Showing posts with label organization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organization. Show all posts
Sunday, December 13, 2015

My Favorite Things - Giveaway and Blog Hop 2015

Favorite Things Graphic
Today we are throwing  a big, humongous bash to celebrate YOU!
Last year we blogged about our favorite non-school related things, this year we have decided that we will share with you our favorite school things! So here we go:
I absolutely LOVE the app SeeSaw. It is an online student journal that the kids use to show their learning. I have the kids read their writing on it. That lets me take a closer look at the writing and not have to carry a bunch of papers home. I can also make comments using the talk to text feature, or even record an audio comment for them to listen to. I use it for assessment and I'm able to check for understanding quickly. I can also check on kids who can sometimes slip through the cracks. I had the kids tell me what an adjective is and one little girl recorded that an adjective was "a person, place, or thing." I was able to correct her misunderstanding quickly and then follow up with her the next day at school. Another app I use with SeeSaw, is Shadow Puppet Edu. It is a very basic 'movie-making' app. (It's really a slideshow that you can record your voice over.) It's very easy to use and the kids can use it independently (once you've showed them how.) Below, I tried to show you some of the features and I've even included a couple of videos to show how I've used it.
This video is a little long, but you can get the idea of how awesome this app is in the first minute or two.
This video will show you how the kids used Shadow Puppet Edu to share their books.

  1. Take a picture of each page of the book.
  2. Open the Shadow Puppet Edu app and create a new project.
  3. Choose your pictures in order from the camera roll.
  4. Hit record and read your book. When you are done with that page, you just arrow to the next page until you are finished with the book. 
  5. Then, you can just 'share' your video with SeeSaw and put it in your folder for your teacher to see. (I set my SeeSaw so I have to approve everything that goes on.) So COOL!

I like the saying "Creative minds are never neat," because it give me an excuse! However, even we creatively messy people need to know where things are! I have 6 of these 'small parts organizers' to help me keep organized. I have one with small drawers for my reward cards. There are 2 sets of drawers with medium size drawers for small school supplies like paper clips, staples, Sharpies, Command Hooks, etc. Another one of the organizers has a combination of medium and small drawers for some of the overflow. I keep some of the prizes in these drawers (like the gum for the Hubba Bubba reward.) The large organizers hold shoe box sized boxes. I have a drawer for my label maker and cords, another for tools (yes screwdrivers, razor blades, etc.) I even have a drawer for personal items. This drawer is the best because there is always something you need in there. I have chap stick, eye drops, hair bands, glasses, Aleve, dental floss, an name it, I probably have it! I wish I would've had these a long time ago. 
Oh, and the most important part is you need to put them in ABC order. That way, you can find things once you've put them away. (If you know your ABCs, that is!)

 I just LOVE using my math mysteries with my kiddos and they love reading them too!
It's a fun way to incorporate reading comprehension with math problem solving. One thing I like to do is use different grade level versions with my class. Then, I put the same cover on the outside and no one is the wiser! One part of the class may be doing the third grade book and the other part may be doing the second grade book, but they both have the 2nd (or 3rd) grade cover.
Once again we want to treat you all to our favorite things!!! Check out these great prizes!





Enter the Rafflecopter to win this prizes!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Come and visit my other teacher friends' blogs for their favorite websites, organization tips and much more!

Link to link up

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Preparing for New Students Throughout the Year

This year, I have an unusually small class which is so nice! However, when you have the smallest class, you will be receiving the new students throughout the year. To help me prepare for the new students to come, I packed up my 'Little Red Reading Bags' (aka seatsacks) with all the goodies my new little munchkins would need to get started at their new school. Some of the items included are:

  • responsibility folder
  • journals
  • lunch stick
  • pencil sharpener
  • behavior chart clip
  • welcome pencil
  • birthday card, sticker, etc.
  • headphones
  • workbooks
  • 'thick' questions ring
  • bookmark . . .and the list goes on. 
As I go through the year, I add other items that will be needed. Of course, everything won't fit in the bag, so I put a list with other items that need to be made/included. I like to have this list because there are several items I need to make on my computer.
I hope you are having a great school year. I can't believe it is November already! Have a great week!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Classroom Organization Made Easy!

A few years ago, I begged my principal to let me get rid of my desks and use tables in my classroom. She finally said yes! That being said, I needed some way for the kids to store their items. Enter the Seat Sack! This seat sack has help get my kids organized. . .a place for everything and everything in its place! Instead of just getting the Seat Sacks, I decided on the organizer set. I've got lots of ideas for all my new organization items. I LOVE using my book bags for my buddy reading during stations. I was using another kind of bags for read to someone in the past, but the kids kept putting things away in the wrong place. These bags have a card in a pocket so the kids can match the bag with the page inside.

And, there's more! I have pencil cases and Hand-e-Sacks to help me with more organization in my room. Here's what I'm thinking. My kids have their own writing journals. They use different colors of pens and highlighters for different stages of the editing and revising process. These pouches will be perfect to keep these items together. The Hand-e-Sacks are going to be great in so many ways. I will be organizing word work activities, my reading group materials, my pens, markers, almost anything. No more baskets or cups falling on the floor!
How do you organize your classroom? If you have some pics, leave a link so we can check it out!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Back to School and Organize!

