Showing posts with label ANT Farm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ANT Farm. Show all posts

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Teen Girl Doll Comparisons

Here are some teen girl doll comparisons.  A couple of them were in previous comparisons, but I wanted to put them with other similarly sized dolls.  They are from left to right:  Wee Three Friends Janet, Super Model Bel doll with Calista head, Hispanic everGirl, Flavas Kiyoni Brown, V.I.P. A.N.T. Farm Chyna, and Sashabella Paws.
Calista is the only one that can stand on her own in bare feet.  The others can stand in certain shoes.

Here they are showing their elbow flexibility.  They all have jointed elbows.  Sashabella Paws has the most flexibility in this pose.

Here they are sitting on the floor trying to cross their arms while showing their feet.  Sashabella Paws comes the closest to being able to cross her arms.  Janet has very large feet and can share shoes with Ken.  The others have doll friends that they can share shoes with.  Calista has arched feet and articulation at the ankle, so she can wear flat or heeled shoes.

Here they are doing a side stretch.  Calista and Sashabella have articulation at the lower torso, while  Kiyoni and Chyna have articulation at the upper torso.  Kiyoni's side arch is the most impressive.

Here they are in the "walk like an Egyptian" pose.  Calista and Sashabella have articulation at the wrists, while the others do not.  As previously stated, Calista also has articulation at the ankles.  I think that Sashabella does this the best.  What do you think?

Here they are attempting kneeling back bends.  Janet, Hispanic everGirl (does anyone know which one she is - Joy, Hope, Skye, or Starr), and Kiyoni have clicky knees and can not kneel.  Chyna does this pose the best.

Here they are showing off their hands.  None of them are able to grasp objects in their hands.  I like Calista's hands the best.

Here they are attempting to sit cross-legged on the floor.  Calista does this the best.

Here they are attempting to do middle splits.  It's close between Calista and Sashabella, but I think that Calista does this slightly better.

 Here they are doing front splits.  Kiyoni does this the best.

 Here they are doing a leg lift.  Janet does this the best.

Here they are sitting down.  Since Calista, Chyna, and Sashabella have articulation at the knees, they look more natural in seated positions.  

 Do you have a favorite among these dolls?  What makes that particular doll stand out for you?  Which ones pose the best?  Which ones look the best?  Which dolls are the most realistic?

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Trendy and Bendy: More Fashion Doll Comparisons

Happy Easter, Everyone!  This is not an Easter themed post, but feel free to check out my Easter Parade video from last year.

Here is my next group of fashion dolls for comparison.  They are posed similarly to my previous comparisons.  They are from left to right:  Winx Club Layla, Howleen Wolf, Isla head on Clawdeen Wolf body, V.I.P. A.N.T. Farm Chyna, Fashion Royalty Monsieur Z. Wild, and Dance 'N Flex Christie.

None of them can stand on their own.  Layla has bendy arms and legs, and Christie is entirely bendy.  The rest are articulated.  

They can all cross their arms somewhat.  They all have high-heeled feet.  Monsieur Z. Wild and Christie can share shoes.

Here they are doing a side stretch.  Layla, Howleen, and the Clawdeen Wolf body do not have torso articulation.  Chyna and Monsieur Z. Wild have upper torso articulation and do a decent job of stretching to the side.  Christie with her bendy torso does this better than all of them.

Here they are "walking like an Egyptian".  Chyna has no wrist articulation and Layla can not bend at the wrist.

Here they are doing kneeling back bends.  Christie can arch her back quite a bit.

Here they are showing off their hands.  All of them have weird hands that are not useful for holding objects.

Here they are attempting to sit cross-legged. Christie comes the closest, but it looks like I tried to tie her legs in a knot.

 Here they are attempting to do middle splits.  None of them are successful at this, least of all Layla.

Here they are doing front splits.  The Wolf sisters do this the best.

Here they are doing a leg lift.  The Wolf sisters and Monsieur Z. Wild do this the best.

 Here they are seated.  Layla can cross her legs, but she has issues with sitting straight up.  I think that Christie does the best job of crossing her legs.

Do you prefer bendy dolls or articulated dolls?  Do you have a favorite among these dolls?  Which ones look the best in their poses?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

V.I.P. A.N.T. Farm Chyna

The second doll to arrive at my house after my recent hiatus was V.I.P. A.N.T. Farm Chyna.  I read about this one on Black Doll Collecting and I thought that she was cute, but did not order her at the time.  Last week, I decided that it was time to bring this one home.

Here she is released from the box.

I love that she is somewhat articulated, and I'm really glad that she can stand on her own in her boots.  Here she is with some friends that she's made here.

And here she is with more friends.

 This is a purchase that I am really happy with.