has this week gone? We have been blessed for the last eight or more days with glorious sunshine and blue skies! For that reason I have achieved very little in the grand scheme of things! After all who can bear to stay inside when the universe is being so kind to us? Actually, to be fair, we have not been resting on our laurels. No indeed, the garden is tidy ready for winter. The clothes post now stands erect in a place where I can actually reach it without hurting my back or falling headfirst down into next door's garden! The decking has been repaired and we have a trailer full of rubbish to take to the landfill! No. when I say I haven't achieved much, I actually mean I haven't made a single bag, keepsake book or painted a single canvas!
In the evenings I have sketched. A new pastime for me, sketching people, namely Kelly who is a lovely blogger I 'met' recently and she does this weekly sketching challenge. I have also been writing my column pieces and saving them, just in case I get writers block one week! I think this week though I am especially proud of my first attempt at drawing a caricature, so much so that I couldn't resist popping it in here (just in-case your not familiar with my arty blog!!!). So I suppose, upon reflection, I have achieved quite a lot, in the grand scheme of things, just not the things on my list!! Have a great week guys!