Showing posts with label Crochet Filet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crochet Filet. Show all posts

Friday, 9 January 2015

Interlocking / Double Filet Crochet : January ' 2015 Challenge

A bit late but I am into the next challenge after the December' 2014 Challenge. The difference is that, this time it is going to be in crochet.

This month I am going to try  Interlocking crochet, an advanced version of the Filet Crochet

Interlocking Crochet is also called as the Double Filet Crochet.  The main advantage of this type of crochet is that reversible fabric can be created using this technique. 
This crochet technique seems to be very difficult and of course it is and requires much expertise. 
Anyways, I am going to give it a try and let's see if the result is fruitful.


Stitches Used in Interlocking Crochet
Horizontal and Vertical Moorish Pattern

My first Swatch where I learned the stitches used in Interlocking Crochet. 

There is no particular pattern in this and each row is a different stitch. So, it may not look so great. But the patterns that an interlocking crochet makes are wonderful.

 And on the reverse side


Check this beautiful design here


So, here starts my January 2015 challenge !

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Filet Crochet Doily Finished

The most basic filet crochet pattern with just open and closed meshes.
The instructions to begin this were posted long time back here. So, here is the finished doily.

It measures approximately 8 x 6 inches. 
I used 100% mercerized crochet cotton thread no.5.
Hook Size Used : 1.75mm

It has to be blocked and I am still deciding on whether to make a crochet edging or a cloth backing for this.


Sunday, 17 March 2013

Filet Crochet Heart Doily

After my last post on Filet Crochet, I started working this doily using Filet crochet technique.
This doily remained untouched and unfinished for more than a year. Finally I decided to spend some time on this and here  is the lovely doily.

I am yet to finish the last row as I ran out of the thread and am planning to finish off at this level. The doily needs to be blocked .

 The open and closed mesh work can be seen very clearly in this picture.
 It is so amazing that juat few simple meshes can make such lovely patterns.

The pattern for this doily can be found here

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Filet Crochet : Contd.........

Here I am after a not so long break , with the second row of filet crochet.

A Recap
I am working on this filet crochet pattern

In the last post I stopped with the completed first row . Here is the completed first row

Row 2 (Wrong Side)

Ch 5 , ( 3 Chains correspond to the first dc of 2nd row , and 2 chains for the open mesh)
Here is what it looks like

Chain 5 (first open mesh made ), then Turn

 dc in first dc of the first row ( first open block made)
You can also see how an open mesh is worked over an open mesh of previous row.

Ch-2, dc in next dc forms another open block.

This ( Ch-2, dc over next dc of previous row)  is repeated over the entire length to from another row with open block. And the result is ,

Second row completed

Row 3 ( Right Side)

As seen in the pattern, there is one solid block in the third row.
A solid block is made up of one closed mesh.
Closed mesh is made up of 3 dc.

Row is started with beg ch-3, ch-2 ,( dc in first dc of previous row, ch-2) 7 times , 
2 dc in the ch-2 space of the open mesh of previous round , dc in next dc, ch 2 ,*( dc in next dc, ch2),  repeat from * across, 
the last open mesh is finished off by making a dc in 3rd ch of the beg ch-5 of the previous row.

highlighted in blue---- one closed mesh.

one solid block is made

Though the closed mesh is made up of 3 dc , the solid block is made of 4 dc ( 3dc of the closed mesh , 1 dc of the next open mesh).

See how a closed mesh is over an open mesh

Completed Row 3

1. To make first open mesh of Row 2 ( ch - 5)
2. Row 3: First closed mesh made ( 3 dc) , 
Solid Block = One Closed Mesh + 1dc of next open/closed mesh( here next is open mesh) = 4 dc

Note : If you find any errors in the written  pattern  or anything that you don't understand , please let me know. This is the first time I am attempting  to write a pattern.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Filet Crochet : Starting the work

See Crochet Basics Here
A pattern is needed to start the filet crochet. It is better to read from a pattern than written instructions, as it very much resembles cross stitching.

So, here it is. A simple rose doily pattern.


Materials used 

I used a size 5 crochet thread and a no. 7 crochet hook (the things available to me).
I used a thicker thread because this is my first attempt at filet crochet, so I wanted to make it as simple and easy as possible.

