Two things happened to me recently. One, I just finished a re-watch of the 2012 movie, “THE AVENGERS”. And two, I came across this ARTICLE praising the MCU’s portrayal of the destruction of Midtown Manhattan in the film’s final action sequence and in many other films from the franchise.

Now . . . not only did that article praised the Battle of Manhattan sequence in the 2012 movie, I had stumbled across another article even claimed that “THE AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON” handled massive destruction better than the 2013 movie, “MAN OF STEEL”. It also claimed that "THE AVENGERS" managed to achieve this, as well. And if I must be honest, the article featured mainly photographs and shallow reasons that in my eyes, had failed to hold up.
I have come to the conclusion that the media and many moviegoers were and still are incredibly hypocritical when it came to the MCU and the DCEU franchises. They did not pitch a fit over the destruction featured in movies like “THE AVENGERS” and “AGE OF ULTRON”. And when the MCU had finally decided to address the issue in the 2016 movie, “CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR”, it was more or less shoved aside for the Bucky Barnes manhunt and used as a motive in Helmut Zemo’s convoluted revenge plot against the Avengers. Come to think of it, no one had raised a fuss over the destruction in Greenwich, England in 2013's “THOR: THE DARK WORLD”, aside from one comment used as a joke in Season One of “AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.”.

But when the Kryptonians under General Zod nearly destroyed downtown Metropolis with their World Machine in "MAN OF STEEL”, both the media and many moviegoers went into a SNIT FIT over the destruction. They accused Zack Snyder and screenwriter David S. Goyer of going too far with the film’s sequence known as the “Black Zero Event”. Many of them are still bitching about it to this day.
Many articles and moviegoers had complained that Superman helped cause Metropolis’ destruction by not bothering to re-direct his fight against General Zod to a safer location. In the 2013 movie, Superman had made two attempts to direct his fight against Zod away from Metropolis. Unfortunately for him, Zod kept returning to Metropolis in his determination to kill Humans. Many had also failed to notice that the Kryptonians’ World Machine was responsible for most of the destruction that was inflicted upon downtown Metropolis, while Superman was trying to destroy the damn thing.
In the end, the two Avengers movies received praise for its portrayal of the destruction of midtown Manhattan and Sokovia. At the same time, many fans and critics have continued to criticize “MAN OF STEEL” for its destruction of Metropolis. It is bad enough that some of those criticisms have been proven to be erroneous. But many have failed to point out that the consequences of the movie’s “Black Zero Event” had a main role in the narrative for 2016′s “BATMAN V. SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE”. I am not only amazed at this hypocrisy, but also disgusted.