Showing posts with label to raise a family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label to raise a family. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I'm a Mother Who Knows

Julie Beck, the worldwide president of the woman's organization of our church, called The Relief Society, the largest women's organization in the world, gave a talk a few years ago called "Mothers Who Know".


Among some of her key points were that mothers who know are leaders, nurturers and teachers, and stand strong and immovable against the onslaught of opposition in this day and age. Her talk is probably among the top ten of any faithful Mormon woman you ask. It's certainly one of my all-time favorites.

Now, to take the title of her talk, "Mothers Who Know", more literally, I'd like to share an incident that occurred in our kitchen a few nights ago.

I had been reading the first book in THIS series to the kids as we relaxed in the living area of the kitchen. From where I sat, I could see the computer monitor, and suddenly a small avatar touting a symbol of fire popped up on the screen, accompanied by a vrooooooottt sound, following by a bee-bop sound.

I kept reading, but the 8-year-old girl turned to look at the computer and nervously asked, "Mom! What was that sound?"

"It's just Ferdinand (name has been changed to protect the innocent) signing in on Instant Messenger, then sending the 15-year-old girl a message that he wants to chat," I answered.

The 15-year-old girl, who usually has something smart to say, sat completely dumbfounded, shocked that I had learned her friend's avatar and could recognize what vroooottt and bee bop meant.

Fellow mothers, as a mom who's been around, I beg of you to be a "Mother Who Knows" and learn what your children do on your computers. Did you know that the conversation turns to sex 40 times faster if children are chatting than if they were talking face-to-face? When interfacing live, there are filters that keep teenagers from saying what they may be thinking, but during an internet or cell phone chat, those filters are removed and our children take on a more anonymous persona. For this reason, I have told my children that they are to show me their chats at any time without advanced notice. And when the 15-year-old girl's friends sign up and try to chat while I'm on the computer, I love to surprise them and begin a chat, immediately identifying myself as the 15-year-old girl's mother, just so they know that I could be looking over her shoulder at any time.

And don't get me started about pornography. I've discussed that HERE if you want to know what I think about that. Suffice it to say, pornography can have deadly consequences, literally, and we must, at all costs, protect our children from it's evil influences.

What are your thoughts? I'd really like to know.

Thanks for listening.

PSSST! To find great deals on fun stuff to do in your area, go HERE!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Long overdue thankful list with photos...

I am thankful...

...that I recently came across a recipe for, seriously, what could be the best chocolate cake ever...which just happens to be vegan...(I will be posting the recipe this coming Tuesday)...

...that a young man in our town fixed up a go-cart, with his father's help, and now rents it to my son for 50 pesos a day, (roughly $3.50). My son can earn this money by being my servant for one hour. See? We all win...

...that the door of my dishwasher hasn't broken off yet...

...that my babies are THIS happy in the morning...

...for this woman, who regularly offers to babysit the twins...just because she loves them...

...that vegans can have chocolate ice cream, too...(Pictured below: a frozen dessert I made with almond milk, agave nectar, cocoa powder, coconut oil and vanilla)...

...for a husband who has the patience it takes to organize a family gardening project...

...for the men who work with us on our landscaping, and who encourage Johnny to help...

...for surprises!

...that the nine-year-old boy can get hours of pleasure from layering one phone book's pages over another. Apparently, once layered and closed this way, it is impossible to get the phone books apart, impossible even for two very strong men...

...that the 14-year-old girl thinks it's cool to saute...

...that my husband can buzz a one-year-old without making him cry...

...for peanut butter and honey sandwiches, my favorite food in all the world...

I am pleased to list this post @...

Grace Alone's...

Thursday Thirteen dot com,
Rose-Colored Glasses' "Thankful Thursday",
Cielo's "Hopeful Friday",
Jayelee's "Thursday Thirteen"

If you liked this post and would like to join me here on a regular basis via email or other reader, please...

