Recently, I posted a brief
piece on Pat Brown’s early responses toward his competitors in the 1966 CA
governor’s race, making note of Brown’s complaint that his opponents were, “[running]
around the state telling people what a bad governor I've been…Wait until I
start telling them what a good governor I've been..."
In light of Brown’s own words, I
found Brown-backer Marianne Means’ comments in The
Tuscaloosa News, April 1, 1966
rather ironic:
As it always is during the Governor’s campaigns, all the interest this time is focused on the other fellows—on his primary opponent Los Angeles Mayor Samuel Yorty and the GOP contenders, Actor Ronald Reagan and former San Francisco Mayor George Christopher. Nobody seems to be talking up Gov. Brown, except Gov. Brown.
But, like it says in the ad, he must be doing something right. He has been an effective and honest governor and he has moved the state dramatically forward in education, welfare and conservation. And the only ones who seem to notice these things are the people who vote.