Well, I'm officially in the 'getting ready for school' mode and I feel like I'm spinning a little out of control. Although I enjoyed my time traveling, it's time to get organized. The first thing I had to do? Make a list, of course! Well, I actually had to make 4 lists . . . 

How many lists do you have? If you don't have one . . . what are you waiting for? It will help you get going and help you stay on task! Now, you have to just fill in your tasks and stick to your list!

Want more great tips on helping you get organized? I was fortunate enough to be included in {The Organized Classroom Magazine}! I'm officially a published author! This issue is chocked full of great ideas from tons of awesome teachers! I know I've gotten lots of great tips from it. You should check it out!

Talk to you soon . . . I promise to post more than I  have lately!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Organizing Book Clubs with Clipboards

I have my kids doing book clubs this week and I thought I'd show you how I keep the kids organized. 

I went to the Dollar Tree a few years ago to get some clipboards to use in my class. Of course, I couldn't just use plain brown clipboards. I used some of the millions of scrapbook stickers I have left over from one of my summer projects, and decorated the backs of the clipboards. Then I painted over them with Modge Podge. I digress . . . My kids choose one of the boards and put their book club forms and books on them.

The clipboards also have a ring of 'THICK' questions on them. This allows the kids to quickly refer to them when asking questions during their meetings.

If you are using book clubs in your room, this might be the answer to some of organizational nightmares you might be having! If you aren't running book clubs yet, check them out. This {packet} can get you up and running in no time!    

Only a few more hours to enter the pencil sharpener giveaway! Be sure to enter {here}!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Center Organization Linky...How Do You Keep it All Together?

Janaya at the Lesson Plan Diva is having a Linky Party for ways to organize learning games and other materials. AND Lorraine at Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies is having a Linky Party for other organizational tips! You should see the idea for THOSE know the ones I am talking about! I swear I once found an entire outfit that a girl had stuck in her desk! Ugh! 

I thought I would show you a couple of ways that I organize. One of my favorite ways is to use these hanging bags from Really Good Stuff. I use them for writing materials, books and CDs, and station activities. The cool thing is that you can take the bags and put them where you need them. I hang them on the bottom of the tables so that they are ready for the kids and don't take up tons of table space.

Of course, I still use baskets, baby wipe boxes, and any other container I can get my hands on...

Oh...and one of my new ways to organize is 3 ring binders...That has really gotten me organized...and I'm not the best at organizing!

Be sure to share your organization tips at


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Guided Math Games...How I Got Organized

Setting up my games for guided math was quite a task. I wanted to make sure that my students didn't choose the same games over and over, and I also didn't want to have game pieces strung all over the room. So this is what I did.

I should also let you know that I decided to only do the math groups on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. This allows me time to introduce any new games for the week and teach a lesson on Monday. On Friday, we review the skills from the week, do our Super Star math problems, and play math games that reinforce the skills from the week.  So...On to how I got going with the guided math games...

First of all, I found all sorts of plastic containers that I just knew I was going to need someday...See honey...I did use them! I put all the pieces that would be needed to play a particular game in its own container.  Some games came in their own box and I just left those alone. 

I then put a colored dot on each shelf of a 3-shelf rolling cart. The games with a green dot on them go on the top shelf...Yellow dot on the middle shelf...Red dot on the bottom shelf. The children choose a different shelf each day...It doesn't matter which day, but they are responsible for all 3 shelves. This way, they are playing a variety of games. The bottom shelf is made up of individual games. The other 2 shelves are partner games.

I gave the kids a schedule card so they can keep track of the shelf they are on...but I'm not too happy with the way it looks yet, or I would show it to you!  Well, I hope this helps you get organized for your guided math groups. I was really happy with the way things worked out this past week. Just remember...You have to make this work in your situation...there is more than one way to make this work.

Remember to check out this Guided Math blog for TONS of AWESOME ideas!  She's been doing this way longer than me!

Have a great Monday!

Don't forget to sign up for the Target gift card giveaway! You could be the next lucky winner!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Rocket Math Rocks!

Math facts used to be one of the parts of math that I dreaded...and I'm sure my kids did too! Well, not anymore! We now use a program called Rocket Math. This math program has made all the difference in the world!

The only problem I had with it is the amount of paper that is my YouTube video that shows my solution to this problem in action. Here are some pics of my organization of Rocket Math and how it works for me. 

These are the binders where I keep all of the placement tests,
1 minute timed tests, and 2 minute timed tests.
I also ran each page back to back so that there were actually
2 tests per page. That way, I only have to actually trade pages
every other time a child passes a test.
These pages then go into a plastic 3-prong folder with a
heavy-duty page protector in it. The quiz to be tested on is
on one side and the answers are on the back. The tests are
lettered A-Z for addition and subtraction, A-W for multiplication,
and A-X for division. The students are given a rocket with
these letters to keep track of their progress.
This is the back of the page protector. Two kids hold the
page in between them to practice the problems. (see video)

As the students pass levels,
they move their clothespin
down the rocket, until they
blast the next operation!

You can start organizing your Rocket math now. Click the pics to get started!


Rock on with Rocket Math!

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