Showing posts with label Negotiate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Negotiate. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Bottom Line -- Iran And Negotiations

Barack Obama keeps comparing negotiating with Iran to negotiating with the Soviet Union but this is absolutely NOT an accurate comparison.

During the majority of the Cold War our goal was not regime change, at least until Reagan came along and said that it ends, "we win, they loose!" However that is our policy toward Iran.

Iran committed an act of war against the United States when they overran our embassy and held Americans hostage for 444 days (thank you Jimmy Carter). Iran has been a belligerent in the region and in the world ever since.

Our policy toward Iran for years was known as Dual Containment. It was an attempt to keep their influence and revolutionary ideas inside Iran. Iran has long been considered a rogue nation by the U.S. but not by many in Europe, that was until 2005 when it was discovered that Iran had lied to the UN and the world for nearly 2 decades about their nuclear program. At that point many in the world realized we were correct and that something had to be done.

The solution was to isolate Iran until they cooperated. This isolation is an attempt to have the population or some reasonable elements of the government say to themselves, "we have become the pariah's of the world, the whole world is against us, while nuclear power sound good, this Ahmadinejad is making life harder with no end in sight and for no good reason, we are isolated."

Barack Obama would end that all in one meeting!

In one meeting Obama would bolster Ahmadinejad at home. He would be able to tell his people that his plan was working and they were no longer isolated.

In one meeting Obama would undermine the work the United Nations has done, together as one, (you know, that diplomacy thing the left is always screaming about) to pressure the Iranian government.

In one meeting Obama would reinforce Iranian belief that killing U.S. servicemen in Iraq was an effective tool.

In one meeting Obama would tell every nation in the world that we would not stand up to anything they wanted to do -- we didn't have the will to oppose anyone for very long.

In one meeting Obama would let the world know that blackmail was the way to get direct Presidential attention.

In one meeting Obama would tell every one of our allies that have backed us up on Iran that they were fools and they should never make that mistake again.

In one meeting Obama could do more harm to U.S. Foreign Policy then anyone since Jimmy Carter.

If Obama honestly believes regime change or getting Iran to cooperate with World demands and their treaty obligations by halting their nuclear ambitions then he needs tell us that because that is exactly what would happen.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Obama Capitulates -- Agrees Bush Foreign Policy Is Correct

Today in a stunning turn of events Barack Obama gave the nod to President Bush's foreign policy and agreed, almost completely, with his stance on Iran.

“Let’s not confuse precondition with preparation,” said Gibbs of any talks with Iran. “Obviously these meetings would be full of preparation. But we’re not going to sit down and engage Iran, unless or until they give up their nuclear weapons program.[”]
Obama Communications Director Robert Gibbs

It has been pointed out repeatedly that Obama's original position (yep, there is video AND text from his own website both at Hot Air) Captain Ed points out at Hot Air:
Without preconditions. That means without Iran guaranteeing anything, let alone the big prize of their nuclear program. Gibbs’ statement makes absolutely no sense in context of Bush’s remarks or Obama’s previous statements. If Iran gave up its nuclear weapons program today, Bush would open diplomatic contacts with Iran and might even consider a summit. He’s made that very clear over the last few years, holding out WTO sponsorship and normalized relations in exchange for just that concession.If Obama now says he won’t meet with Iran until they surrender their nuclear-weapons program, how exactly does that differ from Bush? And how does that fit with his previous statements about having talks “without preconditions”?

He concluded with:
If Gibbs wants to eliminate the confusion on these points, then he needs to start with Barack Obama, who apparently has no clue what preconditions mean. Maybe he should have learned that before running for President.

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