Warning: These are not things that I am necessarily proud of. Do not attempt at home....
-Breastfeeding while blogging
-Watering plants while holding baby
-Breastfeeding while doing bank transactions online
-Breastfeeding while blogging while telling my eight-year-old which position his piano song is in
-Making english muffins while talking on the phone to the bank

-Driving the mile to the school on the tiny Mexican roads while holding either a three-month-old twin or a two-year-old (yes, Robyn, I know the laws of physics still apply in Mexico and I'm wrong to do it)
-Listening to a chapter in The Book of Mormon being read on lds.org while folding clothes
-Letting a baby sleep on my lap while figuring out directions to Phoenix on Google Maps
-Putting on makeup while talking on the speaker phone
-Breastfeeding while teaching my thirteen-year-old what a double flat is
-Eating while cleaning the kitchen (not a good idea)
-Doing scripture study with the kids all clustered around the bathroom doorway while I sit next to the babies in the bathtub
-Breastfeeding one baby while breastfeeding the other
-Walking to grandma's house while carrying one baby in the sling while carrying the other baby in my right arm while holding Johnny's hand with my left arm
-Getting asked out on a date on the phone by a college student from the Maritian islands, accidentally, while separating the cream from the milk

-Listening and appropriately responding to one older relative's narrative while listening and appropriately responding to the spouse's completely different narrative that is going on at the same time
There, now perhaps you won't think I'm superwoman anymore, just a crazy lady trying to get the basics of life done every day!