As Ive always mentioned before in my posts, philately brings people together mattering not where they are from, their culture, race or even religion. All of that dont seem to matter when we meet. We have so much to talk about that 'Worldly Politics' becomes irrelevant.

I would love to share some of the best moments since Ive become a philatelist. The best moments are definitely when Stamp Buddies from all over the world meets up. Yes, my dear friend, Xu Wei and his friends from China came to Malaysia a few months back and we really had a great time together. Besides that, our dear friend, Vera from Australia is also in town. What a memorable meeting it was though I could only spend an hour with them due to work commitment.

I really hope we can meet up again and promise that I will take leave from work. LOL. Thanks Xu Wei and Vera for the great day and hopefully more Stamp Buddies will make a stop in Malaysia. I too hope to travel around the world to meet up with all my Stamp Buddies. Im sure we will have so much to talk about.

Our meeting in Central Market...

Me and my buddy, Xu Wei...
Vera, Xu Wei's friend, and myself...

PS: Philately RAWKZZ BIG TIME!!!

I think most of my readers will recognize Holger from MP... YES, Holger was in Malaysia for vacation. Sadly, I only met him on his last day in Malaysia. However, it was truly a fruitful one. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU Holger for all the priceless advices and knowledge u gave me. I've learned so much from u.

Holger is truly a great philatelist with specialization on so many areas. I was amazed with your in-dept knowledge on covers and the efforts put to get them. Your knowledge on stamps especially Chinese. Simply Amazing!!! Hopefully I will have a collection like yours one day... OMG!!! Day dreaming again...

We had long chats on philately issues around the world. I just couldnt stop asking him questions... Hopefully I didnt bored you, Holger... It was a pity that u had to leave so early. Would love to spend more time with u... But I guess there's always another time.. Mayb in BELGIUM??? LOL

Below are some photos v took in KLIA. Please enjoy...

Though a short meeting, I really enjoyed talking to both of u.... I guess wat the say is true, "Life is not measured in time but moments" Hope to meet both of u soon... Hopefully by then, Im no longer an AMATEUR!!! LOL

PS: Hopefully, more MP members will come to Malaysia. Will surely spend more time with u all. Really felt sorry and sad that I couldnt spend more time with Holger...