The markers ( bead pins ) used here are for illustrative purposes only and for understanding the concept better.These need not be used while  working a filet crochet.

Foundation chain 

First is to make the foundation chain.
The number of chains to make the foundation chain has to be calculated from the pattern available.
There are 25 blocks in the first row, as seen in the pattern.
Therefore the number of chains should be 25 multiplied by 3 plus one 

In short, foundation chain is made in  multiples of 3 plus 1

So, here I made 76 ( 75+1) stitches in the starting chain.

The next picture shows a bead pin marker placed into the 76th stitch of the starting chain.

This is the end of the foundation chain.

Row 1 ( Right Side)

As seen in the pattern , the first row contains 25 blocks which are all open meshes.

To begin the first row , chain 3 is made ( this is counted as the first double crochet stitch). That makes the number of chains 76 + 3 = 79
The white bead marker is still in place ( into the 76th stitch of the starting chain).


I placed another marker into the 3rd chain of the beginning chain-3

Next , chain 2 is made , which completes one open mesh .
with this ch-2 , total number of chains made becomes (76 + 3) +2 = 81

  The first open mesh is thus made ( dc, ch-2 )

To start the next open mesh , 1 dc is made, skipping 2 chains of the foundation chain, from the 76th chain (white bead pin). This dc is the starting stitch for the next open mesh.

In brief, 
 the dc is made in the 9th chain from the hook

one block is done

Chain 2 , skip 2 chains, dc in the next chain ( has been marked using the blue bead pin)

Second open mesh completed ( dc, ch- 2 )

Two blocks of open meshes done

In a similar way, the whole row is worked to get 25 blocks of open meshes.

Row 1 completed


1. Foundation chain made
2. Row 1: Open Mesh made----Beginning Chain 3 ( counted as 1 dc), ch-2 
                    Row finished according to the pattern

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Filet Crochet : Basics

Basic Stitches Used in Filet Crochet  

1. Open Mesh/ Space
2. Closed Mesh/ Block

Decorative Stitches Used in Filet Crochet

1. Lacet Stitch 
2. Bar
3. Popcorn Stitch

A Filet crochet is mainly made up of open meshes and closed / solid meshes.

 An open mesh will form the open space of the filet crochet , 

where as the closed mesh will form the solid block of the filet crochet. 

Open Mesh / Space

Open mesh is represented in the chart or diagram as open boxes. 

An open mesh is 1 double crochet stitch  and chain 2 ( 1 dc , ch 2 )

Closed Mesh / Block

Closed Mesh is represented in a diagram as Boxes with solid dots


 A closed mesh is made up of  3 double crochet stitches (3 dc).

 Lets see what other combinations of open and closed meshes look like .

1. One Open and One Closed Mesh

2. Two Open Meshes

3. Two Closed Meshes

4. Open Mesh, Closed Mesh, Open Mesh, Closed Mesh ( from right to left)

Similarly any combination of open and closed mesh can be worked , thus forming filet crochet..
With this much information I started working a simple pattern. I shall be posting about the pattern in the next post .

Lacet Stitch 

Lacet stitch is worked over two spaces with double crochet at both ends and  single crochet in the middle.

Filet Crochet Bar/ Double Spaces

Filet crochet bars (or double spaces) are long spaces that cross over the two closed meshes or open meshes or the one lacet, below the bar.

 to be cont.....

Friday, 2 December 2011

Filet Crochet : Introduction


Filet crochet takes its name form filet brode’(which means  embroidered filet), which it resembles.

 Filet actually means a net or lace with a simple pattern of squares.

The terms used are same as in regular crochet and the work consists of open meshes and closed / solid meshes.

The most satisfactory result is got by using the finest hook possible for the particular size of thread used. The finer the thread, the more intricate and good the work looks.

The work should be tight and firm, loose and stretchy work will not show the pattern well.

You can find the pattern here

Materials Required

Although any size thread can be used to filet , commonly used are thread size 10 - 100 .

Crochet hook:
A hook suited for the respective thread size should be used.  
For No. 10 crochet cotton, the crochet hook should be about No. 10, not coarser. 
For No. 30, a No. 12 hook, and anything finer can best be done with No. 14.

The best way to learn filet crochet is to take up a project with a simple pattern and start working . You will learn with each progressing step and row.