Thursday, March 24, 2005

Leaving soon

My husband finished my papers and he came back on Sunday. we shall leave within a couple of weeks after we finish packing our things. I will be busy in the next couple of weeks but I will write you a post when I reach Dubai. I have many things I want you to know about me and family that I decided to talk about when I am out of Iraq.
I also will make a comparison between Iraq and Dubai when I reach there. the last week was a so horrible week for me. we had very heavy rain and it affected almost everything in our lives. the telephone lines of most people I know were damaged including mine. they fix my line after few days but they made a mistake and gave us another No. and I still have the wrong no. . The second bad damage I had is in our local power transformer it fell from it’s pillar and blown up. This made the power transformer drag three of the pillars and the result we still don’t have elect. for more than 8 days and guess what, till now the only thing the maintenance did is that they came and took the old transformer and left without doing anything. now we are depending completely on generator
I am very busy and tired now. I want to leave ASAP because everyone is under stress now. I still feel guilty for leaving my parents and every time I see them I spend the whole day depressed. I never have the chance to leave Iraq and I am afraid of missing my family and friends and getting home sick. The last time I traveled was when I was 3 years old, of course I don’t remember anything from it. I went to Germany and Denmark at that time with my parents. After that I was unable to travel because of the wars we had.
So see you in Dubai. wish me luck.


Blogger Zipcard2 said...

Good luck Rose! Things will work out. Keep your blog going and keep us updated on how you and your family are doing.

11:45 PM  
Blogger Fayrouz said...


These are great news.

The farewell part will be painful. That's from my own experience. I'm warning you right now. You'll need lots of tissues.

You'll love Dubai. From what everyone says, it's a beautiful city.

Looking forward to reading your posts from Dubai.

11:06 AM  
Blogger jennetic said...


Just sending good wishes for your travels! Please do keep posting from Dubai!

9:01 PM  
Blogger quixote said...


Good luck, good luck, good luck. These are hard times. All the best to you, your husband, your daughter, and the rest of your family. God willing, all will work for the best for you and yours.

6:29 PM  
Blogger Omni said...

Your parents want you to have a good life; don't feel bad for leaving them behind, because they'll be happy for YOU that your life is moving forward.

6:48 PM  
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12:02 AM  
Blogger healthyblogger said...

Essential oils, roots and herbs can be used in a variety of ways to promote healthy living and anxiety attack symptom. They are used to create natural remedies for treating ailments common to both people and animals, to add flavor to food, to make perfumes and to create environmentally friendly cleaning products.

You do not have to own a garden to tap into the benefits of plants, roots and herbs. A few herb pots located by a sunny window are enough to get you started. Then, all you need are some essential oils and you are ready to go.

For therapeutic purposes, only the purest oils will do. It is possible to be fooled into thinking that you are purchasing a pure oil. Often, a lesser quality blend of several oils is used to mimic the properties of the pure oil. Blended oils are acceptable for fragrance purposes such as for perfuming a room, but pure oils are a "must" for medicinal purposes.

A reasonable guide to the purity of an essential oil is its price. Pure essential oils are generally more expensive. Common oils such as lavender and geranium are much cheaper than frankincense and carnation oil. It is advisable to become familiar with essential oil prices and then rely on this knowledge when purchasing oils from unfamiliar sources. Keep in-mind that you will generally get what you pay for. A price list from a reputable dealer is a valuable resource when purchasing essentials oils.

Usually, pure essential oils cannot be applied directly to the skin and must be mixed in a base oil to reduce their strength. Base oils such as almond oil or wheatgerm oil are commonly used for this purpose. Base oils are generally derived from seeds, nuts or vegetables and allow you to create essential oil remedies that can be massaged into the skin.

So, what do you need to get started with essential oils and natural remedies?

Without a doubt, Lavender is one of the most useful and desirable oils. Not only does it work wonders on cuts, bruises and burns, it also aids sleep and helps with relaxation.

The Tea Tree and Eucalyptus oils are useful for treating a variety of respiratory ailments. These are excellent for the treatment of colds and coughs. They can be massaged into the chest or burned in an oil burner to help clear the airways and prevent congestion. Tea Tree oil is a natural antiseptic and can be dabbed on cuts, bites and stings. It is often used to treat spots and pimples and when diluted with water, acts as a mouth gargle (keep in-mind it should never be swallowed).

Another basic antiseptic is Geranium oil. With its distinctive perfume and pain relieving properties, it is a necessary inclusion when starting out.

Peppermint oil should also be purchased as it treats digestive complaints and may be used in preparations for freshening breath.

For fragrant perfumes and establishing ambience in a room, buy some Patchouli and Ylang-ylang oils. Often combined in scented candles and air fresheners, a few drops of each in an oil burner creates a wonderfully perfumed home. Orange oil mixed with Cinnamon oil is a lovely winter alternative that evokes seasonal, holiday smells. Besides their perfume qualities, all four of these oils have other properties. Patchouli treats eczema and dandruff. Ylang-ylang is reputed to relieve stress, palpitations and high blood pressure. Orange is used in natural remedies for depression and nervous tension and Cinnamon is excellent for warts and viral infections.

The herbs, Thyme and Rosemary can be grown in pots and used when needed. To create essential oils from herbs, stew some large amounts in pure water, collect the steam and cool it. The oil will rise to the top of the drained water and can be collected with an eyedropper. Alternatively, a "flower still" can be purchased to make the job easier. Thyme and Rosemary are both antiseptics and can be used in skin care preparations. They are also delicious when used in cooking.

Lemon oil and fresh lemons will purify water and, when mixed with honey, are effective remedies for colds and flu. Lemon and white vinegar are highly efficient cleaning agents that can be used for domestic cleaning tasks without damaging the environment. Use white vinegar as a natural disinfectant or mix it with water to clean windows and wooden floors. It is also handy to keep a bottle of white vinegar in your car if you swim in the ocean. It will bring instant relief from jellyfish stings.

Citronella oil is perfect in summer to keep the insects at bay. Another natural repellent is Garlic. Fleas will not bite a dog that has been eating garlic, so a few garlic capsules in the dog food are a cheap solution to your pet's flea problem. A soft collar soaked in Citronella will also do the job.

Garlic also helps to promote a healthy immune system when the weather turns cold and viruses begin to circulate. In fact, most of the oils and herbs listed above are effective in helping to prevent many common winter illnesses.

Whether you are looking for remedies or nature friendly products to use around the house, the oils and herbs suggested above should help get you started. You will be ready to make some healthy changes in your way of life!

anxiety attack symptom

3:07 AM  
Blogger Roberto Iza Valdés said...

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11:54 AM  
Blogger Roberto Iza Valdés said...

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6:55 PM  
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7:23 PM  
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6:18 AM  
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