(You'll be helping to pay for at least one of the nine kid's college tuition.)
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Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Dear John Letter (of Important Instructions)

For some reason, I am going to post the schedule I gave my husband for the eight kids he had to care for during the days I was sick. (In case you're new to this blog, yes, they are all ours, plus one more who is apparently old enough to live on her own (jk, Bethany!)) He took two days off from his normal work schedule, and I so, so much appreciated it. He did a great job, even making two pans of enchiladas from scratch the second day, one red, one green! Because I don't necessarily want strangers knowning the exact time or my daily goings and comings, I have replaced those exact times with the word "Later". Also, I will add my own informative commentary to you, the reader, in brackets throughout. Here we go...

Dear John, I don't know if I am going to be able to help tomorrow. I will do my best, but if not, here is the schedule I follow that keeps things running "relatively" smoothly :).

6:30 - 7:30 Babies wake up. I change their diapers, (Hyrum has a rash), put them in their high chairs and feed them some Honey Nut Cheerios first, with a drink, then I slice bananas really small, because this takes them longer to eat, affording me more time to unload the dishwashers and other things.

Later: Big kids drive to school, picking up T and K [These are two of the kids' cousins they drive to school every day].

Later: Little kids are picked up by D [This is John's cousin]. At this time I finish any leftover kitchen cleaning.

9:30 Ester shows up. This would be a good time to start lunch, if you haven't already. [Ester is the on-again, off-again maid we have. I prefer not to have a maid, as I'd prefer to do my own work, but John has highly encouraged it, so I try it, on-again, off-again. For today, I knew he'd need the help with the housework, so I was happy to have her over. Plus, the babies LOVE her! ...and so do I. She's a generous lady with a heart of gold.]

10:00 Babies and Johnny get a snack, usually consisting of sesame sticks, the kind you buy at Sun Harvest, and raisins or cheerios or orange dried fruit from a jar and sippy cups with diluted juice or water. This is where it gets challenging. The babies will start getting fussy and tired, so this is when the outside time happens. They love the courtyard, the sideyard, the front yard, your parent's house, anything outside. If you can do this until about 11:15, 11:30, then it will be time for their lunch.

11:30 Using the new mini food processor, you can blend up fresh fruits and vegetables for them for lunch. It's out on the island.

11:45 - 12:00 Bath time. Johnny can watch a movie at this time to keep him under wraps.

Later: Little kids return for lunch. Hopefully you will have found time to make the 15-bean soup on the back burner, please, as the babies can now reach higher and higher, and you can serve this with chips and other condiments.

Later: Big kids return for lunch. Before returning to school, all kids must help put the kitchen back the way it was.

12:10 - 12: 45 Babies bed time. Just bring me the fussiest one and I will nurse him to sleep. You can rock the other one or keep him happy until I'm done with the first, it doesn't really matter. Johnny again can be entertained by a movie at this time.

12:50 Johnny goes to bed in our bed.

1:00 through 3:00 FREE TIME! WOOHOO! [During this time I usually fold laundry while watching a movie on the laptop. It is both enjoyable and productive! I don't know what John did the first day, but the second day, he took a two-hour nap.]

3:00 or so: Babies wake up and it is snack time again. I put them in their high chairs and feed them leftover blended food or whatever else you want. They also like soy milk.

Later: All kids but Conor return home with rides. He will return later after tennis.

4:00 Snack time for kids.

4:30 Homework time for kids

Later: When homework is finished, you can pick one or so chores for each kid to do, like taking care of a baby for 30 minutes, or whatever. During this time, Kyla can start on dinner. I don't know what you want to have, maybe more fifteen bean soup, or hamburgers or whatever.

The babies will start to get fussy again at this time. Outside time is the thing they love, or a visit to your mom and dad's.

6: 30 Dinner time. Kyla sets the table and after dinner, Conor cleans the table and sweeps the floor and Reid does the counters, island and dishes. Lanny and Claire each clean a high chair.

7:00 Bath time. I still don't like to trust the kids with this job, because I'm a worry wart, but do what you want to do.

7:30 Babies dressing and play time, then bring me the baby that is the fussiest and I will nurse him to bed, followed by the other.

8:30 or 9:00 Scripture time, then the other kids need to start heading to bed, including Johnny, doors locked and you fall into bed. WHEW!

