Showing posts with label Total Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Total Eclipse. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A reader question for Meat Loaf...

Dear Meat Loaf,
Why, after saying that you are "tired of words" in Two Out of Three Ain't Bad, does it take you 343 more words to finish what you have to say?
Excellent question, reader*. Did you really count? I'll take your word for it. 
I normally avoid answering reader questions, preferring instead to act as a conduit to the rockers. But in this case I think I can clear things up with just two words: Jim Steinman. Steinman, as you surely know, was the lyricist behind this song and most of Meat's biggest hits. He is also renowned for being just a tad verbose. 
I could provide loads of examples of Steinman's propensity toward wordiness, but one of my favorites is the 1983 chart-topper Total Eclipse of the Heart, written by Jim and sung, of course, by Bonnie Tyler.
Several months back a friend hipped me to the "literal video version" of Total Eclipse. I've been looking for a plausible excuse to post it ever since. I guess today is my lucky day. Bless you, Jim Steinman. This vid has had 7 million viewers on youtube, so there's a good chance you've seen it. If not, you're in for a treat. Thanks to Beth for passing it along and remember readers...never let your meat loaf.

Got a question for a classic rocker? Send it in and we'll pass it along.
Lyrics to Two Out of Three Ain't Bad here.
Literal Bonnie Tyler here...

* I normally identify readers by initials, but I seem to have misplaced the name. If the submitter of this question would be so kind as to email me his/her name, I'll update this post to give credit where due. Thanks!