I think most of my readers will recognize Holger from MP... YES, Holger was in Malaysia for vacation. Sadly, I only met him on his last day in Malaysia. However, it was truly a fruitful one. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU Holger for all the priceless advices and knowledge u gave me. I've learned so much from u.
Holger is truly a great philatelist with specialization on so many areas. I was amazed with your in-dept knowledge on covers and the efforts put to get them. Your knowledge on stamps especially Chinese. Simply Amazing!!! Hopefully I will have a collection like yours one day... OMG!!! Day dreaming again...
We had long chats on philately issues around the world. I just couldnt stop asking him questions... Hopefully I didnt bored you, Holger... It was a pity that u had to leave so early. Would love to spend more time with u... But I guess there's always another time.. Mayb in BELGIUM??? LOL
Below are some photos v took in KLIA. Please enjoy...