve stumbled across my Blog, welcome.  If you have been here before, welcome back. 

Those of you who have visited often know “something’s up”.  I have gone from checking in an average of 30 times a month, to 2. 

Honestly, it is God-driven.

There’s no easier way to say it, other than God is doing some pruning in my life, and that of my husband, Russ. 

Almost 3 years ago, Russ and I said a special prayer together, asking the Lord to lead us, as we follow Him.  {To “…take up the Cross”…Luke 9:23}   And he has led us.  He has been faithful, and present for us EVERY day. 

In some ways, it hasn’t been easy to slip into “God’s economy”, where you trust Him for your every need.  But it has been good.  And He has never (and I mean NEVER) failed us. 

Some of you know what I’m talking about.  Blind trust.  To walk by FAITH, not by sight (2 Cor 5:7).  Sometimes it takes BLIND TRUST to get you through a day…an hour…a minute.  But it is amazing to see what He chooses to do with you during that time. 

I have my husband to thank for keeping me from worry.  When things are so financially strapped or we are facing a crisis, my husband asks “…do we have what we need for TODAY?”, to which I reply…yes.  “OK then…give us THIS day, our daily bread.  No need to worry.”  {Side bar:  Did you know that we are told not to worry 365 times in the Bible?  One for every day!}

Additionally, it meant the Enemy (aka the Devil) put us at the top of his chalkboard, with our names underlined, in BOLD.  The Enemy was relentless in trying to oppress us.  We had to call on the name of Jesus to keep him at bay. And it has worked, because the Lord doesn’t lie.  I remember stopping outside and huddling with my husband, our arms around each other, calling on Jesus to protect us from the onslaught of the Enemy. 

So, how did these changes come about over the past couple years?  

We started our pruning with no longer having television, several years back.  (A very wise decision…we no longer allow SIN to come into our home, un-invited, invited, or otherwise.)  We will never view television again.  No DVD's, nada.  Simply, no TV.

Then, we removed the Internet from our farm. 

We do not have a “fancy” phone.  No Internet on there either. 

Radio is our media, and it is honed on the Christian station during the evening. 

Next, my camera went.  This was difficult at first, as I “prided” myself as a photographer, having won several contests in the past and been published in a dozen or so media outlets.  As the year rolled around four seasons without hearing the sound of a shutter release, I knew it was good to be without a camera.  For me, it was taking too high a priority in my life.  {Idols come in many forms...}

In addition, we have reduced our goat herd to zero. 

We have reduced our horses to one.  Raz.  

Funny thing, we spend more time with him (both of us) and he seems happier being by himself.  As you can see by his hefty frame, he spends most of his time eating anyway, as horses should.

Another big change for us…we have “retired” from our dog sledding business.  This winter, for the first time in over a decade, we will have the dogs to ourselves.  I will not be booking appointments and answering the phone and returning emails.  Our website has been taken down, several emails went POOF, LinkedIN, Paypal, tweets have stopped Twittering and more.  (My life is getting simple.…er.)  Upon telling people, they say “where are your dogs?”.  They are here, and will be until they pass from this earth, back into this earth.  We have 19.  That number includes two 15 year olds, and several 14 year olds.  We only have 5 under the age of 7.  In simple terms, our kennel is aging out.  Kinda like us.

So what do we do all day?  We still have pigs (sus domestica, for you DNR folks...).  

We have chickens, with several broody hens who, in their patience and sitting, blessed us with 9 more chicks this summer.  Along with the rooster...couldn't have done it without him.  

And we have our free-ranging rabbits, both adults and several white/black/and gray bunnies skittering about. 

Although we keep very busy each day, our main focus is on our Lord, Jesus Christ.  We rejoice that He is in our life, leading us daily.  We rejoice that Jesus will return…perhaps soon.  We rejoice that we welcome His return, and look forward to being with Him.  We hope others around us will become lovers and followers of Christ, as we are, so they can have an eternity with our triune God.  Until that time, we continue to have our weekly Bible study at our place each Wednesday evening.  We always look forward to meeting in the presence of the Holy Spirit and talking about the Bible, the Living Word, and giving the glory to Him.

One last thing - one thing I haven’t talked about in a while - is my relationship with the Amish community.  My interest in the Amish people spans nearly 30 years. It has grown leaps and bounds in the last year, since I attended an Amish church service last summer.  Since then, I have been meeting regularly with an Amish woman, circa my age, at her home for Bible study.  I met with her yesterday, in fact.  Driving home last evening, clutching a container of freshly-popped warm popcorn she made for my road trip, made me wish I could stay forever, in their world.  I glanced over at the loaf of fresh-made bread sitting on the front seat of my truck, straddling the animal feed bags I had picked up from another Amish friend.  The bread had risen and was baked in her wood cook stove while we sat and visited that afternoon.  But more importantly, I take home the lessons learned during our day of delving into God’s word.  I truly know this friendship, and that of her family, is God-sent.  I treasure it like all my friendships with Plain People.  What I love about being with them is seeing the Fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance…) played out before my eyes.  Perhaps some day, I will immerse myself even deeper into their way of life, Lord willing.  It will be the Lord’s doing, for both Russ and I.  Right now, I am just following the path before me.  

So, in a nutshell, I plan to take a break from yet another medium in my life.  My Blog.  It’s been coming for some time.  And now is the time to take a much-needed break. 

I hesitate to remove it entirely, like I did my “older Blog”, which showcased our early years on the farm.  Truth is, I poured my heart and soul into those blog posts.  And I miss pulling them up when I desire to check on something.  So this Blog remains.  (For now.) 

Those of you who are also on Facebook have not seen me on there, as I have deactivated my page for a couple months, perhaps forever.  We’ll see where the Lord is leading me…and what He is preparing me for…

So, taking up the cross daily, in addition to this pruning process has been interesting.  {Read John 15}  

How about you…have you made a decision to take up His cross and follow?   I would love to hear your testimony.  

Blessings to all, and enjoy this beautiful summer.


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Amish Hospitality

It's been nearly two weeks, since I stepped into the world of the Amish.

This time, I was invited to attend their church service.

I can't write about it yet.  

It's still too sacred, too raw.

Too spiritual.

But soon, I will share the treasured time.  

It is truly one of the most blessed days I have ever spent in my life.

I felt...
at home.

Until then, God willing.

To Him be the Glory ~
