Posts tonen met het label LC. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label LC. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 10 november 2016

Lovely Colors: Dreaming of... Miscellaneous

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It's November 10th and that means: new Lovely Colors. This month I couldn't think of a good theme, so decided to go with a bit of several things and make my packs useful for these unthemed photos. Those photos that are too cute or pretty not to use, but that don't fit into a specific theme. So Dreaming of... Miscellaneous turned out to be that basic 'go-to' kit you can use over and over again for all sorts pages. I made an alpha pack, an elements pack and a papers pack, all are on sale for only $1 until the 15th!
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zaterdag 15 oktober 2016

Last day for Lovely Colors: Dreaming of... Change

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Today is the last day to get the Lovely Colors packs for only $1 each. So check it out at my With love Studio shop and pick your favorite Dreaming of... Change pack (1 alpha pack, 1 elements pack, 3 paper packs and 1 wordart pack), or grab them all.

maandag 10 oktober 2016

Lovely Colors: Dreaming of... Change

It's the 10th of the month and that means: Lovely Colors are here! These colors made me think of the season of change, but also of the winds of change that might blow through your life. So this month we'll be dreaming of change. Dreaming of Change comes in 6 different packs: 1 alpha pack, 1 elements pack, 3 paper packs and 1 wordstrip pack. All are on sale for only $1 till october 15!
Dreaming of... Change, Alpha:
 photo Romajo-DoCh-preview-alphas_zpshettmzwf.jpg
Dreaming of... Change, Elements:
 photo Romajo-DoCh-preview-elements_zpsuvgeso59.jpg
Dreaming of... Change, Paperset 1:
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Dreaming of... Change, Paperset 2:
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Dreaming of... Change, Woodpapers:
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Dreaming of... Change, Wordstrips:
 photo Romajo-DoCh-preview-wordstrips_zpsykkamb8j.jpg

donderdag 11 augustus 2016

Dreaming of... Independence, full kit

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With the new Lovely Colors now in store, I bundled last month's single packs into a full kit. Dreaming of... Independence is now available in my shop and is perfect to scrap your patiotic celebrations, but also any picknicks you have joined. Of course it's on sale, so if you missed it, now is your time to grab the full kit.

woensdag 10 augustus 2016

Dreaming of... Fantasy: New Lovely Colors

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Het is de 10de van de maand en vanaf deze maand worden de Lovely Colors nu al gereleased! Dat betekent dat de $1 sale loopt tot en met de 15de. Deze maand heb ik fantasievolle packs, de kleuren deden me denken aan sprookjes en de fantasiewereld van kinderen. Dreaming of... Fantasy bestaat uit vier losse packs: alpha, elements, papers en solids. En allemaal zijn ze verkrijgbaar voor maar $1 per stuk t/m de 15 augustus.
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It's the 10th of the month and that means that, starting the month, the new Lovely Colors have arrived! It also means that the $1 sale for every single pack runs through the 15th. This month I was inspired by fairytales and the fantasy world of kids. Dreaming of... Fantasy comes in 4 single packs: alpha, elements, papers and solids. And each pack is on sale for only $1 until August 15.
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vrijdag 5 augustus 2016

Dreaming of Independence, Final Days

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Things are changing a little bit over at With Love Studio acoording to the Lovely Colors. Maybe you are used to having them available on the 15th, starting this month (August 2016) they are already available on the 10th! The $1 sale for every single pack will run through the 15th from now on.
This also means the single packs for Dreaming of Independence (my July packs) will be bundled into a full kit. This full kit is available on the 10th of August, before the single packs are gone, they will be back to $1 each. So if you are missing some of them, now is the time to get the single packs, before they are gone! This sale runs through August 9th, so you have to be quick. Just check it out in my shop.
Funny fact: one of the pages I made with these pieces has been chosen to be Gallery Stand Out for today! So if you want you layout to be picked as a GSO, don't forget to upload them the WLS gallery!
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woensdag 20 juli 2016

Last day for Dreaming of Indepence during Lovely Colors sale!

