Showing posts with label Spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spring. Show all posts

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Benji spring pictures

So while my sister Valerie was in town we took Benji out front and snapped some "spring pictures" of him. I , of course, forgot about them until today. So here are some of the cutest ones!!

This is probably the only boy outfit I have ever seen in a store that I just had to have because it is SO cute! Luckily it was on sale so I could actually get it :)
Cool Dude

He's even learning to pose himself!

Sorry, I'm too lazy to turn this right side up :)

"PLECH" And that's what I think of Easter.

Benjamin Joseph 8 mo.

Benjamin Joseph 8 mo.
Great pose

Madelyn Rose- 3 weeks

Madelyn Rose- 3 weeks

Benjamin Jospeh Beacham

Benjamin Jospeh Beacham
Benji 1 day old!