In my Mad Archmage campaign I have recently found it appropriate to represent the nearby Grey City by inverting Greyhawk Grognard's
reconstruction of Gygaxian Greyhawk, from several sources. However, the players had previously run across a "Street of Most Gods" that did not exist canonically, so I had to take a sparse quarter just south (formerly north) of the Citadel, draw in some buildings, and designate it thus.
"Most Gods" excludes the obviously demonic and Chaotic cults, the beast cults, nature and druidical religions (some have shrines in the park), gods of faraway nations (some shrines in the Foreign Quarter) and various other misfits. The gods themselves are a mixture of historical, fictional, and the best of Greyhawk. Some, like Crom, Ygg and various saints, have a long pedigree across my campaigns.
The key to the Street may also be used as a botherment table. Roll d% on it, with the stipulation that 31-40 involves a vicarious conflict between two or more religions (roll twice, and twice more if 31-40 show up, etc.) A result of 1-30 means you are approached by a proselytizing member of that religion, who makes a morale roll to determine dedication (low: easily dismissed; medium: moderately patient; high: dogged and annoying) and a reaction roll to determine approach (low: overbearing; medium: reasonable; high: ingratiating).
1. The Grey Goddess (One of the two patrons of the city, beloved of the common folk and of those grander folk running for office, she watches over the river
side to the west. Her clergy are not against trade, but tend to support aggressive policies regarding the neighboring towns and regions.)
2. The Lake Goddess (As the Grey Goddess but watching over the lake side, and with a more conciliatory, free-trade politics. Supporters of the two goddesses sometimes come to heated discussion and blows, especially at sporting events and festivals. )
3. Ishtar (Childbirth, motherhood. Propitiated in the practicalities of bearing and raising children.)
4. The Cyprian (Love, sex, prostitution - the latter two of which are carried out as sacraments within. Unspeakable carvings and murals on the temple facade mean that chaste folks often enter the Street through the southern entrances).
5. The Iron God (Metallurgy, endurance. Little is known of this mysterious deity except for the large and curiously stylized iron statue that dwells within.)
6. Arcade of Petty Gods (Storefront chapels, rented by the month. Choose or invent an implausible yet sometimes-useful deity on the spot.)
7. The Sisters Three (Freya, maiden; Urda, mother; Yaga, crone. These are a trinity of Northern goddesses with a grim and fatalistic outlook on life, but nonetheless they help those who deserve it.)
8. Ygg (Knowledge, at any price. This Northern god of caves and valleys exhorts his followers to seek out experience and understanding, but seems to be open to all kind of legends and hearsay. Priests rise in the ranks by telling of seven wonders they have seen since their last elevation, undergoing a physical ordeal that gets tougher as they rise higher.)
9. Crom (Strength and self-reliance. This Northern god is the rival of Ygg and prefers a straightforward approach, being associated with bare skin, big weapons and mountain tops.)
10. Dame Fortuna (Fate and fortune. A remote goddess who supposedly controls all manner of fates, dooms and coincidences. People propitiate her and her insane consort Tirtir of the Wheel, in spite of the general belief that doing so has no effect on the ordainments of the future.)
11. Ralishaz (Bad luck and tragedy. Often an offering to Fortuna will be followed by a visit to this temple, adjacent, to ensure the avoidance of misfortune as well as the courting of good fortune. Invoked in the same spirit as our world invokes Murphy's law.)
12. Diabolic Cathedral (Closed by decree
of the Council, ostensibly because it was being operated as an untaxed saloon, prostibulum and gambling den, in spite of -- or because of? -- its dedication to the netherworld forces that justify Law by tempting man to sin and punishing him for it.)
13. The Reaper (Serenity in death. Opposed to Chaos, demons and the undead but not strictly lawful and more than a little evil. Assassins, morticians, mourners and the suicidal are the congregation. Self-sacrifice is a common rite.)
14. Hextor (Violence, brutality, war. A god of the Great Kingdom, formerly Great Empire, to the east. The cruellest of the three gods of war, worshipped by soldiers and bodyguards.)
15. The Silent God (Commerce and crime. This huge and wealthy temple shows the effect of pitting merchants and thieves against each other to gain the Silent God's favor in their struggle. Together with Grey and Lake Goddesses, one of those deities worshipped chiefly within the Grey City.)
16. Bellona (Strategy, competition, war. A neutral presence worshipped mainly by mercenary officers, as well as by game players, suitors, merchants, and politicians.)
17. Pholtus of the Blinding Light (A Lawful god whose
followers believe other gods don’t exist, and are most intemperate in their fanaticism, especially towards other "backsliding" Law believers.)
18. Hieroneus (The Lawful god of holy war, righteousness, the brother of Hextor and another Great Kingdom god, worshipped by paladins and the self-styled righteous.)
19. St. Cuthbert (A Lawful saint of tradition and
determination, known for a curmudgeonly outlook.)
20. St. Gary (A strange but Lawful cult of
self-knowledge that for a fee will characterize you in terms of "alignment," "abilities," "level" and other abstruse and divisive concepts. Their gospel of success and self-improvement appeals to entrepreneurs and adventurers.)
21. Great Brigid (The patron of sanctified motherhood. She is the Lawful alternative to both Ishtar and the Cyprian and her clergy pushes a judgmental, marriage-and-chastity line heavily.)
22. St. Eulena (A Lawful figure of mercy, all-forgiving, compassionate and nonviolent, which would be great except she expects you to behave the same way.)
23. Celestian (An old and benevolent if remote god, associated with night and stars, cosmic vision, and far
travels. The dome of his temple is an observatory, and the spire a curious structure rumored to be a dock for some kind of aerial vessel; the interior continues the cosmic theme.)
24. Fharlanghn (God of the road and terrestrial
journeys, kind but not lawful. Merchants, teamsters and adventurers honor him. His temple has many entrances, and devotion is shown by walking the paths within correctly.)
25. Tritherea (Goddess of the three beasts, which represent land, sky and sea. She
promotes heroism and freedom, appealing to Robin Hood types and those who stand to benefit from such activity. Viewed as subversive by the Council, the temple stands under constant surveillance and possibly infiltration.)
26. Arcade of Dead Gods (Eerie and mostly deserted enclosed arcade memorializing gods who have died, or at least vacated this plane, due to lack of patronage. Clergy are usually lone individuals who seek to re-awaken the god through group worship.)
27. Arcade of Apocryphal Saints (Maintained by popular contribution and studiously ignored by the Church, this arcade holds chapels to popular but un-canonical religious figures such as SS. Hermas, Eracle, Uncumber, Gumption, Guinefort the Hound, Foutin, Amaro, Santa Muerte, etc.)
28-30: Grand Cathedral of Law: dedicated to the
Spirit of Law, to the Pancreator, and to all canonical saints and
Lawful gods without a separate temple.