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Today is the last day to get the Lovely Colors for only $1 per pack! So if you have your eye on 1 or more packs... be quick to grab them before they go to their actual price! You can get the Alpha, Elements and Papers of Dreaming of Indepence here in my shop.
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P.S. Besides for all kinds of celebrations, this kit can be used for you picknick layouts as well! Or your backyard grilling adventures. And so much more!

vrijdag 15 juli 2016

Dreaming of Independence

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It's the 15th of the month and that means: new Lovely Colors are released! This month I decided to go the theme 'Independece'. Because not only the USA celebrates their freedom on the 4th, France celebrates their freedom on the 14th. How little did I now about the Nice attack last night during the celebrations for freedom. My thoughts are with the people who were there, the survivors and those who lost a loved one. Just hope everybody around the world has the right to celebrate their independence and freedom!
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Dreaming of Independece is now available in 3 packs: Alpha, Elements and Papers are all sold seperately and are available for only $1 per pack until July 20th!
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donderdag 14 juli 2016

Final day for Dreaming of... Happiness single packs

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On July 15 the new Lovely Colors will go into the shop (that's tomorrow!). And since it's a Friday, it also means the single packs of last month's Lovely Colors will be bundled. Dreaming of Happiness will be added to the shop as a full kit and the single packs will be gone for good. But... before the single packs will be removed, they are back to only $1 for these final days! Grab them while you can, or wait for the full kit to come to my store! Today is the final day to get the single packs!

maandag 11 juli 2016

Final week for Dreaming of... Happiness

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On July 15 the new Lovely Colors will go into the shop. And since it's on a Friday, it also means the single packs of last month's Lovely Colors willbe bundled. Dreaming of Happiness will be added to the shop as a full kit and the single packs will be gone for good. But... before the single packs will be removed, they are back to only $1 for these final days! Grab them while you can, or wait for the full kit to come to my store!

woensdag 15 juni 2016

Dreaming of Happiness, Lovely Colors

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Het is 15 juni en dat betekent dat de nieuwe Lovely Colors de shop in zijn gegaan. De kleuren deden mij denken aan het liedje 'Happy' van Pharell Williams, dus het thema voor deze maand was snel bedacht: Dreaming of Happiness! Tot 20 juni kosten de single packs slechts $1 per stuk.
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It's June 15 and that means the new Lovely Colors did go into the shop. The colors made me think of the song 'Happy' by Pharell Williams, so the theme for this month was brought up quickly: Dreaming of Happiness! Until June 20 every single pack is available for $1 each.
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maandag 13 juni 2016

Sneak peek new Lovely Colors

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On June 15 the new Lovely Colors will go into the shop. Here's a sneak peek. Can you guess the theme? What will we be dreaming of this month?

zaterdag 11 juni 2016

Dreaming of Expression

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Op 15 juni komen de nieuwe Lovely Colors, dus de single packs van mei heb ik nu gebebundeld tot een volledige kit. Dreaming of Expression gaat over jezelf uitdrukken door middel van de kunsten, voornamelijk schilderen. De kit bevat alle single pack en is nu verkrijgbaar in mijn shop. Natuurlijk met korting gedurende de eerste week.
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On June 15 the new Lovely Colors will go into the shop, so I bundled the single May packs into a full kit. Dreaming of Expression is all about expressing yourself through art, mostly painting. The kit contains all single packs and is now available in my shop. Of course it's on sale during the first week.

donderdag 9 juni 2016

Final day for single Dreaming Of Expression Packs!