A word of caution. Ester is very helpful with the babies and I'm sure you will want to use her help. However, if she puts them down to nap before their scheduled time, they will probably wake up when the kids get home for lunch, and experience says that they will not be able to stay up until their 7:30 to 8:00 bed time. They will probably fall asleep at about 5:00 or 6:00, and even if they only sleep ten or fifteen minutes, this will most likely give them energy to stay up until 11:00 or 12:00. It's completely up to you if you want this to happen, but it will be difficult. Just trying to make your life easier.

Also, when the kids help in the afternoon, please remind them to, under no circumstances, let the babies fall asleep. Have them come to you if they think they cannot do this.

I hope I can help, but if not, good luck! Thank you so much!

Your Wife

[And that is my life. Every. Single. Day. You know what I mean, I know you do....]

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Lamest Laundry Post Ever Written

Here's what...

Baby Steps.

When you have babies around, sometimes you have to take baby steps when it comes to accomplishing things around the house, such as cooking dinner, cleaning a bathroom or doing laundry. Running a household of ten can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to laundry. We run the washing machine and dryer no less than three times a day, sometimes more, and, unfortunately, no one has invented a clothes folding and hanging up machine, so that is a task left to real live people. Here's what my laundry looked like from one day's washing...

Tackling this pile may seem overwhelming, even to the most enthusiastic homemaker, and with two babies constantly hanging on my pant legs, some days it's nearly impossible. What I do to make it managable is to take baby steps. Every time I walk by the laundry room, I pause to fold FIVE articles of clothing. This may seem absurd to some, but look what happens when I do it this way...

(DISCLAIMER: You may want to scroll down the page very quickly. I have actually chronicled, through photography, the decrease in pile size with each 5-article folding.)

Okay, here is the previous pile after folding 5 articles. It really helped to get that large, furry animal blanket folded. Definitely instant gratification there...

All right, now the clothes that fell onto the floor are all picked up and folded neatly...

Here you can see that we got another large blanket out of the way, again, making a significant, rewarding dent in the pile...

Here, we've folded 5 more articles...

...and 5 more... (yes, it's dark now)

...and again, 5 more...

Okay, it looks like our basket is empty now, so on to hanging up 5 articles of clothing with each pass-by...

I guess there were only ten articles of clothing to hang up. Sweet...

Now onto putting 5 piles of clothes away with each pass-by... (and yes, it's day again)

...and 5 more...(again, I guess there were only ten piles!)

Now to place the hand soap back where it goes and put away the Scout book and the maraca...


Looking at THIS sign the 13-year-old girl make for me in shop class makes all of these baby steps worth it...

And guess what? I get to do this all over again the next day!

Maybe if THESE little boys could take a break from hanging on my knees, I could do this pile in one pass-by. Wish me luck!

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(You'll be helping to pay for at least one of the nine kid's college tuition.)
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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

This Week's Thankful List With Photos

I am thankful...

...when the serious twin smiles...

...for God's miriad glorious floral creations...

...that I belong to a family of men who help...

...for a son who flows with creative juices (and who encourages me to blog things about him daily)...

...that the 16-year-old boy knows how to cook (pictured below - chicken alfredo)...

...that my husband organized this old-fashioned photo shoot (taken before the twins were even twinkles in his eye)...

...for big brothers...and little brothers...

...for fathers...


My children's...

My husband's...

... that my children have a hands-on father...

...for a pensive little girl...

...that when I want to find a happy place, I can go to my honeymoon in Cancun three and a half years ago...

Thanks for sharing my list today. What are you thankful for?

I am pleased to list this post @...

Grace Alone's...

Thursday Thirteen dot com,
Rose-Colored Glasses' "Thankful Thursday",
Cielo's "Hopeful Friday",
Jayelee's "Thursday Thirteen"

If you liked this post and would like to join me here on a regular basis via email or other reader, please...
(You'll be helping to pay for at least one of the nine kid's college tuition.)
OR... bookmark or share this post by clicking the little beauty below... Thank you for your visit!