Showing posts with label oil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oil. Show all posts

16 April, 2010

3 of 100 "starts"

This is the 3rd of "100 starts"... the reference is from one of the WDEs... I quite like the way this one turned out... The colour notes were not perfect but I did stay away from overdoing the study OR so I think...

1 of 100 "starts"

I am reading a book "Fill Your Oil Painting with Light and Colour" by Kevin MacPherson. Its the first time I am reading a book on painting and applying the lessons to use. One of the things suggested in the book is that you do 100 starts - which means you block the major colours of the subject without getting into any detail. Basic idea here is too build ones judgement of colour of objects and the relation they share with things around. As well as building the speed factor. So here is my first of this series...
I left my camera at my mama's place during a recent visit... so image was taken with mobile camera and quality is not great...
It is a very good book and available for less than inr1000 on!

17 June, 2008

sketch for lady at the bus stop

I had taken the reference picture of this women while travelling in an auto... she was at at the bus stop and looked like she was waiting for nothing... a very stoic expression on her face... Its been 2 months that I keep going back to the photograph and thinking of how to approach the subject... Last night I just felt that it would be good to atleast do a rough sketch... and so pulled out a sketch book and oil colours and made this...

no where close to what my plans are but I have atleast started...

02 February, 2008

cows head

I made this small approx 8.5cms*8.5cms oil on paper for wde hosted by Dominic. This was very quick, took about 25minutes start to finish.... guess it was the old man that helped it get over so fast...
I like the impressionistic style of this work.

06 January, 2008

men at work - wde 04-jan

This is oil on oil paper, size approx 9cms*6cms... very small.
I made this for the wde hosted by Li. It must have taken an hour in total.

17 December, 2006

foggy harbour... where's the fog - wde

Foggy Harbour was painted on 16th dec for wde hosted by JamieWG. This is 15cms*20.5cms, oil on canvas. I was very happy to be able to complete this painting in less than 2hours and am looking forward to take up oils a little seriously now. I now wonder if I should add some clouds since something is amiss in the sky…!


23 June, 2006

doorway - wde

This is one of the paintings that is still wip. But I plan to finish it before its a year from the day I started...
I first started with an idea to paint this in acrylics on paper.

After doing the initial drawing as above, the subject looed promising and so decided to move to canvas.
This is how the final pencil drawing looked on canvas....

I started with acrylics and after doing the ground paint, felt that the details could be handled better with oils... omg! then moved to oils.. and am still trying to move it

I will now post the wips in oil with the final one after completing it.