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On June 15th the new Lovely Colors will go into the With Love Studio shop. That means that next week May's single packs will be packed together and are only available as a full kit. But... before you can only get the full kit of Dreaming of Expression, you now have the chance to get the single packs for only $1 each again. This sale ends on TODAY. After that, the single packs are gone and it is only available as a full kit.

maandag 6 juni 2016

Final week for: Dreaming Of... Expression single packs

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On June 15th the new Lovely Colors will go into the With Love Studio shop. That means that next week May's single packs will be packed together and are only available as a full kit. But... before you can only get the full kit of Dreaming of Expression, you now have the chance to get the single packs for only $1 each again. This sale starts today and ends on Thursday, June 9th. After that, the single packs are gone and it is only available as a full kit.

zondag 15 mei 2016

Dreaming of... Expression

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Vandaag zijn de nieuwe single packs voor de Lovely Colors de shop in gegaan. Geïnspireerd door het plaatje met verf en kwasten dat bij het kleurenpalet zat, heb ik 4 packs gemaakt. Dreaming of... Expression gaat over kunst vanuit het hart (art from the heart), jezelf uitdrukken door middel van de kunsten en natuurlijk over lekker kliederen met verf. Er zijn 4 single packs: alpha, elements, papers en solids en die kosten per stuk maar $1 tot aan 20 mei.
 photo DOE-Romajo-preview-papers_zpsygxi7eaw.jpg photo DOE-Romajo-preview-solids_zpsurjlpjum.jpg
Today the new single packs for the Lovely Colors have gone into the shop. Inspired by the picture of paint and brushes that went with the colorpalette, I made thse 4 packs. Dreaming of... Expression is all about art from the heart, expressing yourself through art and being messy with paint. There are 4 single packs: alpha, elements, papers and solids. Each is on sale for only $1 until May 20th.
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zaterdag 14 mei 2016

Dreaming of... Courage

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Omdat morgen de nieuwe Lovely Colors de shop in gaan, heb ik de single packs van april uit mijn shop gehaald en samengevoegd tot 1 kit. Dreaming of... Courage gaat over sterk zijn in moeilijke tijden, je vleugels uitspreiden en weg vliegen en over het maken van beslissingen die goed voor jou zijn door voor je zelf te kiezen. De kit bevat alle 5 single packs (alpha, elements, quotecards, solids en pattern papers) en is verkrijgbaar met 50% korting gedurende de eerste week.
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Because tomorrow the new Lovely Colors are going into the shop, I bundled April's single pack to a full kit. Dreaming of... Courage is all about being strong in harsh times, spreading your wings and fly away and making decissions that are good for you by choosing you. The kit contains all 5 single packs (alpha, elements, quotecards, solids and patterned papers) and is available with a 50% discount during the first week.

maandag 9 mei 2016

Dreaming of... Courage, final week sale

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It's almost time for the new Lovely Colors (coming on May 15), so the packs from April will be bundled into a full kit. Dreaming Of... Courage will be available on May 13, but from today (May 9) till Thursday (May 12) all single packs are back to only $1 each. Get them before they are only available as a full kit!

zaterdag 16 april 2016

Dreaming of... Frolic

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Nu de nieuwe Lovely Colors er zijn heb ik de single packs van maart samen gevoegd tot 1 volledige kit. Dreaming of... Frolic is dan ook alleen nog maar verkrijgbaar als kit, de single packs zijn uit de shop gehaald. De kit heeft vrolijke lente kleurtjes en is perfect voor de jonge dieren in de wei en kinderen die buiten spelen. Natuurlijk met 50% korting gedurende de eerste week!
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Now that the new Lovely Colors are here, I tuned the single packs from march into a full kit. From now on Dreaming of... Frolic is only available as a full kit, all single packs are removed from the shop. This kit has joyful spring colors and is perfect to scrap about young animals in the meadow and kids playing outside. Of course it's on sale: 50% off for the first week!

vrijdag 15 april 2016

Dreaming of... Courage, April's Lovely Colors

Today is the 15th of the month and that means: new Lovely Colors have arrived at With Love Studio!
This month's colors made me think of butterflies and their courageous transition from caterpillar to butterfly. Of course as a human being we need some courage every now and then as well. Dreaming of... Courage is all about spreading your wings to fly, being brave and strong, and having the courage to stand alone from the crowd. I made 5 single packs this month, each of them is available for only $1 until April 20.
Dreaming of... Courage, Alpha:
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Dreaming of... Courage, Elements:
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Dreaming of... Courage, Papers:
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Dreaming of... Courage, Solids:
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Dreaming of... Courage, Quotecards:
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And a page I made:
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